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2023-08-16 09:22:11

How to Make Fresh Homemade Pasta in 10 Min

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Small .

Yeah .

Yeah , you gotta remember that people were very , were very poor many years ago .

So the only thing that they had it was water , flour .

You're done .

You're done .

You're done .

You're fired .

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Welcome back to my new series .

I'm going to travel all America to taste and teach you the best Italian food .

So hopefully you like watch until the end because it's gonna be really interesting here today .

I'm in Newport Beach , California .

It's going to be outstanding because you're going to learn and I'm going to taste and see at the end if this is gonna be a real good restaurant , Italian good restaurant .

So let's go ahead .

Enjoy this video .

Let's go .

Hello , Sandro .

Nice to meet you .

Nice to meet you .

Everybody's been talking a lot about this restaurant .

So I'm so excited like you can see to taste your pasta .

Well , you're in the right place .

I know that you guys have pizzas and everything , but I'm here , first of all to teach them and , uh , myself how to make the pasta homemade .

Thank you for coming over .

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Now , let's go in the kitchen .

Let's go get our hands dirty .

I'll show you how to make pasta and we'll show them how to make pasta .

OK .

Let's , let's go .

Let's go .

Are you ready to make some pasta ?

My friend , I ready I bone right .

We have two different flowers .

I have a double zero and then we have a which means that it's a very fine .

So in case you don't find the , you can use a regular flo , that's what I was about to say .

So we have uh we will start , we make two different pastas .

One is from uh northern .

So from we're gonna make and the other one is from uh your hometown to , of course , guys , we are in , we have to make something from Sandro here .

It's is going to show us how to make the real deal , how to make pasta in the easy is possible way .

So from today on , don't go to the restaurant , make your pa just joking .

No , they one of the best restaurants .

So today you're going to learn how to make the pasta .

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So what we need for this one , very simple .

So in both cases , we need flour and water , 100 25 mg of water and , and 250 g of flour .

OK .

Sandro .

So show me how to make the pasta .

And then after you made it , I have to sit down , enjoy this pasta and judge , let's do it .

So we start with the same with the double zero flour .

We put on the counter .

OK .

And we create a little , well , let's call it well .

OK .

So then with a fork , we add the water a little bit at the time .

Ok .

And we make sure that we incorporate the water little by little , little by little .

OK .

So basically we have to incorporate all the , all the water , correct ?

So , Sandra , how , when did you open this restaurant ?

This restaurant I opened in uh November uh 2018 .

So the end of November 2018 just prior to the pandemic .

So you are bringing the authenticity to the table , correct ?

Because I see you're doing like uh my grandmother used to do .

Yeah .

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So all our pastas , they are all made in house .

So obviously , we have scratch from scratch .

We have an extruder to make spaghetti , which you cannot make by hand .

We have uh we have all those pastas here that are on the menu and we all make with extruder .

So basically on a daily basis , we make almost £20 every day of pasta .

And this is simple , just two ingredients .

This is very , this is very simple .

So this is a pasta that everybody is gonna be able to make .

You know , good thing is no eggs .

How come is no eggs ?

Because this is uh to remember that people were very , they were very poor many years ago .

So the only thing that they had it was water flour .

That's it check his uh Instagram .

Uh what's the name of the Instagram ?

Uh We have , we have uh by and then we have uh chef sand so you can follow on .

Let's go .

Let's go ahead .

Let's make the dough .

Let's turn your hands .

This process is gonna take a few minutes .

Yes .

OK .

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Sandro , how did you start to , to how you became a chef ?

How did I become a chef ?

This is a really , so my family was in the restaurant industry , in the fast food industry .

But uh I didn't like fast food .

And to be honest , I was not a really good student at school .

So when I finished my middle school , all the the teachers recommended my parents to sign me into school , which was the , the easiest one .

And so basically I went to culinary school and then I start uh liking it .

And uh you know , that's how I became a chef .

I worked in a few restaurants .

Uh Well , everything in Italy , right ?

Where , where , where are you from in Italy ?

So I'm from a little town called , which is between Rome Naples .

It's very close to the casino .

And uh I went to culinary school and casino .

And then how , why you , why you came to United States ?

I used to always come on vacation here in the United States because I have a family here in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach and California , California .

Yes .

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And so then I decided in 2000 , uh , 9 to open my first restaurant , uh , in point and nothing .

And then , uh , you know , here we are .

Ok .

Fantastic .

Fantastic .

I heard a lot of people talking about this pasta .

So really , I can't wait to taste it for the first time .

You are your pasta ?

Ok .

