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2023-08-17 17:08:08

Mirror Cube Last Layer Tutorial

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So you need to know that because on the two by two , there's no center .

So you don't know what uh the opposites are gonna be once it's mixed up .

So you see right now , yellow , white , right ?

Blue , green and orange and red .

All right .

So I'm gonna go ahead and , and mix this up and we'll just go ahead and get it all mixed up real good .

I'm gonna try to make this really simple .

OK .

So um once your cube is mixed up , um What you wanna do is solve the first layer .

OK ?

Um So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and play with white and yellow .

So knowing that yellow is the opposite , we'll deal with yellow in a minute .

Um I'm gonna try to um solve the white first .

OK .

So there's a white on top .

I'm gonna look through here .

There's another white , I'll put it up here .

Ok ?

So I've got two whites .

That's pretty easy so far .

Let's see , there's two whites down here .

There we go .

Now , I've got three whites .

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Now , all I have to do is get this one over to here .

So what I do is I line it up .

So now it's on this what I call these elevators , it's on this elevator .

In order to get this one up here , I need to move it out of the elevator's way over here .

The elevator comes down , it picks it up and now I have the completed uh white on top .

However , as you can see , these are not done , none of them match up .

So that means all of these are in the wrong position .

So what I need to do , I'm gonna pick one color .

So let's say I've got a green here and usually you'll get like two that match .

But in this case , you've got the hardest version which they're all mixed up .

So let's pick this red Ok .

Um Where is the other red ?

The other red is over here .

So I've got a red here and a red here .

So I need to get this one over here .

So no big deal .

Once I acknowledge that this needs to go here , I'm going to drop this elevator , move it on over , lift the elevator back up .

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Let's keep going over to where we need to go .

Remember we need it to go here .

Ok ?

And there it is .

So now it's matched up to here .

This needs to go here .

Let me move it out of the way .

Ok .

So the whites here , I'm gonna bring down the elevator , bring this back over .

And now as I go up , the reds should match , see that that's in the right spot .

Now , I've got a wa wandering white here , here's this white , this white one could very well , well , go here and that could be the end of that .

Let's see if this is green .

Yes , it is perfect .

So this needs to go here .

I'm gonna move , get out of the way , bring down the elevator , bring this back over and up .

You go .

Now what you have is fl first layer is complete .

Ok ?

So we've got the first layer now that we're working with white , you know that the opposite has to be yellow .

So this is gonna have to be yellow .

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So we're gonna look for patterns .

Here's where we get into patterns you're gonna see this pattern a lot where you've got two yellow here , a yellow here and a yellow here , face the two to the back and you're gonna do the following algorithm and that's the first pattern and we'll go over uh several of the different patterns once you get this pattern .

Sorry , I keep getting off center here .

Um You're gonna do this algorithm just to uh rephrase .

We've got the white on the bottom and we're working to get yellow up here and we see this pattern with one here , one here and the two in the back face , the two to the back and do the following algorithm .

It's rur prime .

You are you two times our prime .

OK .

Now prime means you're going backwards .

So this is face , OK .

So whenever there's an F um this is the face , this is right , this is up .

OK .

So it's the top of the cube is U , the right cube is R .

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So next step we're gonna want to do is to match up these edges with their centers .

So right now , as you can see , none of them are matched up to their centers that's going to have to change .

So first thing , what we wanna do is we want to turn the top layer until we can find one that is matched up .

Turn one more time .

As you can see , we got all of them matched up .

OK ?

So we don't want that .

Well , we want that my , my bad but uh to start off with , it's gonna look something like this .

You're gonna have 11 right here and then what you want to do is Rur Prime Uru two R prime .

So still only one of them is so do uh match it up .

So let's do it one more time .

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So now we got another pattern and when you get this pattern , you're looking for the yellow facing you and the yellow facing up , that's what you're looking for .

If you look through the rest , that doesn't really match that , that doesn't really match that .

So this is the one that you're looking for .

This one facing you and this one facing up , once you see that you do it again , are you are prime ?

You , are you two times our prime ?

OK .

And look what we got all the yellow .

OK ?

Now we're gonna look at the cube and see if there's anything else that we can do , but it's all mixed up as you can see .

So this is the hardest version to get .

Usually you'll have two , let's see , you'll have all red here and you only need these two cubes to swap .

But in this case , it's all completely mixed up , you still have your first layer , it's completely done .

Um So now when you get this , it doesn't matter how you hold it .

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So still none of them are matched up except for this 11 more time , Rur prime Uru two R prime .

And now , as you can see all of them are matched up and we're gonna be done with that step .

So that's the alter alternative case .

But right now we're done .

So right now we're gonna move on to corners .

So for corners , uh it could possibly .

So right now , if you see mine , this one is already in the correct position and oriented correctly .

This one is not .

So you're just gonna have to eyeball this um this one , as you can see if you uh just gauge the size .

It's supposed to go here .

This one's supposed to go here and this one's supposed to go here .

That means we have to rotate these counterclockwise or from this angle counterclockwise because we're gonna need this correctly placed piece in the bottom right hand corner .

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If it's all mixed up like this , if this layer um is completely um mixed , you can do this following algorithm any way you like .

