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2023-08-17 17:07:45


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I have never done an unboxing where I already knew every cube here is going to be my main .

OK .

This is super exciting .

Wow .

It's AJ Perm two by two .

The only thing that could have made this better is if it came in the J Perm logo .

But with this part being blue , I guess I'll have to do it myself .

It's beautiful .

Let's do some J perms on this .

Oh yeah .

So if you've never seen AJ Perm cube before , this is just a cube that is already being sold on Speed Cube shop .

This is the YJMGC two by two .

Except what makes it J Perm is I told them how I like it set up and then they gave it to me exactly how I like it .

And this is perfect out of the box other than having a bit of lube on the outside that's getting on my hand .

But what can you do about that if you watch my channel ?

You've definitely seen the J RSVM 2020 .

This was the only J Prim cube before and it was my main .

Oh That's a spoiler .

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And now we're gonna have JRM two by two up to seven by seven .

All set up exactly the way that I like it .

And all this is so satisfying to turn every time I'm using a two by two , I talk about how I haven't practiced it in a while .

Well , guys , check this out .

I have practiced a little bit .

There we go .

The YJMGC was my main two by two a long time ago .

And you actually saw me use this in a lot of my two by two videos and one that I also really like is the RS two M evolution .

I unboxed this one recently and said I talk more about it because I think it's really good .

I think it's actually like super smooth and it's very fast .

And so I think this is a great cube , however , it turns really , really fast and it can be hard to control sometimes because you don't always use the same amount of force in everywhere .

It's uh something that's a little hard to describe , but I think the MGC definitely feels more normal as someone who doesn't specialize in two by two .

I don't actually have a lot of two by two specific preferences with the speed and all that .

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It's just , this feels the most intuitive to control and that's why I really like it and that's also why I really recommend it .

I've said for many years , anyone starting out in two by two will probably find the YJMGC to be the best for them .

And even if you are world class level , this is still a good cube .

But of course , why it is the J Abram cube is because it is my favorite .

Oh , that is so fun to turn .

Take it out .

Oh , it's in the thing .

Oh Is that a new J Perm logo ?

Well , just a different colored front every time , don't we actually wait ?

This cube is the wr white red .

All right , let's give this thing some turns .

Oh OK .

This one feels like it might need a little bit of time to break in .

I that's how I've noticed .

This cube just is you need to use it a bit like a brand new worm is not as good as a broken in worm for sure .

So this one is not really perfect out of the box .

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Also , at the end of this video , I will let you guys know how these cubes are after a little while because uh some of them do require some break in before they really are that good .

Would it be weird to call this J prim cube ?

The J worm ?

I will let you guys decide that I have a little secret and that's even when the R S3 M 2020 was my main , I actually did use this cube more as a practice three by three for about a week or two .

During those few weeks .

I really like the extra speed and flexibility from this thing because with extra practice , you can get used to it and be able to take advantage of it with , I feel like slightly better corner cutting and you can do crazier finger tricks and even for stuff , not that crazy , but just a little abnormal like the V perm .

I feel like I was doing better .

And here let me show you the settings I'm using on this .

Oh , that is so hard to see .

But I am using three , it goes from 1 to 5 .

So three is the middle magnet strength under the caps .

We have the spring compression system .

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This blue thing is twisted to the lowest part , which means this is actually on the fastest setting , this is already a fast cube and this setting makes it extra fast .

And I think that works well because when you have a cube that's really flexible .

If you make it slow , it'll still kind of be flexible .

And that is just kind of an annoying combination to have .

So that's why I like this one fast and it is such a good cube , especially once broken in which it is not right now .

And I'm excited to use this a lot .

So do I like fast cubes or medium speed cubes ?

I kind of like both .

It just depends on the exact combination .

It also depends on how I'm feeling at the moment , which is why we still have the J perm R S3 M the R S3 M is such a good and well liked cube by everybody .

Honestly , if I'm recommending any cube to you and you don't know which one you want , I'd probably recommend this one to you .

Oh , I will never stop liking this thing .

This is just amazing .

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Even though I have moved on to faster and more flexible cubes , this will always have a special place in my heart and you can still buy it .

The worm is now my actual Maine and I would recommend this to people who are faster and have more advanced finger tricks because then it will not be quite as hard to control .

