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2023-08-17 17:18:04

How to Solve a Ghost Cube (Easy Tutorial 2023)

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Alrighty .

Hello there .

My name is James .

And right now we're gonna learn how to solve the ghost cube , right ?

But before we can solve it , we need to scramble it .

OK ?

Because it's already in the solved position .

So let's do just that .

All righty .

So the ghost cube is now scrambled and uh here is some background information about the ghost cube .

It is a , it's exactly the same thing as a three by three except instead of colors .

Uh it's emphasized on shapes , right ?

There are no parodies on the ghost cube .

So a lot of people have this misconception .

There's like parodies .

Uh I'll show you one supposed parody and what it's how to actually solve it and uh instead of memorizing algorithms and stuff .

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But yeah , OK .

So uh the first step in solving the ghost cube , what what I always do is uh I find this piece right here .

OK .

It looks like a , like a barn kinda .

I mean , you should see it on your ghosts cube .

It looks like this .

OK ?

It's a centerpiece .

OK ?

This is gonna be like the white side on the Rubik's cube and so on this side of the center is gonna be a rectangle .

So let's look for a rectangle somewhere .

OK .

So uh for this piece , it's actually gonna be a long rectangle and here is the long rectangle on the ghost cube .

There are two rectangular pieces .

So here's a rectangle and there's another rectangle .

So this one is shorter , you can see this one is a lot longer and uh yeah , it's longer .

So let's connect it just like that .

OK .

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So there is a little gap but it's actually pretty flat .

OK .

Let's look at the other side of this barn shape thing .

It's gonna be a uh I'm not sure what the name for it is , but it's gonna look like this .

OK ?

It's like a , it's kind of like a boat .

I don't know if you turn it like this .

It looks like a boat , but yeah , OK .

So let's insert it just like that .

OK .

So uh we should have a nice flush line because you can see it's kind of like the corner of the ghost cube .

And uh yeah , so there is another similar piece like this which is not gonna fit , see how long this is and how short this is , right ?

So we want the shorter one .

Now on this side of the on these two sides of the ghost cube are gonna be trapezoids .

OK .

So trapezoids , we're looking for trapezoids .

So luckily my ghost cube has a logo on it which makes it a tiny bit easier to solve like that .

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See right there , there's uh the Adam uh logo .

But when you're doing the , the White Cross , right ?

Remember when you solve the regular Rubik's cube , you try to do the White Cross .

Uh Yes .

When you're doing the White Cross on the ghost cube , make sure the the trapezoid pieces here only have one sticker , right ?

Because you can actually get into a parody kind of an incorrect state .

So you don't want to do that .

So uh this trapezoid only has one sticker and I'm gonna show you another trapezoid that only has .

Yeah .

So this is an incorrect trapezoid .

See it's a trapezoid , but there's another tiny little sticker there .

OK ?

So make sure your trapezoid only has one sticker .

This one has two .

OK ?

Two particular stickers .

So let's find another trapezoid that only has one sticker , right ?

Because this one's incorrect and it is right here .

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So let's bring it up and obviously it's not oriented correctly .

So let's orient it correctly .

OK .

Great .

So there it is .

So now we have the white cross .

OK ?

Supposedly I know the whole cube is black and white .

But uh if we were solving a Rubik's cube , this would be the white cross .

OK .

So two trapezoids , one sticker , a long rectangle and uh I don't know how to describe the shape .

It's like a boat or something .

Now , uh how I solve the ghosts cube .

I do the corners next .

OK .

So uh when we solve the regular Rubik's cube , we uh have the white cross facing down , right ?

Let me just adjust my seat here and on top of uh this trapezoid , if you hold it like this , this trapezoid is gonna have a triangle on it .

OK .

Now , luckily for me , it has a logo on it .

So it makes it very easy to remember .

Now .

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Uh Yeah , we can just slide it in and just like that .

We have a uh uh one corner finished .

OK ?

And if yours doesn't have a logo , make sure the triangle has a sticker on top .

OK .

So it's gonna have a triangle and one sticker on top .

That's when you know it's 100% flush .

OK .

The next triangle .

So there's gonna be two triangles right here .

OK ?

One right here and one right here .

Uh Make sure make sure it's the right triangle because this has uh screwed up a lot of my souls .

E even though I've sold the ghost cube many , many times , it still stumbles me today .

OK .

So look , there are four triangle shaped pieces on this cube .

OK ?

There's four triangle shaped pieces .

And uh if you mix up those two triangles , it's gonna be an incorrect solve if you have a parody and that's not very fun .

OK ?

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So uh this triangle could be right ?

But it doesn't look like it .

This one's definitely not right .

