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2023-08-17 17:48:57

Sideloadly Guru Meditation Error Solution

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Everybody today .

I'm going to make a video on how to resolve a error .

Guru meditation with some long sid log on failed .

Basically telling you that your apple ID or password is incorrect , even though you know , for sure you're entering it correctly , both the user id and the password , but it keeps yelling at you .

Now , you might get this or you might get it uh something similar after it tries to do two factor authentication , trying to send you a code which you may never receive , et cetera .

Um I'm gonna to try to resolve all those things for you here today .

I'm going to give you a bunch of different solutions .

The ones I think are most likely to fix your problem first .

Um You don't have to do all of them .

If one of them fixes it , you don't have to keep going .

Um But uh I will provide all the different things that I've found to help this error and get rid of it pretty much all the every time you might run into it .

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Um First and foremost , uh I'll use this product , the side load product to install I POGO , which is a hacked version of Pokemon go , uh , that allows you to spoof and go around the world from the comfort of your house .

Um , but you can use this for installing any ip A , uh , on your I OS device from a Windows or Mac computer , um , pushing it from side lowly to your iphone or ipad .

Um , even though it's not an authorized , uh , Mac Store or Apple Store , um , piece of software , uh , you will have to do it weekly or something to that effect uh based on your certificate .

Um Expiration usually is weekly unless you have an actual Apple um developer ID .

Uh that allows you to have certificates longer or you subscribe to a certificate service .

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Uh But at any rate , uh this should solve most of your problems .

Uh If not all of them related to the illustrious guru meditation error from side load .

Uh There's not a lot of really good details out online that I was able to find .

Um I scraped together all these things and um I think I got a pretty comprehensive answer for you .

So let's get started and see if we can resolve this for everybody and then we'll go from there .

All right , first and foremost , uh I'll try to cover both Windows and PC issues .

Um itunes , you absolutely have got to have the latest current version of itunes installed on your computer .

Uh Mac Os comes with itunes preinstalled , so you don't have to worry about it getting it , but you do need to make sure it's up to date and current .

Um So if you don't have itunes on your Mac , uh I mean , sorry if you don't have the current version of Mac itunes on your Mac , update it on Windows .

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If you're running the one that's from the Microsoft Store , which is what they try to tell you to do if you go to apple dot com , itunes , um you need to remove it .

So if you have the Apple or the Microsoft Store version , uh which is what you'll get if you click this button , uh you need to remove that and instead use the links that I provided to you in the description .

Um And I will show you what those are here as well .

Um And the difference is , is this uh if you go to um get them right from apple , so it's apple dot com forward slash itunes forward slash download and then when 32 or when 60 four , depending which version of windows you have installed .

Um If you get that , that's the desktop version of , of itunes as opposed to the Microsoft Store version .

And that's the one you really need uh to use .

If you're going to try to get past all these side load the errors .

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So you need to make sure you're running the desktop version of itunes available , right from Apple at the UR that I provided right here .

And in the description of the video , so you can just click on them .

Uh Most people have windows 30 window 64 bit at this point .

Um But if you happen to have an old version of windows , a 32 bit uh version of windows installed , you need to make sure you get that one instead .

So that's step one .

Remove the Microsoft Store version of itunes , if you have it installed and instead install the one right from Apple for Windows , 32 or Windows 64 depending on your Os version .

Ok .

Next , once you have that taken care of , your next step will be to make sure that you download side lowly .

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So side lowly , um you'll need either the 64 bit version for Windows , the 32 bit version for Windows , if you're running Windows 32 bit or the Mac Os version and you can get that right from side load dot I O All right .

Um Or you can get it to it from these URL S here that I have in the description .

All right .

And that has all three versions as well .

Uh 64 bit , 32 bit for Windows or the version for Mac .

So you can download those .

I'll include those links in the description as well .

Um You'll download those , install those , ok .

And uh next , um you need to make sure that um you set up your itunes itunes to um log in to your Apple ID .

So you would open up the version of itunes you installed um or updated and then sign into itunes .

This applies to both P CS and Macs .

The instructions are the same .

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It's just a slightly different URL .

Um that explains how to do it .

But basically you open up itunes , you click on um account and sign in and then sign in with the Apple ID and password that you use for the Apple store on your device on your phone or ipad .

Uh It needs to be the same one or else it won't authorize the certificates .

So make sure you're signing on with the same user ID and password in itunes that you're going to use inside locally , that's important .

Um So , uh for Windows , it's this link , get that explains it for Mac .

It's this , but you can see the instructions are the same .

It's just you open up on your Mac and then you go to account , sign in and put in your , um , password user ID .