Ok .

Take over , take over , take over , right .

Sorry .

No , you're good .

So what we do , you can see that , uh , all the water and flour was incorporated .

OK .

It took about 10 minutes to do it .

Yeah , we wanna make sure that it's nice and uh nice and uh yeah , and nice .

And uh how do you say ?

Um uh Yeah .

OK .

So now the dough is ready .

What we're gonna do ?

We gotta let it rest for a little while .

So we create a bowl .

OK ?

We keep on the counter and we cover the bowl on top of it .

OK ?

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Like this and we leave it like that .

So it doesn't uh get anymore .

We will let it rest for about 15 minutes .

OK ?

15 , 20 minutes .

No .

Uh yes , please uh make the other one with the Yes , you guys again , you can make the pasta with the regular flour .

Uh If you can find it , what's the difference between using , using the , the , the obviously obviously as the texture of the pasta and uh the basically is the same uh flour that they used to make .

Uh But in any case , if you can't find , if , uh , nobody can find , if you cannot find Molina , just use regular water , uh , regular flour and it's the same thing .

Oh , first time making the pasta is the first time for everything .

You know , I'm sure that if you're good at making , uh , pizza , you're gonna be good at making pasta too .

So , so we have all my , all my subscribers right there .

They always make it , make pizza home .

Now .

they can make it past , they can make pasta , correct .

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So , so guys consider it to subscribe , it's totally free and like this channel and of course , share this way , they can see the art of making pasta , correct .

So how are we gonna make this pasta ?

What , what , what condiments we gonna put once it's ready ?

So , uh with the , that you are making , we're gonna do a sauce .

OK ?

No sauce .

OK .

Which is a sauce based uh with the sausage , homemade sausage that we make mushroom and then we're gonna put some black truffle on it .

OK ?

Fantastic .

The other one , the uh we're gonna make uh with the shrimp and cherry tomatoes and then of course , if somebody's vegetarian , they can easily , they can do whatever kind of , they like anybody can do whatever they want .

Something very important , they can make it big quantities and how do it , do they save the pasta ?

So you can make a big quantity of pasta ?

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And uh , once it's , once it's rolled out OK .

You can put it in trays , not one top of the other and just freeze it , freeze it just like the , when the pasta is freeze the tray frozen , they can uh uh uh put it in the packet , packet in uh in um in bags .

OK ?

And they can keep it in the freezer any time they want it .

They don't need to defrost .

They just put it in boiling water , salty , boiling water .

Very important .

The water has to be salty .

Otherwise the pasta taste of nothing .

And that's it better than this .

And you know what ?

And you know what ?

And , and the thing is this , the thing is this pasta requires a lot of water .

So it doesn't matter if it's a small quantity .

Usually when you cook , usually for 100 g of pasta , you need one liter of water .

I didn't know that .

Yes .

The more the , the pasta wants to in the water , it has to have space in the water .

It doesn't have to be all one on top of the other .

OK ?

So this dough is ready .

OK .

OK .

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And now we're gonna rest for about uh maybe 15 minutes , 20 minutes in there .

15 , 20 minutes .

Yeah , that's it right there like this .

Done .

Perfect .

Now let it rest for ready .

So this , so what we do , we never put away this because you wanna , so the pasta we use , we're gonna do this , we're gonna do very similar to what you do with the pizza .

Ok .

So like this , OK , we're gonna break it into , ok ?

And that , no , you don't need to make a ball .

You can just cut it into pieces .

And so then what we do is you pinch a little bit of this pasta , OK ?

Like this , a little bit of pasta .

You put like this , OK ?

And then you do this movement here like this .

OK ?

I like this .

This .

No , you pull you , you , you know what I used to do with this .

I used to , I used to when I was little in bari , I was going to fishing with this and get a little ball and a little bit and put in the , the thing there and go fishing with this .

But anyway , let's get back to the trophy .

So hold on a second , hold on .

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I'm gonna learn this .

It'll be a little smaller , smaller half .

So like that .

So yeah , so you put it like this , you put your hand on .

No , no , no , no .

You put a light like that .

You go forward like this and then this like they gonna make sure and then like not bad .

You gotta make sure that it's dry there .

You done ?

I'm gonna learn this .

Oh Like this and then uh with your hands .

No , I , no , I , I always leave my hand like this like this like this .

So one thing that it's important when you do this , you don't need to clean the , the , the board very well .

So it has a lot of grip and it's easier for the pasta too , you know .

But yours is coming better , man .

It's OK .

We got a one plate of , that's it .

Very easy .

It was really easy .