This is more like a a right angle , definitely not right .

And there's another triangle right here .

So the triangle that goes here is very pointy .

I , because I solve the cube uh several times it's very pointy .

This one is not as pointy .

I see this one looks very pointy , looks very like a thin kind of and this one is very , definitely not , it's like a right angle .

So let's just insert it and uh that , you know , it feels pretty good , feels flush , but it could be wrong .

So uh keep that in mind , OK ?

That this triangle could be wrong even though it feels flush .

Let , let's hope it's right .

OK .

So this is what we completed so far .

Now , let's uh turn it this way .

OK ?

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And now on the , on these uh two corners , they're gonna be this kind of shape , a triangle .

Just look for this triangle sticker .

OK .

So , uh let's um look for it .

This is obviously this is the piece we're looking for , but it's incorrectly uh po positioned or , or uh rotated right .

So let's take it out of the bottom and let's put it the right way .

OK ?

Just like this and just like that .

OK .

So this is the piece we're looking for .

It's gonna be a triangle .

There is one that looks similar like this , but this is not a triangle .

OK .

So uh don't insert this piece on accident .

We want the triangle , insert it just like that .

Now , we need the exact same thing , but the opposite of that .

So let's look for it .

This is pretty triangular .

Let's see if there's anything else .

Uh That's definitely not .

Right .

That's definitely not .

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Right .

So it has to be this piece , this triangular piece , right ?

Unfortunately , even if we put it like this or like this , it's not rotated properly .

So I'm gonna do this kind of short little algorithm to get this piece up , move it away and put it down .

Now , if we uh try again , it's actually gonna work .

So there you go .

OK .

So that is one , I guess you could say section of the ghost cube .

So as you can see , it's uh looks cool .

Now time for the middle layer , we're gonna solve the middle layer .

OK ?

Uh Things get pretty interesting from here .

So let's look for this piece right here .

This is where I like to start with .

OK .

So uh this , this centerpiece has a tiny little sticker on it and we want this sticker to face the top left .

OK .

So we're gonna rotate the center .

So goes top left .

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OK .

Now there is the same piece on the opposite side right here .

See it's on the top left , but it's incorrectly .

Uh You know , I'll show you later .

OK ?

But let's start with this piece .

So how we're gonna do it ?

We're gonna hold it like this with the salt side on the left .

And uh we want to , we want to rotate it counterclockwise one time , right ?

So it goes there .

So let's do that .

The algorithm goes like this , you move the top twice , move the right twice .

Now we're gonna move this counterclockwise once , right , like we mentioned before .

And now just undo those first two moves right , two times and up two times .

So now this is still solved and the uh and this piece is oriented correctly .

OK .

This uh thing of male , the square has it on the top left .

OK .

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Now , what I like to do , I like to go to the opposite side of this .

So we're just gonna flip it and now we're gonna look at this , OK ?

This needs to face the bottom left .

OK ?

Which is a counterclockwise rotation .

So we're gonna do the same exact thing as we did on this side on the center .

So you wanna rotate it twice , right twice .

And now we need to rotate it counterclockwise and now , right two times up two times and now we rotated it correctly .

This is the correct orientation for the center .

And now let's look at the next center .

OK ?

For this one , it needs to face bottom , right ?

This tiny little uh sliver of a sticker needs to face the bottom , right , right here .

OK .

So let's we , this needs to go clockwise one time .

OK .

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So let's do the exact same algorithms before up two times , right , two times clockwise because that's how we had to rotate it and cancel the first two moves right ?

Two times up , two times .

Oh Come on .

OK .

There we go .

So now this uh center is oriented correctly .

That's great .

So think about it like this top left , bottom , right , bottom left .

And this is gonna be uh top oh Wait a minute .

This is bottom , right ?

So this is gonna be top , right .

OK .

So this center is gonna be rotated to the top , right ?

So this tiny little sticker right here , you can see it needs to go uh rotated twice to the top , right ?

OK .

So let's do that uh up two times , right ?

Two times .

Remember we have to rotate it twice .

So this little sticker is on the top , right ?

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You cancel out the first two moves right ?

Two times and up two times .

So now all the centers have been oriented correctly .

OK ?

And uh if you know how to solve like um let's see a picture cube , right ?

Uh Like some Rubik's cubes have like pictures on them and you have to solve the picture on each side .

So yeah .

Um That's how you do it .

OK .

So I think the top left , bottom , right ?

Bottom , left , top , right .

OK .

That's the order you're gonna do it .

The next step is to fill in the edges .

OK .

So let's do that .

Uh And we need to find the right pieces to stick in the edges , right ?

So let let's look at this piece right here .

OK .

