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2023-08-15 20:45:50

How to setup a Hyper-V virtual machine on Windows 10

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Hey , guys .

And girl in this tutor , I'm gonna show you how to set up a virtual machine or virtual PC using windows Hyper V .

There are a few pre requisites .

Uh , to be able to do this , you're gonna need a 64 bit edition of Windows 10 , uh , pro or Windows Enterprise , OK .

And your CPU needs to support slat technology .

OK , virtualization must be enabled in your bias .

I'm not gonna be walking you through how to do that .

Uh , every bias is different , depending on what motherboard you've got .

So you're gonna have to check your motherboard manual and see if you have virtualization available , uh , as a setting on your motherboard .

So I've enabled , uh , virtualization on my motherboard .

So I'm using the hero VI I motherboard .

Um , so that's quite easy to do .

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So what we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to , uh , activate the hyper V feature of Windows 10 and how to install and set up the virtual box .

If you're not sure if you're running a 60 bit version 64 bit version of windows , what you can do is come down to the start button .

You can right click and come up to system .

Uh , I have blocked out a couple of things just for security reasons .

And up here , you can see that .

What version of windows ?

The Windows 10 pro .

If you've got home , you're not going to be able to do this .

Um , or it might say Windows Enterprise .

And down here it says system type , and you can see their 64 bit operating system .

So we're good to go .

We are going to hit the Windows button and the R key , which will open the run command .

And we're gonna run optional features dot EXC and we're going to click .

OK , so I'm gonna select hyper V tick , both boxes click , OK ?

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And it's gonna apply those changes .

It then says restart now .

Um , we'll hit Restart now , and I'll see you in a minute .

OK , so the PC is restarted and we're ready to set up our virtual machine .

So we're going to come down and left , click or Sorry .

Right .

Click on the start button .

You can also do Windows Key and X .

We're gonna come up to a control panel .

I'm gonna go into administrative tools once we're in there , we're gonna click the hyper V manager and we can close down these other two windows .

Here's the hyper V manager and the first thing we wanna do is click on to make sure we clicked onto our , uh , computer name and we're gonna click new virtual Machine .

And this brings up the virtual machine wizard and we're gonna just follow this through .

So click next , uh , specify a name and location for your virtual machine .

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So I'm gonna call this Windows 10 and it's gonna be my test machine .

Uh , and I'm gonna leave it stored in the default C programme data Microsoft windows Hyper V .

Uh , if you want to store it somewhere else , just click this and then you can browse to the location where you want to store it .

I'm gonna specify generation one because it's a 64 bit , uh , version of windows that I'm going to install .

Um , it provides virtual hardware , which has been available in all previous versions of hyper V I'm not using .

I don't see the need to use Generation two , so I'm just gonna click next .

I'm gonna leave dynamic memory ticked and leave it at the standard uh , 1024 .

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Meg , um , if you have limited , uh , onboard memory So if you're running , like sort of two gig on board memory or even a gig untick this , OK , I have a 16 gig of on board , so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna leave that to use dynamics as it uses as much as it needs .

So click next , and then we're going to configure networking .

We're gonna leave that just not connected for now next again , and then we're gonna set up the virtual hard disc .

So here we've got the name which is automatically generated the location of where you want it .

So I'm gonna leave it there for now .

And I'm gonna set it to 20 gig .

I only want 20 gig hard drive .

Um , which is fine .

You can use an existing virtual hard drive if you've got one , or you can attach a virtual hard disc later .

So let's go Next .

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This is the install an operating system so you can install the operating system now or you can come back and configure it later , which I'm gonna leave it for now and then show you how to configure it After and then you'll get a summary .

So there's the summary .

It just tells you the name of the virtual machine .

What generation is how much memory and just the settings .

You've just set up the location of the virtual hard disc .

I'm gonna click finish , and that's the the virtual machine set up .

What we want to do now is install the operating system and over here I've got an ISO image of Windows 10 pro .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come across the settings on the right hand side .

I'm gonna come down to where it says ID Controller one DVD drive .

Click on that .

And this is where you can specify your your in your OS medium .

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So , for instance , if you're using a physical disc , OK , you can say where the disc is and what drive you want it to use or if you're using an image file .

So I'm using an image file , so I'm gonna browse and select , OK , and then we're just gonna click , OK , and that's ready to start .

So down here I can click start and this will start the virtual machine you can see down here .

It started so if we just double click this , it will open the virtual machine , and we can see that it has found the ISO file and booted to the ISO file so we can now go .

Uh , my language is English , and you can set up and configure Windows 10 .

I'm not gonna show you how to do that .

Just now .

Um , you can watch the video on how to install Windows 10 , and , uh , I'll come back to you once this is done and explain to you the next steps .

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OK , so we want to get the Internet working , and we want to be able to use the Internet with a virtual machine .

So what we're gonna do is we are going to go into virtual switch manager , and we're gonna set up a new virtual switch .

So we're going to create a virtual switch to an external source .

Uh , we're gonna need the name blank just for now .

Um , we can , uh , we could actually call .

We could name it .

And we could just say , uh , network adapter .

And we want it to connect to external network .

And we're going to use , uh , the Ethernet adapter that's in our computer and we're just gonna click , Apply , Click .

Yes , it apply changes and click .

OK , We then want to click on , make sure we're highlighted and clicked on our virtual machine .

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Come down here to settings and where it says network adapter You're gonna wanna select network adapter Click , apply click OK , and that is the network configured .

And the other thing we will want to be able to do is adjust the display and graphic settings .

So we're gonna go to settings again and we're gonna click add hardware and add the remote FX 3D video adapter .

Click add , uh , maximum monitor resolution that you want it to be able to do and apply .

OK , And we're going to launch , um , Windows 10 and click start , double click down here and it will open , and it's gonna ask us what sort of display settings we want .

So here we go .

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I'm not gonna do full screen .

I'm gonna do just below full screen 1920 by 10 .

80 I'm gonna connect .

So there we go .

You can resize the window manually .

You can turn off the enhanced session OK , or you can turn it back on .

You can do .

Full screen mode .

OK , so there we are .

Windows 10 installed , and we can click in here and go to There you go .

And as you can see , Internet's working , uh , our virtual machine set up .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Um , and that is how to configure hyper V on Windows 10 .

Catch you in the next video .


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