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So you put , how do we put in a bowl like this ?

OK .

And , and if you , oh sorry , no problem .

You put it in a bowl and then if you want , you just put some uh some flour in it , some or some regular flour and then you put it aside .

OK ?

And that we're gonna cook in a while .

We're gonna buy , if they make a lot , if they make a , if they make a lot , they don't wanna put the pasta on top of the other .

So it doesn't put any sheet pan .

OK ?

And then what you're gonna do , you can freeze it in the sheet pan when it's frozen , you can automatically package it in uh portion , portion bags and then keep it frozen .

Got you .

So this , we're gonna , we're gonna make some with the one that I made .

So , so this is a OK ?

So what we're gonna do is this to make , what happens is usually uh you have this , you have this uh tool , a tool which is a , a wood tool which they used to use many years ago .

But they , they're not gonna have this .

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And if people don't have this you can use the grater .

OK .

I'll show you both , show me the original way and then we go .

So what you do , obviously you cut the , the pasta , OK ?

And you roll it like you're rolling a G or like you're rolling a noodle , large , big noodle , OK .

Spaghetti or whatever .

OK .

Then again you cut it into the size , the size that you want , which is basically issue like this .

OK .

Oh , this is the same way how to make the more or less .

Yeah .

OK .

And then what you do very easy .

You get the board and you do this look and they got the easy baby is those are much easier than that .

The thing is this , if you don't have this board , which is easy .

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You just use a grater , which is the same thing you like this with the great , they're gonna go .

Yeah , just like this look .

That's it .

But they can cut , you can .

No , no , this is the way .

So the , so the sauce sticks to the pasta .

Oh , that's why you won't cut yourself .

Don't worry .

Please try .

Let me try .

I tell you put it there and then do some pressure and not really a hard pressure .

Yeah .

Delicate .

Yes .

OK .

And then it goes by itself .

I , I like this look .

The reason because we do it on a tool is to give it that uh , the texture .

So the sauce , so the sauce sticks to the pasta a lot , a lot better , you know .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Wow .

Wow .

Sandro .

So , this was a super easy .

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Now , the pasta , it's ready .

We have some pasta .

Now , what we're gonna do is this , you're gonna go sit down at the table , I'm done .

You're done .

You're done .

You're done .

You're fired .

Yes .

And I'm trying to taste , I'm going , I'm going to cook the two pastas with different sauces and you can judge it .

Ok .

Well , guys , we made the pasta exactly in less than 10 minutes .

In less than 10 minutes .

Ok .

Sandro , I'm gonna go there , sit , enjoy in your beautiful restaurant .

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It's time to taste .

It's time to , oh my God .

Top glass .

Wow , man .

The look is like , uh , we just made the pasta , we just made the past .

So now just get into it .

So this is the and sausage and uh this one is the one with the shrimp , the trophy with the shrimp .

So you get , you gotta taste it with me .

I gotta taste it with me .

Let me taste it first .

Wow .

Look at the texture of this pasta .

The texture .

It's amazing .

It tastes , you do a good job .

Well , what can I say ?

You ?

The texture ?

It's , uh , it's outstanding .

You can feel that it's all made .

Uh , it's , uh , it's , uh , it's totally different .

It's a chewy , but it's also uh , fragrant .

Uh , it's , uh , it , it's crazy .

It's , it's really good .

It's really good .

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So , all our pastas , they're homemade on a daily basis .

So this is what our guest eat here every day .

The people that told me about , uh , this restaurant , they are completely 100% .

Right .

This is the best , uh , pasta I taste in the , all the restaurant that I went .

I appreciate it .

Thank you .

This one , I keep it for me .

Yes .

Ok .

I won't touch it .

Don't worry , you can have it .

This one out .

It is my , you know shrimp but I get a nice big bite here with everything .

Let's see .

Well , just I just went , I just went back to Italy with one bite .

Outstanding .

Outstanding .

Thank you so much for .

Thank you .

Thank you so much .

I'm gonna say bye to everybody here and then we get inside the plate .

Uh Thank you so much .

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I want you to finish both because you , you're , you're , you're too slim .

Ok ?

We gotta , you gotta eat some pasta guys .

Please me the like , tell me what you think in the comments and uh I'll see you at the next episode .

This is the new playlist by myself .

Thank you so much .

Thank you .

Be in the Newport Beach .

You have somebody come see us .

Yes , come see us at Bell Newport Beach .

Thank you so much , Vito and uh hope to see you soon .

Ok ?

I will , I will definitely will come .

I look close .

Thank you so much guys and especially like and subscribe .


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