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2023-08-16 08:49:06

DIY - How to Make a Doll Roller Coaster _ EXTREME CRAFT

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What's up y'all today ?

We are going to try something a little different .

We are going to attempt to make something that resembles kind of a roller coaster .

What ?

Yeah , I'm thinking this might be a little ambitious , but we're gonna try it anyway and I'm take some artistic liberties and cut a few corners .

So , yeah , this is kind of what I had in mind .

Please forgive my horrible sketching here .

But I don't think we're gonna make it actually this large because I can't even fit this on my craft table .

So we're gonna cut a few corners and take off the ends and just make it in two separate parts .

So one goes straight across , then we'll pretend like there's a curve there and then the other has the hills or whatnot in the back .

So I'm thinking something a little bit more like this .

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A hill and then a straight piece of track .

Yeah .

And for our little carts , I'm thinking they'll look a little bit like that .

So , yeah , let's get started .

I'm using recycled paperboard to make the carts cut open the box so we can lay it flat .

Now , I'm sacrificing one box .

Just so we can make a template place a doll onto the box for size .

So when sitting , it's right about there .

I think we're gonna have them a little higher up .

So it takes up a little bit less space .

So if her legs were stretched out , we would need it to be at least down to there .

But if she was sitting and her legs are bent , we could shave off probably about a good inch .

Yeah , let's do that .

This is about 6.5 inches .

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We will need about 2.5 inches for the seat .

So let's mark that and a little over two inches for the width of the doll .

So if you want to have two dolls sitting side by side , let's go with 4.5 inches , make that four and a quarter .

So I end up with a rectangle that is 6.5 inches by four and a quarter and we're gonna have a seat that is 2.5 inches .

I'm using a paper cutter to clean up my lines and I made the seat two and a quarter inches because we need the space .

Sorry about changing the measurements , but we're trying to feel our way through this .

So we end up with 6.5 , 4 and a quarter and two and a quarter .

Yeah , for the side , I place my pattern at the bottom of another piece of paperboard .

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Mark where the seat is gonna go and the end and I just need to know where that back line is gonna be .

So let's go ahead and draw that on .

Then we'll place the doll on top , have her legs bent and I guess the sea can go right about there .

So this is gonna be a pretty tall little cart and the end of the seat will be right there .

Move the doll , let's sketch out our design .

So I'm thinking it's gonna go up and kind of curve , then we can bring it down that way the dolls can step into the cart , take it over and then go back up .

Yeah , that looks about right .

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Let's clean that up and then cut it out , cut a piece for the back , the seat and a piece for the front .

So about what is that right there ?

Yeah .

Now that we have all of our pieces , let's trace them onto paperboard , be sure to flip the pattern upside down to do the other side of the cart .

So you get two mirror images , make several , cut them out .

I cut four for each side and we're gonna stack and glue these together , making sure we can see the paperboard on both sides .

I'm using a glue stick to glue the layers together to make a pretty thick piece of board .

Now , this is only four layers .

If you want yours to be a little sturdier , you would just add more layers .

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However , the thicker these get , it does start to mess with the measurements for some of the other parts .

So you might find yourself trimming off stuff .

Later , we are going to need two of those four layers for the bottom .

I'm doing three layers for the back six for the seat and I cut one for the front .

However , I think I might have to resize this one because of the thickness of the sides .

So we'll just have to see once we start gluing everything together , sand , any rough edges smooth on the back joy line where the seat needs to go place the seat right under the line measure underneath , then cut a small piece of paperboard , stack a few layers to go underneath .

That's going to give us a little more support for that seat .

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And you know what , we might need seat belts or something to hold the dolls in place .

I cut two little notches on the sides so we can glue on some elastic paint , the seat glue it to the back with the smaller piece underneath paint .

It let's brush it with a little silver paint .

The inside of the other pieces measure and cut a piece of elastic and then we're going to glue it right on those little notches , then glue the back and the seat onto the bottom glue on the sides .

Hm The seat actually sticks out a lot and we might have some trouble getting the dolls in and out of the cart .

So I'm thinking we're gonna trim this down by like that much .

It's probably about a little over half an inch .

I trimmed it and touched up the paint .

