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2023-08-16 09:40:11

How to Draw a Pit Bull Puppy Dog Easy

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Hi Katie .

We here today , we're gonna draw a pit bull .

So let's get started to draw this cute pile .

Let's first start by drawing its eyes .

So you come right here and draw a circle and come right across , say about this , why and draw another circle there .

So now my eyes and my circles in , let's make them draw so cute eyes .

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So two small circles inside for highlights , pen a curve line at the bottom and shade in the top and lines at the bottom and same thing over here there .

So the my eyes in , I'm gonna come up here and I'm going to just add a soft curve that kind of comes down right here on the edge just to anchor my eyes and give the eyes a little bit more definition .

So I'm just gonna pop out a curve right here and if you like , you can even bring it out right by here as well .

Just a slight curve coming out just to soften the eyes .

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We want a friendly pitbull .

So here I'm trying to make it look nice and friendly .

OK .

So I just have this little curve over the eye then from there , let's draw the nose .

So right in between the eyes a little bit lower .

So say about right here .

We're gonna draw this big prominent nose .

So I'm just gonna draw a soft curve about right here and round it off .

Then I'm gonna bring it down a little bit and then connect it at the bottom of a soft V about right here , round it off on the tip and bring it back up there .

And depending on the color of your pit bull , um , the nose might not be black .

So I'm just gonna come right here and I'm not gonna shade it in black .

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Like usual , I'm just gonna put in two black circles right here for the nostrils and then connect it right here with a curve , pretty distinct looking nose right here with a curve and then in the center will be this little line right here as well .

So , like I said , depending on the color of the pit bull that you want to draw , the nose might be a different color .

Ok .

So then now that we have the nose , let's go ahead and draw the mouth .

We're gonna come straight down the center a little bit lying right here and straight down and then we're gonna go up with a big curve for the mouth and we're gonna end about the same area as the eyes .

So let's come out about right here there , reach out towards the eye area , but right here and then round it off .

Same thing over here .

So we're not gonna go beyond the eyes .

So curve and then bring it out .

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So I just wanna make sure I'm about the same level on both sides of it right here and then round it off and before I finish that , I forgot I need to come in here about right here .

I'm gonna draw in the tongue nice and center .

Bring this nice big tongue down to about right here and connect and then right here in the center , I'm just gonna flick out a long line , straight line down there .

So then now let's go ahead and finish this mouth .

So I'm gonna bring this down towards the tongue .

So let's say about right here .

Let's give our pile hair , big smile right here and same thing over here through the same area and connect and I'll come in here and shade this in all black .

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So you can see a little bit better and simplify it , OK there .

So then now let's go ahead and frame the face .

So I'll come back , let's see here .

Let's come back to where the eyes are and let's see .

Let's yeah , let's come back to the top of our eye come out a little bit .

So say about right here .

I'll just give myself a point , that same thing here .

I just use that as my starting point and from there , I'm going to basically bring a slight lying down , slight curve and about in this area where the mouth is , I'm gonna come out a little bit kind of like her cheek area .

So say about right there .

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I'm just gonna draw a slight curve and then I'm gonna bump it out a little bit , bump it out a little bit and come towards the mouth .

So same thing here , come down , slide her and then once again about right here , just bump it out a tiny bit and then start to bring it in .

So we're gonna bring it in really close .

So say about right here in here .

We're gonna bring in this curve right underneath the mouth .

So definitely turn your paper or your body , whatever helps to draw this curve there .

OK .

So then now that we have that , let's come back to where the mouth is and we're going to draw just a soft curve comes up right here just to give it some definition .

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Same thing over here , a little curve around the mouth and then let's see , then we're gonna go up .

So let's bring this up .

We're gonna draw , start to draw the top of the head .

So let's find our center , let's say about right here .

Just not too high up about right there .

My center , I'm just gonna draw a soft curve right in the center .

Then from there , I'm gonna bump it up slightly , just very little and connect .

It's the same thing here , bumped it up slightly and connect back there and I almost forgot it's just a soft curve over each eye .

And when you're coloring , depending on the markings you wanna give your pit pit bull .

That's when , when you color , you can either put one straight down , curve it around that will help um finish up the face a little bit better .

OK .

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So then from there , let's come back to the ears .

So about right here , I'm gonna bring out these floppy ears .

I'm gonna come down kind of curve it out a little bit to make it a little bit more fun , then round it off and go back and as I come back right here , I'll just stick it up a tiny bit , then come back into the space spot right here and we're just gonna draw soft curve to finish it up .

They are so same thing on the other side .

All right here .

Once again , we're just gonna curve it out then to about right here .

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Round it off , same thing like the other side , just make it a little bit thicker about right here and then once again , go ahead and connect there .

OK .

So now we have the ears in .

Let's go ahead and draw the body .

So let's see here .

Let's come out right here .

They're very strong dogs .

So I'm gonna make the neck area really thick .

So let's come about here in here and we're gonna go out with an angle on both sides and then about right here , I'm gonna bring it in there .

So that's the beginning of our shoulder area .

Then let's come back to about right here .

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So I'll just start my legs about right here in here .

We'll bring it in .

So same thing here , just gonna go back and forth .

So about in this area , same thickness and let's bring down the front legs .

So gonna come in , just take a look how tall you wanna make your pit bull .

So say about right here , I'll stop , bring this side down a little bit more and then I'm just gonna pop out appall and K and I'm just putting two little curves right here round this off a little bit more there .

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So same thing on this side , we got the same area but right there and then pop it out and same thing and tube the curse there .

So now that we have that in , let's come to the center , but right here , come up a little bit and we're just gonna connect in this area with a soft curve and then the back legs come about right here a little bit lower in this area .

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I'm gonna pop out curve and bring it in are right there and then the back foot and in a little curve .

So same thing on the other side .

So pit bulls are basically all chest , right ?

So that's why the back legs are a little bit scrawnier and same thing here and a curve .

And let's see here .

That is pretty much it .

Do we want to put a collar on our , let's , if you wanna put a collar , then let's come back right here .

It would be nice to put some color on our pit bull .

Come right here and draw a curve .

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Imagine it coming over , over , overlapped and connect and then once again when you're drawing , uh when you're coloring , you can put different markings on it however you like .

And I'll pop this out just a little bit her collar and then I'll add a heart right here to make this pit bull my so cute pit bull and that is pretty much it .

I really hope you love how this turned out and I helped you draw this cute dog .

Fun and easy .

And if I did , please make sure to give me a like and subscribe , so you won't miss any new Josa cute videos .

See you later .


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