But honestly , that's just a slight difference no matter what level you are .

I guarantee you will love either one of these or get both .

I don't know .

I'm not telling you what to do .

All the J prim cubes are at speed cube shop dot com .

They are set up just how I like them .

And when you buy it , you will also help to support this channel and there's a link to all of them in the description .

OK ?

Four by 4 to 7 by seven is all the YJMGC .

This is not going to be surprising for these ones , but why on four by four ?

Oh , that's so weird .

I'm not used to seeing AJ Perm logo on a four by four .

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So this is the YJMGC four by four and I actually used the AU tummy RM for the longest time .

And the reason is just mainly because it , it was a little bit smaller here is the size difference .

If you're wondering definitely a very , very small difference , but a difference that matters a little bit .

Now , what happened ?

One is I was practicing four by four and I was not really improving and then I switched from that cube to the MGC just because , and suddenly I was faster .

I think that day I dropped my average from 35 to 34 seconds and it just stayed there , which was really weird with big cubes .

I always just want the setup to make it really fast and this is quite fast already .

I do hope it will get even faster with breaking because I still need to turn all the sides a bit more .

Young Joe Cube is so funny when you know that why J actually stands for Yin .

Wait , it says right here it's Yin toys every bigger cube with AJ firm logo .

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Just makes me really happy as you guys know , I love five by five .

I love the YJMGC five by five .

It is just the best one since they discontinued the VK .

I also like that one but I like this one a little bit more .

Anyway .

So same deal with the four by four .

I kind of just told the good folks at speed keep shop just to set this one as fast as you can and wow , there's a lot of loop on the outside .

So I know it's probably going to get faster later .

But right now it's just my hands are slipping everywhere .

I do have a loop tutorial .

The problem is , is it takes a lot of work .

And the other thing is if you new to this , like taking apart and reassembling it and it's just not what you want to do .

You want to get your five by five and just learn how to solve it .

If you just think to yourself , I'll just get a big cube and I won't set it up .

Well , the problem is if you don't set it up , there's so much friction and it turns slower , maybe not at first , but then it starts to build up dust and that is the worst part .

You just end up with a terrible cube that you're going to have to clean out anyway .

Like not just lube it , but clean everything out of it .

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So it stops being terrible .

And that's why when you get your first big tubes , I highly recommend set up versions of it .

You don't have to keep getting them forever .

Later on , you will obviously have learned how to set them up .

But in the beginning , it really helps just to know what a good one feels like .

And if you don't have a good cube , then you can't do some of the harder finger tricks and like this , you'll be doing this .

These are not habits you want and it's just a lot less fun to solve this thing unless you can turn really fast one good J Perm , uh maybe two and we're moving on .

I know exactly what I'm going to see and it's gonna be a bigger cube with AJ Perm logo .

But it makes me so happy every time MGC six by six , this one is like better than any other six by six you can get .

And that is just my opinion , but it is the correct opinion .

The MGC six by six being so fast for a six by six actually makes this event fun and not tedious to practice .

So even though you can get like triple parody stuff on six by six , I actually do like this one a lot .

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It makes me like six by six so much .

So we're just gonna do some inner parity troll thing and uh uh we'll move on .

Why is this a WC A event ?

But let's keep it because I'm good at it .

This one is going to take the longest to break in just because there's so many layers and uh practicing seven by seven though you really do want a well set up cube .

So it's not tiring to do your turns .

Like if you gave me a slower seven by seven , I could just turn a little harder and achieve the same turn speed .

But over the course of a three minute solve , which if you're not good at solving by myself is going to be longer .

It really ties out my hands and actually makes my solve slower in the end .

And the other thing is when you have a big cube that turns really fast , you can focus all your energy on turning accurately because you really don't want to be doing corner cutting stuff as you can possibly run into popping issues .

But I don't think we're gonna get that on this cube because it's just such a good cube .

It's also quite cheap for a seven by seven .

Definitely my favorite one except we don't know yet with this cube .

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This is the AU worm , which I got very recently .

It also turns great and is smaller , which I actually like .

It's kind of a weird timing when this one came out .

If I actually like it more , I guess I'll figure out what to do about that .

