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2023-08-15 20:47:53

Atlas OS Windows Showcase & Installation GUIDE! (Windows _BUT_ Optimized for Gaming)

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Hello , guys .

I'm welcome back to another video and today's video I'll be showing you guys how to install Atlas .

And also , I'm gonna be showcasing it , giving you guys some pointers .

Um , and tell you why you should use Atlas .

Uh , but if you already know what Atlas is and you just want to get started installing it , there's a time stamp on the screen right now which you can skip to , Um but yeah , let's get Let's get let's get started with , uh , showcasing it .

OK , so we actually have the Atlas OS website , which is atlas OS dot net .

You guys can go to this .

Um , but essentially , you just download it and you can download the latest version .

You can also view our change log down here .

Uh , you guys can check out what has been made .

We have a couple of builds .

Um , but you can only download the latest version .

Um , but we do also do have a github , which is , uh , clickable down here at the bottom .

Um , which gives a much more detailed explanation of why you should use Atlas .

Um , but essentially , um So Alice is pre tweeted .

We've done almost everything to squeeze out the most performance and minimise latency and input lag .

Uh , we've done this by doing the following .

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So we have a custom power plan , uh , which I'm also running Atlas .

So I have that enabled right now .

Uh , you have We have We've minimised services , so that means the system latency is gonna be a lot less .

And for people who are running back , like worse systems , like , really laggy , um , old components , Um , then FPs is going to be a big part of having one of my services .

Um , so this is a This is a really important thing .

Um , we've also disabled any useless drivers and anything that's like , really , really old systems .

Um , we disable devices that aren't being used .

This is also good for system latency .

Um , and also input lag .

So we've done that .

We've also disabled power saving , so we're making sure that nothing is being disabled to save power .

Um , if you guys are on a laptop , then you probably should look at a different alternative because this is strictly for gaming .

Um , and that's the only thing that we are aiming to achieve .

We disabled any performance hungry security mitigation .

So such as Windows Defender , that is completely stripped .

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Um , it means you can get a lot less CP usage because Windows defender does take up quite a lot of CPU .

Um , we've automatically enabled M SI mode .

So that's for your graphics card .

Um , and like your USB port stuff like that , uh , your boot .

The boot configuration is optimised , so the installation for Atlas is a lot faster .

Um , there's a lot less to install as well .

So Atlas is only 1.5 gigabytes or so , Like around that , Maybe a little bit higher .

Um , but compared to like , I think it's like I'm not 100% sure on this , but it's around eight gigabytes .

Uh , that normal windows is , but that's because it's packing all the other versions as well .

Um , So , um , we also have , um we've optimised process scheduling , so your CPU is gonna be able to prioritise open apps in our background apps .

Uh , so this is also very important .

So you guys can also see the source here .

So we've included all the source here in case you are not trusting , um , Atlas And we also have the modules here , too .

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Um , and also , there is all the credits over here , in case you want to check them out .

And we also have the atlas disc or which is linked to the description .

In case when you're installing it and you become you having any issues , we can help you , Uh , do not .

Do not be afraid to ask the community .

Um , as it says community run or what you can do is you can create a ticket in case you have an actual , uh , an issue with , uh , an app is coma is not compatible .

And you and you want to get that fixed , that we can look into it and help you out and even release a new build where that is fixed .

Also , make sure to follow us on Twitter .

We don't use it much , but we do appreciate it .

So go ahead and do that too .

So now you're probably wondering , um so how do we as a viewer know that it's actually working ?

So I have a , um I'm gonna put a benchmark on the screen right now , so I'm gonna be comparing normal windows to Atlas .

You guys can see that there is a lava triangle benchmark , and basically higher is better , and lower is worse .

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So Atlas does a lot better than normal windows at handling the the lava triangle , which is just processing .

Um , a lot of data to be shown on your screen .

Uh , so this also will be applies to any game .

It doesn't matter what game you are going to play on Atlas .

It's always gonna perform better than normal windows .

And you're also probably gonna perform better if you're playing competitively because you have a lot less system latency and your input lag is basically not there , which is really , really good .