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It's a very short seat now , a little over 1.5 inches , but it's still enough for the dolls to sit on and we should be able to get them into the cart .

Glue on the other side .

Here is the piece we cut for the front .

And yeah , we're gonna have to re cut that because of the thickness from the sides .

So I measure it and it looks like exactly 4.5 inches .

I cut a new piece of paperboard .

I paint it the other side and I'm just going to glue this onto the front .

The front is a little soft here .

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So I take the piece we cut from the seat , trim it down a little cut , a piece of aluminum wire that's a little longer fold over the ends , push it onto the paperboard so we can make some holes to push the wire through , bend the wire on the other side and secure the ends with glue to make a handle , paint the outside , then glue the handle in place on paperboard , sketch out a few more details , cut them out .

I made a little stencil so we can put a little horse on the side .

I really hope this works .

Ah , not bad .

Use a paintbrush to go back and clean up the lines giving me school mascot vibes .

But we're gonna keep going .

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Let's add some silver paperboard trim .

Let's add a few drops of hot glue .

Touch up the paint and try to fill in any cracks and crevices .

Not the neat job right through here , but hopefully it won't be too noticeable .

Now , we just need to give our car some wheels .

I have four little die cast cars .

I think these are by Matchbox .

They are all the same size .

We are going to use these on the bottom of our cart so it can roll .

But first , we might want to make the track .

So we know where to place the cars .

I'm going to use black poster board and cut 2.5 inch strips .

These measurements are just specific to this car .

If your car is shorter , you're gonna make a smaller strip on the sides .

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I fold them over three quarters of an inch .

Hm .

Let's make it a little less than three quarter inches so I can get a little more space .

Now , let's see if the car can pass freely and it can .

So yay make a second one .

I'm going to glue them together using popsicle sticks .

I glued one popsicle stick at each end so that I can make sure everything stays pretty straight .

I left a little bit of space on one side so we can extend it by making small cuts at the corners , fold them out , repeat on the extension , then overlap them and glue together , then trim it .

So it looks like we just glued two beams together .

This is now measuring about 36 inches .

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I don't think we can get a lot larger than that because like where are we going to store it ?

Continue gluing on popsicle sticks .

I have some cardboard here .

It's a tri fold that I picked up at Target .

It's 36 by 48 inches .

So it's pretty large .

Let's cut off one of the side panels .

Cut the side is about 12 inches .

I'm trimming off three , cover it with scrapbook paper .

So we have a board to build our track on .

It's still drying a little , I'm going to cut wooden dowels .

I cut them into two inch pieces , then begin gluing them on .

I'm using hot glue to attach the wooden dowels .

I just add a nice little drop on the popsicle sticks .

Then place the end of the wooden dowel in it , give it a little turn .

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So to get the glue on the sides and then hold it up and allow it to dry .

Then let's increase the wooden dowels to three inches , then four inches , five inches , then six and seven .

And I did the last three at seven .

So we can see a nice little slope there .

However , in order to see that nice curve , we're gonna have to make a few cuts to relieve the tension .

I'm just making as many cuts as I need so that we can get a nice smooth bend .

However , now my poles are all slanted rather than standing straight up .

So we're gonna have to make a few adjustments there .

Begin gluing the other end of the wooden dols onto the poster board and now they are pretty much straight .

I had to detach them a little bit at the top and then just rege it .

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But yeah , that works .

I'm not sure how sturdy this is .

It actually feels pretty sturdy , but we're gonna reinforce it and glue popsicle sticks going across and along the sides right now .

That feels pretty solid .

It's totally not going anywhere .

Let's do something about these little cuts .

I cut thin chips of paper and we're just gonna glue them behind it .

This is a little on the tedious side .

So you've been warned , let's use one of our cars to do a little test run and make sure it can go all the way through .

Oh , yeah , it works .

Ok .

Now , let's build another one .

I made another track .

This one is even longer , make another board this time .

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Let's try it a little different and go ahead and make all of those little cuts so that it's flexible so we can get an idea of what shape we want to do .

Yeah , something like that would be nice .

I put the first track in front so we can get a nice picture .

This is a 12 inch wooden dowel .

I'm gonna add a few more behind it and I'm adding some popsicle sticks at the bottom .

