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2023-08-17 17:56:27

How to Make Pancakes Without Milk

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Hey guys .

In today's video , I'm gonna show you how to make pancakes without milk .

Now , whether you need a dairy free recipe or you told the kids you were gonna make pancakes this morning and have no milk or almond milk or any of the other alternatives around today .

I'm gonna show you how to make pancakes with water .

Check this out right in this bowl .

I have all purpose flour .

If you need these pancakes to be gluten free , you can use a gluten free , all purpose flour .

I'll link the one below that I typically use .

So we have flour here because with water and it's not milk .

The pancakes don't have a lot of taste per se .

I'm gonna add just a little bit of a tablespoon of sugar , but that is also completely optional pink to the sugar and the flour .

We're going to add a little bit of salt , salt just about a pinch .

Helps the baking powder .

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Lift those pancakes because the last thing you wanna do is make flavorless flat pancakes .

I mean , why even make them the first leg ?

So let's add some baking powder to our mixture right there and then we're gonna combine this together .

Ok .

So in the middle , I'm gonna make slight , well , I'm going to add one egg to the flour and then some melted butter because this is a pretty plain recipe .

You do want a little bit of flavor from melted butter while it's not written in the recipe .

I do like to add a little bit of flavor to the pancakes .

So I'm gonna add a little bit of vanilla .

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Now the extract , if you have almond extract or maple extract , a lot of people think that the milk is essential for lots of reasons , but no , you can definitely make pancakes with water as long as your batter has a little bit of flavor .

So to this , I'm going to add our water and we're gonna mix it together .

I like to start from the center to break the egg up .

And once the egg is mixed , I begin to add , combine the other ingredients around the edges .

I have a whole other video on this channel that talks about pancake batter and another one all about when to flip pancakes .

So for this video , I just want to show you how to make pancakes without milk or a milk alternative , not just because you need them to be dairy free , but because you ran out .

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So as we mix this , our pancake batter is ready , we want to mix it just enough to where there are no clumps .

And this pancake is pretty perfect today .

I'm gonna be using a griddle just so I can make more pancakes at once .

So I'm gonna use a little bit of butter to grease the griddle , but you can use spray or whatever you typically use .

Maybe it's a dairy free um , spread as well .

Um You do not want your pancake batter to stick and even though this is a non stick , I still grease it .

So I'm gonna use a scoop to later on my pancake batter right on our griddle .

Now , I have my griddle set set to medium heat about 300 degrees .

If you're doing it on a pan , make sure your pan is not too hot .

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You don't want to overcook the outsides and have uh gummy raw middles of your pancakes .

All right .

So now that our edges are cooked and we have a few pockets forming , we are gonna flip our milk less pancakes over , cook them for another minute on the other side .

And as you can see , they are thick and fluffy , they've cooked fully on one side .

They have golden edges .

If you grease your griddle , you'll definitely get that golden toasty color .

We all love and all you have to do is cook them for about another minute on the other side to make sure that is both sides are um fully sealed and cooked and then we plate them up .

Obviously , you would repeat the process with the remaining batter .

But my goal is to show you that even though you don't have all the ingredients that our recipe requires , it's OK to sometimes make some substitutions as long as you stick to some of the recipes .

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So let's plate these guys up perfectly golden pancakes right there .

Now , let's put a little bit of butter on top .

I can definitely taste a little bit of vanilla .

So if you do have an extract at home , make sure to add it .

Now , if you love this kind of simple family friendly recipes .

Click that red subscribe button .

A new recipe comes out every single week and you and I get to make delicious staples that are easy to make together .

See you next time .

Bye .


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