So yeah , now I'm gonna move on to the installation guide .

Um , so if you haven't already leave a like on this video share atlas with your friends , Uh , because we are really are trying to make something which is a lot better for gamers for free .

Anyway , we'll see you guys now , OK , so this is gonna be the USB installation guide , which you will need a USB , which will have to be at least , um , at least two gigabytes in size kind of anything above that , then that's going to be completely fine .

So first thing you want to obviously go ahead and down Atlas , which you have the ISO .

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Uh , next you want to go ahead and install a Rufus , or you can use or you can extract it manually .

But I'm gonna be using Rous first tutorial .

Do you want to go ahead and download it ?

You want to open it up , as you guys can see .

Now you want to select the device , so I'm gonna be selecting my USB stick .

Um , you then also need to select the IO , which I'm gonna do right now .

So as you guys can see now , I have Atlas loaded .

Uh , so now what we're gonna be doing is we'll be managing the petitions scheme .

So what you want to do is you want to open up C MD ?

Uh , when you have C MD open , you want to do disc parts , Um , and then you want to do list disc .

And when you've done that , you guys can see that your your disc is GP T .

Now you want to figure out which one that is .

So if you open up this , you can see both your disc .

So my C drive is only 500 gigabytes , so that would have to be my disc one .

Um , my hard drive is 931 so it must be my disc zero .

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So what you want to do is if you don't have G PC , What you guys can do is you can do MBR , and you can do it that way .

Um , I don't recommend that I would rather do GP T .

And what you can do is you can translate your disc into a GP T , and we will do that later on in in the installer .

What ?

I mean later on in the installer .

I mean , when you've booted onto your USB stick to start the installation on of windows , you would then clean your drive and then convert it into the GP T um , partition scheme .

Um , and then that way you can easily install onto that .

Um , but yeah , that's that's what we're gonna do .

So , uh , this can also say the same .

You can change the volume label .

This is just gonna change the name of your your USB stick .

So change if you want to , um , you can keep this as default and then you want to go ahead and press start .

Now again , it's gonna warn you and say that all day on the device will then be destroyed So everything is going to be cleared and it's gonna put on the Windows files .

So go ahead and wait for that to run .

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Once it says ready right here like this , then that means you're good to go , and you can then go on to that next step .

So in the next step , what we want to do is we want to boot into your IV or boot selection , um , menu .

Or you can boot into the UEF I so into your bias , and you can boot into your your USB stick .

That way , if you don't know how to do this , then we have a little , um , a little shutdown dot EXC command , which you can put in your run box .

It automatically boots you onto the place where you can select your media , which you want to boot onto , Um , so you want to copy this , which will be in the description and you want to paste it in your box and then press OK and your system will restart Now , as you're restarting , you're going to have the menu of the boot selection .

You want to select your USB stick , and then once you've selected your your USB , stick from wherever your boot sequence is or anything like that .

Um , if you do need help with this again , join a discord .

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All What you can do is you can search up how to , uh , boot onto a USB stick and then put your computer name or your motherboard model or anything like that , and it should come up with any images on , like , Google or go or anything like that .

Uh , you can see where you need to go , um , because it's different for everyone .

But you want to be on to your USB stick , so you're gonna be granted with this menu .

Now , once you've done this , you just want to press next , next , next , and you'll come to all of your drives .

Um , once you're at all of your drives , you want to , um , format .

Basically clear your drive , which has windows on it .

So you should have remembered which one was your Windows drive .

Normally , it's gonna to be dis zero or the one that says system , Um , next to it as the label of the volume .

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So now what you want to do is you want to hold shift on your keyboard and press F 10 , then AC MD is gonna pop up , and what you want to do is you want to do what we've done before , which is gonna be dis part one word DISKP a RT .

And then it's gonna open up disc partition .

And then what you want to do is you want to do list disc IST space DISK .

Then it's gonna come up with all your discs , and you want to select the one which you want to completely clear Now what we said before about the GP T , um is then gonna apply here .

Now you want to select your disc that you want to clear , So you're going to do SEL .