Now , for that extra support , I take two more wooden dowels .

Let's take off three quarters of an inch .

Then glue it in place .

Hm .

I might need to lower this one just a little , I cut off three quarter inches just like this one .

Then glue this back in place , add popsicle sticks for support , fill in the gaps .

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Then I added a line of hot glue along the edge just to make sure everything stays in place .

Then I brush all of the black with a little bit of silver so we can pretend that it's like metal and our track is done .

This is not a complete roller coaster .

We have two different tracks showing us two different parts of the roller coaster , but they don't actually connect if you want yours to connect , you can totally do that .

I'm just doing it this way for a little space saver and I can move it around .

However , I want to create different scenes .

Here is our little roller coaster cart or a car and we need to glue on our wheels .

I place the cars on the track , then glue the cart on top .

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I just used hot glue and then set it on top and now they're attached yay , but I am not loving how I can see the cars underneath .

I cut a strip of white posterboard , paint , it glue the strip around the bottom , cut a small notch from the front and the back so it can clear the tracks , add a few more drops of glue and touch up the paint , bend wire to make a little loop that we can glue to the front and make another one to be a hook in the back so the cars can be connected and they can go along the roller coaster .

It works .

Ok .

So now let's add a few finishing touches .

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I use leftover cardboard from the tri fold , cut along rectangle and glue strips underneath to make a platform cover it with paper cut , a few wooden dowels in half , make holes on the platform and glue the wooden dowels in place .

And let's add a few full size wooden dowels as well .

Add a few wooden dowels going across , paint it .

I did a black base coat followed by silver to add a little color .

I cut paper into one inch strips , cut them down to five inches .

Fold the paper in half .

Apply glue , wrap it around one of the wooden dowels , cut a triangle from the end , then give the paper a little bend before it dries to make a flag blowing in the wind .

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Totally starting to get those roller coaster vibes .

I covered one of those thin strips we cut earlier with a water scrapbook paper to make it look like there's a little bit of a water feature in the center .

So now we have four layers .

We have our deck , we have the first track water and our second track which is giving us some cool layers .

And since everything comes apart , it makes it a little easier to store .

Now , we need a name for our roller coaster on Instagram .

We asked you all for some ideas .

I wanted a horse theme and you all came up with some great ideas .

The Wild Sea Biscuit , love that trail Blazer Derby coaster .

I love the idea of Wild Mustang .

And then we could use one of our briar horses from Briar Fest on a sign .

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But after I painted the cards , I was getting some Renaissance Festival vibes , you know , like jousting and all that .

So we're going to head in that direction .

I cut leftover cardboard in two inch and a half strips , then cut them down to 14 inches glue four together to make a square column , make two of those cover them with paper .

Let's add a stone to the bottom .

Add a little wood trim , glue all of the boxes together , then glue them onto another piece of covered cardboard .

I want to change the top a little .

So let's add this wood scrap of paper on the top .

Then I made a quick little printable that I am going to trim down a little .

I even cut out a few little notches so it looks like torn paper .

And we're gonna just glue that right on top .

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Add a few pins to look like nails , cut out our printable flags .

Glue them onto the columns .

Cut out the little sign that says how tall you have to be to ride the ride .

Glue it onto some paperboard that's been covered with scrapbook paper , then glue it onto the wall .

Add a little more railing out to the side .

Glue a briar horse right on top .

I made another thin strip of covered cardboard .

I added a few bushes and more flags to give us more flags on the other side of the roller coaster to finish our night rider roller coaster .

I think I want to change my briar horse to a black one .

But now we have another horse themed amusement park ride for our dolls .

It's a pretty nice size .

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The dolls can stand around and wait in line .

We can move things out of the way to make it easier to play .

There's a seat belt because you know , safety first , we can fit two dolls in the cart and we can fit a kindle in there too .

I'm using a little bit of clear filament .

I put it through the hook on the front then pull it to make the roller coaster go .

All right , I'm done .

Ok .

So it's not the smoothest roller coaster , but it's a great project for this summer .

Thank you for joining us while we made a roller coaster for our adults .

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Don't forget to ring the bell and follow us on Instagram at my froggy stuff and the frog vlog and we will see you next time .


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