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2023-08-17 17:55:06

How To Make Pancakes _ Buttermilk Pancake Recipe _ Hilah Cooking

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Good morning , fellow humans .

Welcome to another fantabulous episode of Hila cooking .

I'm Hala and I'm gonna be cooking .

Um , we've had a lot of people ask for pancakes and so I'm gonna show you how to make pancakes today from scratch people to pay attention because it's actually really , really easy .

Um , but the tricky part is the cooking .

So we'll get a little close up on that right .

Chris .

Um , pancakes are excellent to know how to make in case you have some extra time on the weekend and you wanna show off for somebody like say you had a little buddy sleep over and you wanna be like , hey , baby , I can take care of myself , watch me make you some pancakes .

It's very impressive .

All right , I'm gonna do it now .

So all we need for this is like a six , actually seven ingredients .

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Uh I've got a cup of flour , baking soda , baking powder , um , some buttermilk , which I'm just gonna show you how to make your own buttermilk substitute by using regular milk and vinegar , which is a good trick to know because who the hell keeps buttermilk around and butter and an egg So first step , put your dry ingredients in a big bowl and I did not sift this flour because sifting is for suckers .

Um but I am gonna whisk it up , it get kind of fluffy .

Um Let's see , I've got my baking powder and I need one teaspoon of that to dry this out because I just washed it on my clean pants .

Um So a teaspoon of that and the difference between baking powder and baking soda is that baking powder has um cream of tartar mixed in with it .

It's baking soda plus cream of tartar , which is an acidic substance .

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And the thing about baking soda is that it gets activated to , to make bubbles when it hits an acidic thing .

Like I don't know if you ever did that thing when you're a kid where you mix the baking soda and the vinegar in like a two liter bottle and then it explodes and makes a awesome volcano .

Um Anyway , good chemistry lesson one of the day .

OK .

So we're gonna whisk this together just to get all the dry stuff mixed up .

So you don't end up with like any lumps of baking soda or anything .

Ok .

So this is all mixed up and now I'm gonna mix my wet ingredients together .

I took the liberty of going ahead and melting two tablespoons of butter um because I didn't really want you to see my microwave because it's top secret .

Um So what I'm gonna do now , just use my muscles to open this .

And , uh , this is 2% milk .

You can use skim milk .

You can use soy milk .

You can use almond milk .

You can use whole milk .

You can use whatever you want .

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Actually , um , you could probably use water .

Uh , first thing I'm gonna do is put this egg in here and get that kind of beaten up .

I'm gonna beat up this egg because I'm mean , and I'm gonna use my whisk and just break up the oak and then I'm gonna use the same measuring cup to measure one cup of milk .

An egg is typically right at like a quarter cup .

This egg is just smaller than a quarter cup of liquid .

So I'm gonna fill this up to one and one quarters cups , get that good .

Um And then I'm gonna add in about a teaspoon of vinegar and you know , a teaspoon is about the size of this cap .

So I'm gonna put in that much and then I'm gonna mix that up some more .

OK ?

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And then I'm gonna put in my butter and because this is all cold , it's all gonna rec coagulate and be hard and I'll be sad but , oh , I didn't do it so much .

OK .

Awesome .

We're in business .

Um So now that I have my wet ingredients combined for , I am going to add them to my dry ingredients and then we're really cooking voila pancake batter .

Now I'm gonna let this sit , um , just for while .

I appreciate my skillet over here and then , and then we'll actually really get the cooking .

So sorry , I lied before .

So this is hot , I can tell because it's hot .

When I put my hand over it , I'm gonna turn it down to like kind of a medium high heat and put maybe a half a teaspoon of oil in there .

If you have some spray oil , you can totally use that .

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But I don't keep that around and then just kind of noisily smear it around and let it get pretty hot .

I'm gonna test it with just a sprinkling of water .

It is a good trick to see if it's hot enough because it does that you don't wanna do that .

Obviously , if you're like deep frying something because the whole thing could explode or something .

Ok .

So I'm using my quarter cup measure to portion out perfect pancakes .

Ok .

So you can see these bubbles that are starting to form .

That's the , um , the baking soda and the baking powder reacting with the heat .

Um , well , it's actually the baking powder , I guess and just watch them , like , don't try to flip them yet .

Wait till they look really cratered and you'll see what I mean in just a few minutes .

It usually just takes like two or three minutes .

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It's kind of mesmerizing .

See some of these bubbles are starting to stay now and they're starting to become little holes instead of bubbles .

That's what we're looking for people .

Like how scientists look for aliens .

Oh .

Also if you wanted to make like blueberry pancakes , um , you could drop in some blueberries right now before the top starts to really cook and then flip them and then boil out blueberry pancakes just like Waffle House better than Waffle House because I don't think Waffle House actually has blueberry pancakes .

Um , I should know I go there all the time .

Ok .

Yeah .

So these are , these are pretty close .

They're not sticking .

So that's excellent .

Wow .

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I did an excellent job greasing the skillet .

Ok .

So this one has bubbles that pop and then they stay like craters instead of being bubbly or just like folding back in on themselves .

So I'm gonna go ahead and flip it .

Perfect .

Let's do this one now .

Oh , snap .

This one's stuck a little bit .

See , even fudges things up sometimes lam .

That's where I stuck a little .

Oops .

Oh , heck , this one's doing the same thing .

I clearly did not get my oil smeared around well enough , but it's fine .

And also that one could have gone longer , but I got impatient .

Let that be a listen to you and give it like another minute or so .

And this recipe makes like nine or 10 pancakes about big .

Um , so it'll probably feed like three or four people .

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I don't know if one of those people is a baby , then it'll feed more than that .

I don't know if pancakes are good for babies though .

Probably had to consult your doctor pediatrician .

All right .

So I just , I just peeked like that .

That's done .

Pancakes are done , man .

Uh , ok .

So now I have a big , beautiful stack of pancakes and I'm gonna put a little bit of butter on them and honestly , I really am not a huge fan of pancakes .

My husband likes them a lot .

Um , but yeah , I , I'm just not a huge fan , uh , of like a bunch of starch for breakfast .

I guess .

I like them better other times a day , I suppose .

But , uh , these are still pretty damn good .

Maybe I do like pancakes .

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Um , but you know , like , even if I didn't really like pancakes and I spent the night at some dude's house like many years ago back in time before I was married .

Um , and some dude made me pancakes in the morning .

I would eat the shit and I would do some cool stuff for him .

Ok .

Um , check out the website for this recipe and more lewd stories and um , highly cooking dot com and I will see you at another breakfast table .

Bye .


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