So sell and then dis zero or whichever disc you want to , uh , want to select so SEL space DISK space zero .

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Then when you've selected your disc , you want to , uh , then clean it So you're just gonna type clean So CLEAN once you have entered that and it's now clean cleans , you're gonna have no data on that .

So any data that was on that drive is going to be cleared now , What you want to do If it was not GP T before you want to do convert space GP T so CONVE RT space GP T and it's gonna convert it into the GP T partition scheme .

And then you are good to go .

So you wanna You wanna close the C MD and you want to click the little refresh button where you can see all your discs and it's gonna refresh it .

And it's gonna show your disc without any new volumes and you will just see one .

Now what you want to do is you want to select that one and click next , and then you've completed the first bit of the installation .

So now you've successfully installed Atlas .

Make sure when it's boosted up , it's gonna open .

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AC MD do not close the C MD , and it's gonna apply the tweaks wait for it to restart , and then you've got your system good to go .

You can also skip to the post install um , part of this video , which I'm gonna show you guys the scripts and talk you through with each one does .

OK , so now we're moving on to the non USB guide .

If you don't have a USB or you can't afford one or you don't know where to get one , then this is going to be helping you .

And also , you won't lose any files with this one , as all it's going to be doing is going to be creating two boot versions of windows .

So the one you already have on your computer , um and then it's gonna have outlasts as well .

Um , so you will need this software right here .

Um , so go ahead and download it .

It will be in the description , if you if you if you don't want to download it , then you can also do it through normal windows .

But I won't be showing that in this video .

So go ahead and download this , um and then just download it and run it .

Um , and then you'll be greeted by this window here .

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So what you want to do is you want to select your SSD wherever you want to install windows onto , you have to allocate at least 30 gigabytes , so make sure that you have at least 30 gigabytes , at least 30 gigabytes of storage on your drive where you want to install windows .

So I'm gonna be selecting my SSD because I don't want to install it on my hard drive , and I right click You're gonna click resize , um , and then you're going to be un allocating around 30 gigabytes .

It doesn't matter , or you can do more .

It really does not matter .

Um , it just depends on if you're going to be , um , deleting the old version of our windows as you're moving on to Atlas , um , which you should definitely do .

So you don't have double windows on your computer .

So , I , I have 45 gigabytes unallocated .

Right now , I'm gonna go ahead and press , OK , um , and then with this unallocated space , you then want to create a new volume .

Um , we'll be naming Atlas .

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Um , as as that's what we're gonna be installing , and I'm gonna OK , now , once that is done , you are not done yet .

You need to go ahead and press commits .

Um , so now you need to close close .

Close all of our applications .

Um , so just press .

OK .

Um , this operation might be completed and be restarting the computer .

I restart right now .

Obviously , I'm gonna press .

No , because I do not want to restart my computer .

If you want to go ahead and do that and then you have a a drive , which will be right here .

So then come back to this video if you have restarted , and then we can continue .

So now what we're gonna be doing is we're going to be getting this batch script , which is in the description .

You wanna right ?

Click it , run it as administrator , and it's gonna ask you for the full path of the IO .

So I put my IO on my desktop , which I can then right , click it .

And then if you go to properties , you can then see the location .

If you want to copy and paste this one into there , Um , I don't have a backslash on my keyboard , so I'm just gonna go and copy this one here , Um , and then you want to put the name on the ISL like that ?

So now you have that .

You can then go and press enter .

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It's gonna error for me , but it should be all good for you .

Uh , This is because I'm on on Atlas and it's actually stripped .

Um , so it will still work all fine .

But now you'll see a new drivers appeared on your PC .

Which driver letter does it have ?

So you can go onto this PC and a new drive will appear and it's not going to be the same one as we made in our partition software .

It's gonna be a new one which you haven't seen before .

It's gonna ask for the letter .

So that's gonna be my for as an example , my UB stick is the E .

You would then get the letter of whichever was created and type it in here to say it was F .

You type F and press enter , and then it would work .

And you would then be restarted into the installation for Windows and you would go through all of that .