Let's , we're just gonna test it out just by doing this .

OK .

Does that fit ?

Obviously not ?

Ok .

So let's rotate it and see if it fits on this one .

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Obviously that doesn't fit .

Let's try the next one .

Obviously that doesn't fit and let's try the last one .

OK .

That doesn't fit that .

It's not flush .

So now let's try the other side .

Ok .

OK .

That's not flush .

That's not flush , that's not flush .

So it has to be this .

OK ?

Great .

So you're gonna grab one of the edge pieces and you're gonna make sure it fits .

See this is very flush .

So this is great .

OK ?

So the algorithm is like this .

OK ?

Uh If the piece you have the piece that you need to insert right here in front of you and if it needs to be inserted into the right , then do this algorithm .

OK .

We're gonna turn the up this way right up , inverted .

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Uh turn the right side down up inverted and then just stick it in .

So we're gonna go like this do OK .

That was kind of funny .

But there , so again , uh I'm not gonna be displaying the algorithms on the screen if you should know how to solve the Rubik's cube and how to uh insert edges like this .

OK ?

So it's pretty , I think self-explanatory or you can just uh watch a youtube video on how to do the algorithm how to insert edge pieces .

OK .

So let's look at another edge piece .

This is another edge piece and let's insert it into the right one .

OK .

So I already know I'm very familiar with this edge piece .

Uh We're gonna insert it right here actually .

No , that's not the right one .

I think it's right here .

Let's see .

OK , right there .

OK .

So , as you can see , uh this is very flush on both sides .

So this is the right edge piece .

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So this is the algorithm I'm not gonna really uh you know , project it on the screen , but you can just copy my hands and there you go .

So without disturbing the bottom layer , we're fixing the edges .

OK ?

So we did 12 , this one's incorrect and this one's incorrect .

OK ?

So let's do those two algorithm uh two edge pieces .

OK .

So uh here's another edge piece we need to put and it fits right there perfectly .

That's great .

I like that .

So let's stick it in .

So have the , the edge piece you want to insert in front of you .

And since it's on the left side , we're gonna do this algorithm left up , left and insert it .

Great .

OK .

So we have another edge piece inserted .

That is amazing .

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And now we have to do the very last one .

OK .

So , and that is right .

Where is it ?

Oh OK .

This is a very good step .

I wanna show you .

So uh all these uh edges right here .

They actually belong on the top .

Whoops , they actually belong on the top layer .

Uh This piece actually needs to be flipped 100 80 degrees .

OK .

So in order for us to do that , we're actually gonna insert a piece in here and then reinsert the one we outs ted the correct way .

OK ?

I hope that makes sense .

But even though this piece does not belong here , that's OK because we're gonna flip this edge .

OK .

So let's do it .

OK ?

And now this is the correct uh way to do it .

See this is very flush .

So let's do it .

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Just gonna insert it and there you go .

OK .

This is great .

So not only did we just solve the bottom layer , the white side , supposedly , uh we solve the middle layer .

OK .

So that's great .

Pat yourself on the back .

Uh Things are only gonna get good from here .

OK .

So here is the supposedly yellow side .

OK .

And uh what do you do when you on the yellow side , you try to make the yellow cross .

OK .

So let's do the yellow cross .

This piece needs to be facing up .

OK .

See this pointy piece down here , it needs to be facing up , which is not OK .

So this is not correctly positioned .

This is not correctly positioned because it needs to be facing up as well .

You're gonna , this piece right here needs to be facing up .

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Uh this piece is correct because the right side is bigger than the left .

If you uh look very closely , you can see the , the right side is longer than the left side .

Well , actually , you know what , wait a minute , I don't think that's correct .

That's not correct .

And that's not correct .

Ok .

So on a Rubik's cube , sometimes you get a position where there are no yellow edges , um , no yellow edges on the top , right ?

So pretty much we just have a yellow dot right here .

Think about it like that .

Just a yellow center .

So we're gonna do uh this algorithm in order for us to get a yellow uh line .

OK .

So we're gonna do front .

Uh let's see how we are gonna do it occupying the front up , right up , inverted , right , inverted and cancel the front move .

OK ?

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So now if we look this trapezoid is oriented correctly because the right side is bigger .

And I believe , yeah , I and this is oriented correctly because the left side is longer than the right .

OK .

So that's correct .

So essentially right now we just have a yellow line .

OK ?

And if you , if you've sold the Rubik's cube many times , you know uh what algorithm you need to , to do the yellow cross .

OK .

So pretend we have a yellow line right here .

We have a yellow line and now we're gonna do this algorithm .

OK ?

Front right up , cancel the right , cancel the up and then cancel the front .

