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2023-08-16 08:44:41

How To Delete Instagram Account Permanently on Android & iPhone _ 2023

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Hey , what's going on guys in this year ?

If you have decided to delete your Instagram account permanently to get a life or if you want to delete your additional accounts , then process it's quite easy .

But before you delete your account , you should know that you will lose all of your Instagram data .

If you don't download a copy of all the data to delete your Instagram account , you need to go to Instagram app of course and then tap on your profile icon and then go to this hamburger menu and go to settings and then type on account option on Android devices .

You won't find any option to delete your account .

But on I Os or iphone , you will find an option to delete your account on Android .

Go back and tap on help option and then go to help center .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Now you have to search for delete account and then type on first link , delete your Instagram account and Instagram will suggest you to temporarily deactivate your account but be strong and delete your account permanently .

Now , if you want , you can download a copy of all of your Instagram data including photos and videos .

Now type on this link , Instagram dot com .

Delete Instagram from mobile browser or computer and then type on delete your account this link .

Now you will get this page .

You have to select a reason why you are deleting your account , select privacy concern , of course and enter your Instagram password .

Now type on delete your account that is delete your ID and then type on , ok .

Now Instagram will schedule your account deletion after 30 days .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

You don't have to log in within 30 days .

Otherwise you will get an option to activate your account again .

So control yourself for 30 days and then you will get a live .

Now , let's say Instagram changes their U I and the option to delete your account is hidden or you don't find that option , then you can go to this deletion link .

The link is in the video description .

You can open this link on any device on any browser .

So you just have to go to this link and log into your Instagram account and you can open this link on any device , whether it is Android I OS or your computer .

And on any browser select a reason why you are deleting and then put your password .

So once you visit this link , you will get this deletion page directly and then tap on delete your account and then it will continue your account for a deletion after 30 days .

And if you are using I US or iphone devices , then process is quite easy .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Just type on your profile icon and go to hamburger menu and then tap on settings .

Now go to account option and then scroll down to find delete account option on android .

You won't find this option , but I us has this feature .

And after that process is the same , you just have to select a reason why you are deleting your account and then put your password and then it will get you account for deleted and that's all for this video guys .

I hope this helps and you get a live .

Thanks for watching , hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe .

Also , press the bell icon to get notified about new videos and I will see you in my next video .


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