So we'll just grab it this way and you're gonna do this algorithm R prime fr prime back to times R .

Oops RF prime , its stuck F prime R prime back two times R two times .

OK .

And now , as you can see , we've got this whole back is done .

See , this is all done and the only two cubes that are mixed up are these two here .

Um The one thing I didn't tell you guys is whenever you do back two times you , this is the back .

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Um And you're also doing counter clockwise , which is this way , this is not counterclockwise , sorry , clockwise is left to right left to right .

Um Even though it's back here , it almost looks like you're going left to right , but it's not uh counterclockwise would be this way prime , but we don't do back prime .

I've never done back prime ever .

So you don't need to worry about that back two times .

Always goes this way .

OK ?

All right .

So now let's line it up .

And as you can see , we're almost done , we just have two cubes that are in the wrong place .

This one see the red needs to go here and this red needs to go here .

So they just need to kind of swap and this blue needs to go here .

So these two are in the wrong spots .

OK ?

We're gonna repeat that same algorithm and it's the same kind of thing to memorize it .

It's gonna be R prime fr prime like someone just says that right .

R prime Fr prime .

And then the other guy is going to repeat , he's gonna say back two times like , wait , wait a minute back up back two times .

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And then he says RF prime R prime .

The other guy says back two times and then they both say R two times .

OK ?

That's how it goes .

Here we go ready R prime fr prime back two times .

RF prime R prime back two times R two times .

Boom .

And then if you just look a little bit , all you gotta do is a U prime but you don't even , you can just turn it .

You know what I mean ?

You don't have to memorize U prime .

Boom .

And it's done .

It's really that simple .

Now .

Um I wanna get back to a few of the different um um patterns that you get on the before the algorithm .

So I'm gonna just go over a few patterns real quick .

Um Let's go ahead and do this quick .

So I'm gonna do , let me just get the reds .

OK ?

There's the reds .

They're all good .

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Now , it looks like it's all mixed up .

So this is gonna go here .

OK ?

So I'm gonna move the yellow .

That's fine .

So I've got this white .

Um It's gonna go , oh We're doing red .

I don't wanna confuse you .

Let's go back to white .

All right .

So we'll do white .

So I've got whites and then I've got a white down here , by the way , if you ever see on this case ?

See how we've got three here and a white at the bottom .

Um move the white out of the way , right ?

The elevator comes down to pick up the white .

Now the white is up here .

Now you bring it down to the bottom like that , move it out of the way elevator goes up and now it's in the right spot .

So now we gotta put it here So we'll do that .

OK ?

Um And we got the blues .

So these two in the wrong spot .

So I'm gonna move this one here .

Move it down out of the way , right ?

And then I'm gonna move this one out of the way .

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So we're gonna turn the top layer , don't turn the cube , turn the top layer and do it again .

R prime D prime RD .

So now we replaced it and we want to get it back .

So R prime D prime RD .

So now as you can see this corner is also permuted correctly .

So we're gonna move on from the top layer R prime the prime R D .

Yeah .

And once again , we've replaced it .

So we want to get it back R prime the prime R D .

So as you can see this one is still not permuted correctly .

That means we're gonna have to do it two more times .

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This comes down like this and then , whereas the other white goes right here , I'll move this out of the way elevator comes down there .

So now we've got the , the full top .

OK ?

Flip it over .

I wanna , oh look , we got the two in the back .

Um oh look , this is a different pattern .

You got two here and two here .

So it doesn't matter which way you hold it , just hold it like this and if you continue to rur prime , you'll , you'll eventually get it .

You just have to face the you in the right direction .

Are you our prime ?

You are you two times our prime ?

OK ?

That's a different uh one here we're looking for um this up and this facing you but now you have this facing you and this up that'll work .

Oh Here we go .

This one's up and this one's facing you , let's try this , this one's facing you and this one's up are you are prime , you are you two times our prime ?

See what happens .

It just mixes it to a different kind of thing .

Here's the one facing you and this one facing up , that's where you want to get to .

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So now we do this are you are prime , you are youtube times our prime .

Um And now we've got the one that we started from the beginning , this towards the back , this one facing this way , this one facing this way are you are prime , you are youtube times our prime and now you've got this up and this one facing you are , you are prime , you are you two times our prime and there you go , you're back to um your solid yellow .

So that's pretty much it on that um algorithm as far as the patterns just remember that you want um this one up and this one facing you or this one facing you and this one up , that's what you're looking for .

And you just keep doing rur prime till you get it .

Uh Typically if you have any two cubes with the same color yellow , either here or here , just face them towards the back and then do the algorithm .

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And now we'll go ahead and finish the cube as you can see , we only have these two that are in the opposite spaces .

Everything else is solved and we do the R prime fr prime my back two times RF prime R prime back two times R two times and U prime uh this cube is stuck .

So what happens when you get a cube for five bucks from China ?

It's a little sticky but it's kind of cool cube .

Um So that's it guys .

I hope that answers all your questions , please .

Uh Give me thumbs up likes and um let me know if you have any questions I try to answer as much as I can .

I am gonna be doing a four by four tutorial soon .

Um This one has a parody right now and we'll explain that in the four by four and enjoy guys .

Talk to you soon .


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