But the MGC seven by 74 now is my main and has been my main for a long time .

I really like this cube .

Now we have an entire J Perm cube family and I know that is a little unsatisfying .

Uh The alternative was this with the upside down logo .

I don't know , maybe better .

We're gonna keep it like this .

I know what I'll be doing a lot this next week and let's see how these cubes are after the break in .

Hey guys , I've used these cubes for a week now .

And of course , I know how they're supposed to feel because they're set up just like my cubes .

But I just wanted to let you guys know how long they take to break in .

The two by two was pretty much perfect out of the box and every cube does need to break in .

So it is going to get better over time , but mainly the speed was good and I could control it .

It is so satisfying to turn this J from two by two .

And I love it .

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And yes , your eyes do not deceive you .

I have remembered all of my two by two algorithms .

So you guys better watch out .

I'm coming for the record .

There were 23 by used to break in and the J perm R S3 M .

I've used this one before .

It's been out for over a year and this is very good out of the box now , like with any cube , it gets better when you break it in because the plastic starts to smooth out a little bit more and that's just how every cube works .

So again , it's not perfect out of the box , but the lobe already feels amazing .

But my new Maine , the Maglev worm took longer to break in just to get the lobe to even out a little bit because in the beginning , it does feel a little bit strange , but now it is a lot faster and feels really nice .

The big difference for me between the Maglev worm and the R S3 M is with this cube , you really have to turn very lightly .

If you turn too hard , the cube will just overturn .

But if you turn lightly , then it will pretty much do what you want and it will let you potentially reach higher speeds .

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And that's why I recommend this cube to more advanced solvers as you have to have more control over your turns .

Oh , wow .

Oh P skip .

The J perm four by four was already great out of the box .

It wasn't perfect .

It did need to be a little bit faster .

Just like all of these cubes , they were a little slow out of the box , but that's just kind of how it works .

And this one broke in pretty quickly , I was solving on all of these cubes .

And after a day or two , the four by four was already great .

Now for the J perm five by 5 to 7 by seven , these cubes have a lot of lobe and because of that , a lot of it will leak out at the start .

So you're probably going want a towel near you .

And after every solve , you're going to want to towel off the cube so that it stays dry on the outside .

After about one day of solving the five by five and six by six were already great .

But the seven by seven stayed kind of slow .

It might have to do with just how many layers there are to break in .

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I'm not exactly sure why , but the seven by seven will take longer to break in in my experience .

And there's one more thing I recommend with the five by 5 to 7 by seven S .

And this is only if you think you are relative good at controlling and turning these cubes .

If you are starting on these puzzles , don't worry about this .

But if you are faster , try loosening the screws by 90 degrees .

And that's going to make the cube faster .

If you loosen the cube , you drastically increase the risk of the cube popping .

So I only recommend this if you think you can control your turns on big cubes and turn accurately well , fast and don't corner cuts because then the cubes will pop .

And if you really value speed and really trust your skill , you can even loosen it 180 degrees .

I personally like this setting more , but this is something you'll want to play around with because it highly depends on your skill level .

And so the way that it comes out of the box is just for more beginners because you know , if a beginner pops the cube , they don't really know how to put it back together .

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So again , only if you're experienced at these puzzles , you should actually loosen them .

But otherwise keep it the way it is out of the box .

And if it feels slow , just keep solving on it because it will get better at it breaks in and that's mainly the seven by seven because I think the five and the six are already quite fast out of the box and break in quickly .

These cubes are now all on speed cube shop and the price that you're seeing covers the price of the cube , having someone set it up for you .

And also a little bit of it goes to support my channel with each cube .

But there's also a bundle for all of them where you get to save $15 .

You do have to pick only 13 by three , but you can buy the other one separately if you want it for some reason .

And there's a bunch of other J perm stuff , links to all these in the description .

They all help to support my channel .

So just keep that in mind , I try not to be biased , but it does help to support this channel if you buy them .

And of course use the discount code J permit , check out somehow getting all these new cubes at once and having them all be my Maine just feels really nice and I'm excited to practice a lot on them because my old manes were so old .

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Thanks for watching and I know you guys will love these cubes because in my opinion , they are the best cubes and I cannot wait for everyone in the world to set all of their PBS on these cubes .


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