Um But it's the same .

Um So basically if we were to open up itunes and do that , um , my PC , that's right here account and I'm signed in .

So it has sign out .

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But if I sign out there's the sign in , right ?

And I put in my app ID and password and sign in .

Um , so let me do that .

All right .

And then I put in my password and then sign in and that's as simple as it is to sign on to itunes .

And you want to make sure that your phone shows up in itunes .

So if you don't see it on devices , it's not recognizing your phone and neither will side though .

So make sure that you signed in and that your device shows up .

Ok .

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Next , uh you wanna make sure that after you're signed into itunes that you authorize itunes on this computer and you do that from itunes , go back and I provide a link in the description that explains exactly how to do this and it steps you through it , how to authorize it on a Mac , how to authorize it on a PC .

They're both , both here .

Ok .

So you can just do authorize the authorized on a Mac or on a PC .

There's how to do it on a PC there .

It's the same exact way and let's go ahead and show you how that's done .

So again , back in itunes account , authorizations authorize this computer .

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It also asks you for your user ID and password , the apple ID and password again , log in and hit authorize and that's it .

It tells me it's already been authorized previously just because I had already done this .

But for you , it should say it's now authorized and tell you how many authorizations you have left available .

You can only authorize five computers , um , with each apple ID .

So you do need to be a little bit picky about which computers you're doing .

Your Apple stuff from your itunes Apple stuff .

So , make sure you authorize that computer or else Loli will not let you sign on and push stuff to your phone .

Um , this is likely to be the one that solves your problem more than any of the other things .

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I'm going to go through .

Um , the ones I went through prior to this and this .

But , uh , we'll continue .

Ok .

So if that doesn't solve your problem , you keep going here .

All right .

But that one probably will be the one that solves your issue .

Uh Next , uh I recommend that you install , if you're on a Windows computer , you should install icloud for Windows .

So in this case , you will want to do that , you can just do it via the Microsoft Store .

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So if you go to the link I provided from apple support dot apple dot com and then this here and then you click on download icloud for Windows , you go right here and it should bring up the link right to the Apple or to the Microsoft Store and then you would just click , get open the store and then once you have it , you'd hit install , you wait for it to install again .

You don't necessarily need icloud .

If the other solution I provided worked for you , uh icloud can help with some of the two factor authentication um errors that can also cause the app guru error , the meditation guru error .

So icloud can help with that .

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So if you're still having the problem after doing the authorization stuff in itunes , then I would recommend this .

Next , this does not apply to Mac users .

You should already be in icloud on a Mac .

All right .

Next to open icloud , you would click on it and see if you see it under recently added .

But if you don't , you can just click on start and type icloud and you should find it .

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Once you provide that it should sign you on .

Um , and you should see it signed on and you should see that it shows icloud photos , et cetera , all synced .

Uh and it'll help with authentication as well .

And that's pretty much all there is to installing icloud .

Uh You just leave that running and um , I would leave it open at least when you're using side load .

Um You can just minimize it .

Ok .

Uh Next , this one , this last one only applies if you're really still having problems .

Um And this would be um on Windows computers only .

Um Defender can sometimes cause you problems with using products such as lowly , which is used to side load , load unofficial applications .

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It's not because it's a virus or anything like that , but sometimes Windows Defender can complain uh or , or block the use of such tools such as side um because it , it could be used for nefarious reasons putting , you know , um malicious software on , on a computer unintentionally .

So if that's blocking you , you want to turn off real time protection within Windows Defender , I provide you the URL from Microsoft and how to do this .

It's pretty simple .

Start you go to the security app , virus protection , manage settings and then switch real time protection to off so we can do that .

So start windows security , you can just type it there , it is right there .

Window security , right .

And then what does it want next ?

Then it goes virus for threat protection , text and settings and manage .

So let's do that .

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So , uh virus threat protection and then manage settings and then right here real time protection , you would just turn that off , tell yes to windows there and it'll turn itself back on in a little while .

Um And it tells you that right there , it turns it off for a short time before it turns itself back on automatically .

Um Or as soon as you're done .

Using it uh uh side , you can turn it back on yourself .

Um I never have had to turn this off , but I have seen other people online that had this problem and that was their solution um to turn it off temporarily .

So I'm gonna turn it back on .

I don't need that off typically to use side though .

Like the only other thing I can think of that might cause you a meditation guru error is insufficient storage on your I OS device .

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So uh if you don't have enough storage to push the app , you're trying to push from silo to your iphone or ipad , you will also get the application guru error .

It won't say log on file , it will say something about storage .

