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2023-08-15 20:50:56

Cleaner App for Instagram - How to Remove Ghost_Inactive Followers

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It's a sauna in my bedroom right now .

Summer is killing me .

I've got about 20 minutes to film this before I pass out .

What's up , guys ?

Alec Here and today I'm gonna show you how you can remove inactive and ghost followers from your instagram profile .

So basically , there are a lot of accounts that follow you on instagram that are no longer active or they don't like your stuff whatsoever .

So basically , they don't bring you any real value other than the fact that they increase the number of followers you have .

But , I mean , if you're using Instagram to promote a product that you're trying to sell , those followers are never gonna buy it .

I mean , half are never going to even like your stuff or even comment on your stuff or even see any of your posts .

So , yeah , basically , inactive followers and ghost followers are no use .

Besides making your follower number look bigger .

Now , many people who focus on quality over quantity are looking to remove these inactive followers in order to make their audience smaller , but yet more engaging and active .

I mean , the main reason why you would want to remove these ghost followers from your instagram profile is so that you can boost your engagement rate on instagram .

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This will be particularly for influencers who are trying to look more appealing towards brands and businesses that are going to audit your profile before working with you .

Now , in order to remove these inactive followers , you first need to identify who they are Now .

There's essentially two ways to do this now .

The first method is to use an app .

There are a number of apps out there that will help you identify inactive and ghost followers on your profile and help you remove them .

And the second way to do it is to manually look through all of your followers to see if they like your posts or not , and to see if their account actually has any posts on it themselves .

Because a lot of accounts that do follow you will end up being spam accounts or just BOT accounts trying to promote something so they're never actually going to engage with your content .

It's very likely that they're not actually real people , since the latter method of identifying followers is lengthy and hard , I highly recommend using the first method , which is to use an app or a tool to help you identify and remove these inactive and ghost followers .

So the question is , what app to use now There are many out there , but I highly recommend the clean app .

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This is made by Novas soft , the same people who made the app captivate , which is just shut down .

But don't worry , the cleaner app is still up and running , so this app is going to help you check your followers for in active users , and then it's going to help you delete them from your followers list .

So let me grab my phone and I'm going to show you exactly how it's done .

OK , so the first thing you're gonna want to do is to go into the APP store , obviously and search cleaner .

And then it's going to be called cleaner for IG , and this is the logo for it .

This is on the APP store .

It's for I OS , and it's also available for Android .

I'm pretty sure it is available for Android , so once you do it , you download it .

As you can see , I'd already downloaded it before hit download .

Once it's downloaded you open it , then you've just got to accept notifications .

And then you've also got to read the terms and conditions .

It basically says that this is the free version that you can get a pro upgrade and they basically briefly explain how the app works and what data they'll need .

Now , you will need to log in with your instagram user name and password .

This is pretty obvious .

So let me just log in right here .

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This is for one of my accounts that I'm currently testing things out for , um I share social media news on that account .

I'm planning on making it a bigger thing later on .

Um , but that account has quite a few inactive and ghost followers .

So there is a difference between inactive and ghost followers , according to this app .

So if I go to the help centre , I'm just going to quickly show you the definition .

So here it says that ghost users include accounts that have never liked or commented on your latest 50 posts and then in active users include accounts that have zero posts or no activity in the last 90 days .

So what you want to do is then you want to go into the main tab , which is your followers , you click quick , select and then you tap advance quick , select at the bottom , and you choose between either select ghost followers or select inactive followers .

And then , out of all the followers displayed , it's going to process all of them and then select the ones that are ghost or inactive followers .

And then they're selected .

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Once you've done that , you hit actions at the top and then you want to click , unlock and unblock .

Now you could just permanent .

They block them .

But I like blocking them and unblocking them because what this does is when you block someone , they unfollow you , and then when you unblock them , their follow doesn't come back .

But if they're active in the future , they could still potentially follow you if they want to .

Once you've done that , you hit .

Start now and then it will start processing all of them once it's completed , the amount of actions that the APP allows you to do and it will ask you if you want to add them to the cloud queue or the local queue , and basically this is where you need to upgrade your app .

Cloud Q is really useful .

It basically does the actions every hour .

But I think automatically without you having to go back onto the app or without you having to have it open , I'm pretty sure So , yeah , that's the video .

That is how you remove inactive and ghost followers from your account .

Shout out to this guy for requesting it in the comments .

And if you want to see me make a video about a certain topic , let me know in the comments section below .

If you enjoyed this video and you thought it was helpful , hit the like button and again , guys , as always , I really appreciate it .

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Thank you for watching .

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