Ok .

So now all the yellow edge pieces are correctly oriented .

Ok .

So this is correct because the pointy thing is up .

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This is correct because the pointy thing is up .

This is correct the trap .

It's correct because the right right side is longer than the left .

And the rectangle is correct because the left side is longer than the right .

Ok .

That's very good .

So now if you're lucky , you're gonna see this piece right here is actually flush .

It actually fits and these three are incorrectly positioned .

OK ?

These three are incorrect .

So what you wanna do is is the soon algorithm S un e the soon it's a very uh popular algorithm that's like you should know very well .

If you sold the rubiks too many times go like this , have the correct piece facing you .

OK ?

Make sure the correct , see how it's flush here .

These are obviously not flush , they're not aligned , right .

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But this one is so have it facing you and do right up , right , inverted up , right , two times and put it down .

Great .

This is very good .

So now all the edge pieces should be oriented correctly .

OK ?

If you look at this , that's correct , this edge is correct .

This edge is correct and this edge is correct .

OK .

No , a very important thing to know .

Uh you know what I don't think .

Now if you are not able to do this , it means that either your trapezoid piece .

So on the bottom layer , there's a trapezoid , this one is incorrect or this one or that your triangles are incorrect .

OK .

So that , so these four pieces need to be perfectly matched .

OK .

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And that can be hard for a beginner especially , right ?

But uh yeah , if this does not work , something is not uh working like it's working for me , then try making sure that these pieces are correctly flush , right ?

But in my case , so far , everything's going good .

So after doing the edges now we wanna permute the corners .

OK .

So I always start with this piece right here .

I call it the church because I , I was watching another youtube video and they called it the church .

So now I just call the church .

OK ?

And so there are four pieces you need to memorize .

There's big triangle , small triangle , a piece with a big sticker and another piece with a small sticker .

OK ?

So just think about it like this big , small , big , small , OK ?

Big , small , big , small , big , small , big , small , OK .

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So this , well , you can already see it's very flush .

It's perfectly aligned , but we're supposed to have a big triangle right here .

A small triangle right here .

A , a piece like this with a big sticker and a piece like this with a tiny sticker .

OK .

So let's do just that .

OK .

So have this uh if you're lucky , one of them will be uh solved already for you if you have a big triangle .

Yeah .

So start with the church piece .

Uh have the and uh actually not , let me think about that if any of the pieces are in the right spot , uh do this algorithm .

OK ?

And have the correct piece on the right side , on the right side .

OK .

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And we're going to do this algorithm up right up , left , up , right up , left .

OK ?

And I know I'm not doing the correct Rubik's cube notation .

I'm just trying to just show you what you need to do .

OK .

So let's , let's look and see if the pieces have been uh permuted correctly .

OK .

Big triangle .

That's not a small triangle , that's incorrect .

So big triangle , small triangle , big triangle , small triangle .

OK .

So that obviously did not work .

So let's do it one more time .

OK ?

But so make sure the correct piece is on the right side .

We're gonna do up right up , left up , right up left .

OK ?

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And now if you look uh this big triangle , let's uh repeat the pattern in a good big triangle , small triangle , big triangle , small triangle .

OK .

So that's what I meant about these two .

The tiny little sticker here is big and then small .

So big , small , big , small .

OK .

So that's how it goes .

And now it's uh just like a Rubik's cube .

If you know how to solve the last part , we're gonna do the , that spinning motion .

I guess we're gonna do it up .

Right .

And we're just pretty much gonna turn it like this and we're gonna keep turning it until it fits just like that actually .

No , that's not right .

I think that's right .

Ok .

That seems more flush .

Let's rotate the last piece right here and we need to rotate this correctly .

OK .

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And you can just copy my hands what they're doing and now the ghost cube is solved .

OK ?

All you have to do is just uh do the very last part .

And there you go , your ghost tube is now 100% solved .

Pat yourself on the back .

That's great .

If you have any uh comments or suggestions or you have a case that I did not talk about , please let me know .

I will try to uh respond and help you as much as I can .

But the biggest part is these four pieces right here .

These two triangle pieces , this triangle is trapezoid and this triangle is trapezoid .

If you can solve these four correctly , every time the ghost cube is gonna be very , very easy for you .

OK ?

So yeah , there you go .

Let me know if uh my tutorial worked for you because uh it would mean a lot .

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And uh the person who helped me learn how to solve the ghost cube , I'm gonna put a link to his channel in the description .

I forgot his uh youtube channel name and his name also .

But Yeah , it's gonna be great .

So , and if you want to see more uh Rubik's cube videos on how to solve them , please subscribe and uh I hope you have a great rest of your day .


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