And if that's the case , then your solution is clear up some space on your phone or on your ipad so that there's definitely sufficient space before trying to push it .

And that just makes sense , right ?

So make sure you have enough storage space on your ios device or ipad OS device before trying to push it makes sense .

Um So that's pretty much it , that should solve your problem at which point I'll bring up side lowly and show you I am able to use it at least .

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Um So if I hit start now , it prompts me for my password , I already my ID in there and then you hit OK .

There's actually one more thing that I recommend you can see it's working , it's signing .

Um I recommend you if you're having problems , you can also launch side load as an administrator .

So basically to do that , you just right click on the side , load the icon .

And this again , only applies to Windows computers and hit run as administrator .

And that just ensures that it has all the necessary rights to do what it needs to do .

But I don't normally have to do that .

But again , that was another recommendation somebody made that was having problems that they say solve their issue .

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But you can see it is pushing it right now , installing it to my phone as we speak and no errors , no meditation errors , no guru errors .

Um While it's doing that incidentally , guru meditation actually was an error .

That was an internal joke for Amiga computers back in the late seventies , early eighties .

Um And guru error was basically just saying , you know , your guru is meditating and he can't do what he needs to do .

Uh So that's where that error comes from .

Uh When people first started replying to my other videos on how to install I Pogo saying they had a guru meditation error .

I literally thought they were joking .

I thought they were , you know , throwing in an old reference to the old Amiga computer error stuff .

I had to do some research online to find out that uh is using that same um guru meditation error message which is kind of comical .

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Um , but , uh , that's what it's in reference to .

They're just , you know , it's a throwback to that old Amiga computers from the late seventies , early eighties , um , error message that used to kick out on those systems .

So that's it .

You can see it's done , uh , it did successfully install the I Pogo app on my computer on my iphone .

Right .

Um , if you haven't done so already , if you try to launch it and you haven't yet um gone to settings , you would need to go to settings and you would have to go down to um general .

There , it is general and then VPN and device management .

And then you would have to make sure that you select your developer app certificate and hit trust .

I've already done that so you can see it , it thinks um I'm running Pokemon Go , which I am .

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I'm running the Pogo version of uh Pokemon Go and I'm trusting my signed certificate that I signed via side lowly .

Um So you only have to do that um once for each um certificate that you sign like that via side load as long as you don't delete the apps in between .

Um So every week I have to come here and reinstall um the ipo Go Pokemon Go version on my phone .

But if I don't delete this , you know , if I don't do this and hit delete a or remove app , um then I won't have to re trustt it because as it says in settings , all right .

And when I select that certificate , it tells you right there , it's going to trust it until all apps from that developer , which is you , you're the developer are deleted .

So as long as you don't delete it , it'll continue to be trusted even though you push it every week .

Ok .

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The other good thing about not deleting the app is all settings that you've set via that app will be retained from push to push to push .

So every week when you re push it , uh you won't lose any customizations you've done within the app that you pushed .

Um So I really recommend you do not delete them .

Uh You'll go to click on it a week from now and it'll say , um , no longer available .

Uh which is saying that that certificates expired .

Uh So you just basically reopen up side slowly .

Download the new , um , the new IPA file , bring it over here , hit start and push it .

You also shouldn't need to type your password every week inside though .

It'll remember it from the previous time as long as you successfully logged on last time .

So you only have to deal with that typing in your user name and password .

Once the next time you'll just get the new IPA , it should already be filled in .

You hit start and it just pushes it again .

It shouldn't need any authentication stuff for you .

Um unless you've changed your password and then it will prompt you again and tell you it fails and then you'll type in the right one and hopefully it works .

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So that's it .

That's all the things that um resolve the illustrious meditation guru errors inside load .

And uh if you have any questions or comments or further issues that I didn't resolve by all the steps I provided you um put them in the comments , I'll try to help .

Um If you uh if this works for you , please make comments because typically the only time people make comments is when things don't work and then it makes it sound like I didn't fix anybody's problem where realistically , I probably fixed a bunch but they didn't bother to comment .

Um Also , if you like my video , please do like it and subscribe to my channel and as I do make various other videos from time to time that hopefully help out um doing various different things .

Uh I have a wide variety of different things .

Um um Basically interests that I have that I make videos for .

Uh they may not all be related to um things like sibil or , or side load or computers or anything like that .

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Uh Could be for gaming , could be for pool maintenance , you name it .

I do all kinds of stuff .

So I , I make how to videos and um how to fix videos in some cases .

So uh again , questions put them in the comments .

Uh Don't forget to look under description for , for links directly to all the different steps that I provided here .

And uh please let me know that it worked or let me know if you need help , talk to you soon later .


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