Um , and then you would you know , you you would be set .

You'll be on Atlas .

It will restart automatically .

Um , as you will have to go through the tweak supplying stage .

Um , but then you should be all good .

Now , bear in mind .

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If you do restart your system , it will appear by asking you which windows you want to open .

Um , as you do have , technically , two windows installed .

Um , So what I recommend is you go on to the atlas version of Windows , Uh , which will pop up at the restart .

Um , Then what you do is you move all your files you want to keep from the way from your main windows that you used to have on to Atlas .

And then what you can then do is use the same partition software that we used before to then delete that partition , which you had old windows on .

So then you only have a and you're good to go .

Then once you've deleted that , you can then make that , uh , make your normal make atlas larger .

So then you're using all of your desk , and there isn't just like a bunch of unallocated space .

That's all for the non the USB stick guide .

And now we're going to go on to the post installation guide .

OK , so now you've installed Atlas , and now this is going to be the post installation guide .

So you will see a a nice little folder on here called Atlas , which will be on your desktop .

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When you launch , you can then open this and there is some some little folders here and also some links to our discord and wallpapers .

You may want to use , uh , some documentation and also the issues placed in case you have any issues with Atlas .

Um , so I'm gonna go through the registry folder right now .

Um , so in case you want to , um , enable Bluetooth because it's actually disabled by default , we have that there .

Then we also have , uh , DEP , which you can search up what it is here .

Um , it's recommended to enable DEP in case you're playing valour .

Because otherwise the valour and the cheat will not load , which means you can't play valour .

And I think that's for some other apps too .

So you might want to enable this one .

we also have a full screen .

Uh , I recommend to keep this , uh , disabled , but you can also look it up .

Uh , you have , uh , hard drives , um , enable Pre fetching or disabling it , disabling pre fetching and enabling it .

You also have notifications in case you want to enable them .

We have power for sleep .

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Stay search indexing start menu if you want to unlock it and add to icons like this , um , we also have the store , in case you want to disable that .

We have UWP .

Uh , we have WiFi and stuff .

And also on our new version .

We also have Xbox , in case you want to , uh , disable any of the Xbox apps as well .

Um , so that's the That's the first bit .

Uh , we also have the tools .

Uh , so we have the archive .

We have some links here .

Uh , recommend you to install seven .

Of course .

A browser .

We have some browsers here .

Recommend Firefox .

So now we have drivers .

We have GP U driver , which can be like a MD in video drivers , which you can just do manually .

Uh , we also have NV clean store .

So if you have an NVIDIA graphics card , you can clean install it , uh , which means he's gonna strip any other bloatware and anything .

You don't want to be installed .

So you do shadow play , you can remove it .

It's very good .

You'd recommend it 100% .

And then we have snappy driver installer , which we're gonna move on to right now .

So snappy .

Driver .

Install origin is going to be in the description .

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You want to download it and then extract it .

You don't want to run the 64 1 R as an administrator , and it's gonna open up like this so you can select .

Um , so it won't be like this .

Uh , this is because it's already got my index downloaded .

I could delete it , but I'm just going to go for it right now .

Uh , when you when you open this for the first time , it's gonna it's gonna give you a dialogue and it's gonna say Like , um , it's gonna ask you if you want to do indexing if you want to download all the drivers and stuff like that or any of the Internet ones , you want to do the index , which is gonna be the third option .

So you wanna click that and then download all the indexing it only take around a minute , and then you'll be met with all of your drivers , which you have on your computer .

So you want to select which one you want to say .

I want to update my check brio .

Um , so there are some for my , um my Internet driver , uh so I can select one , and then I can click install right here .

It's then gonna download it , and then after it's downloaded , it's then gonna install it , and then you should be all good from there out .

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So hope you guys did enjoy this video .

If you did leave a like , make sure to , uh , join the discord for Atlas and description .

If you have any questions , you can ask it there .

We also have a ticket system so you can request help if you need any .

Uh , but yeah , I hope you guys enjoyed this .

Leave a like all that good stuff and see you guys in the next one .

Goodbye .


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