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2023-08-18 20:15:21

These Rubik's Cube Challenges are MESSED UP

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Today we're solving the Rubik's cube .

How it was meant to be solved in black and white .

The Rubik's cube was invented in 1980 believe it or not , that was such a long time ago that we had not invented color .

I just realized my lovely J Perm logo is actually telling me which side is white .

There we go .

Now we can have maximum confusion .

Hm I think that's yellow because this is slightly brighter than it .

So this should be the white side .

We have two dark sides and two light sides .

Uh oh I hate this challenge already .

We should just get it over with .

So we are going to match that and it doesn't match here .

This one can match there .

OK .

Two grass pieces that's really bright .

That should be white .

All right .

This one maybe I think that looks good .

Uh These are both dark .

Could that be correct ?

We'll find out later .

All right .

This one looks like maybe it goes here .

Perhaps it goes with this one .

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It's nice that this is slightly brighter than the surroundings .

So we're gonna take this one and find another dark and not dark piece , maybe that one and put it in here .

All right .

Uh That might be white .

No , no , no , no , no .

This has a dark color on it .

This one and this one maybe .

Oh jeez .

That looks like F two L go into OLL and PLL .

Um PLL shouldn't be too hard .

Why is this so difficult ?

This is an R perm .

Nope .

Uh This is , this is AJ perm .

I would not be happy with two minutes but it ended with AJ Prem .

And I think I'm OK with that white yellow .

And these two colors were really annoying , but I kind of like that .

The blue side is so much darker than this one .

All right , let's get the colors back .

Wait , red is darker than blue .

I never knew that .

Look at that .

Wow , that's crazy .

Since we're still in 1980 .

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Let's use a Rubik's brand .

See what I'm doing here .

These are called wrist turns .

Don't do these .

I am going to try and solve the whole thing with only wrist turns because finger tricks , not only were they not really invented yet but they were not even possible on cubes of this kind .

Oh X Cross .

Yeah .

Nobody knew how to do this in 1980 .

I am the best in the world .

All right , let's start .

Uh Lucky , lucky case .

Oh my God .

I feel so stupid .

This is such a weird way of solving .

Uh Oh , no bad case .

31 .

Seconds .

Uh Maybe that's the world record .

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I don't know what the world record is at the time , but in two years , Minta is going to destroy that .

I talked a bit about color blindness in this video because some people use custom sticker shades in order to have the colors be more vibrant .

And some of you suggested I try solving the whole cube like this .

Oh jeez , this is just a filter I was able to come by .

I don't know how accurate it is .

And of course , this varies from person to person .

The red and green look so similar , orange and yellow are also pretty similar , but blue and white are completely normal .

When I do the snap , I'm taking off and now putting on the color blindness filter if you're surprised that everything still looks the same to you , then I'm sorry , this is how you found out .

Of course , this is going to be easier than black and white .

I think the colors still stand out a little bit more .

So starting with whites .

Uh we have the blue cross piece here .

Uh These two are similar .

I could tell them apart earlier when they were next to each other , but when they're not next to each other , I cannot tell which one is which if they're wrong , I'll just switch them later .

It's really , really hard to tell .

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Um OK , you have to check .

Nope , that is wrong .

Obviously it OK .

This is this is so difficult .

Um , now I'll skip that one for now .

This one's orange blue .

That one's easy .

This one , I think it goes with the one next to it .

Just flip it .

Yep .

And this one and this one , OK .

Last layer , it should be pretty straightforward .

I think .

What the heck .

OK .

31 seconds .

And now , you know why stickered cubes are still a thing .

The red green look pretty different when they're next to each other .

But I could not tell them apart at all when they were far apart from each other .

Obviously telling apart two shades like this is not something I usually do .

But if you have this color blindness , you probably deal with this all the time and let me know in the comments if you could actually tell these apart during solve because I just could not , they looked identical to me .

Yeah , it's really eye opening how two colors that usually are just completely unrelated for me , we are taught that red and green are complementary colors .

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They are opposite , not similar at all .

And for so many people out there , depending on the shades , you may not even be able to tell them apart .

Next up is another kind of color blindness called protanomaly .

Let's see what it looks like .

Wait , what red is just black ?

Is that right ?

It just takes all the color away from red .

That's actually nuts .

Also , the cube looks kind of cool .

Like this not gonna lie .

All right , let's get started .

I think this one is really not gonna be as hard as the last two .

I think I'm gonna start with red .

It's got a cross and with it being black and all , I think it's really easy to spot the pieces .

I feel weird calling it red because I'm just seeing black that , that one goes here .

This one goes uh over there for once .

I can actually plan the whole cross .

Um I'm not sure if I'll be able to plan the next pair , but these two look like they go together .

So we're gonna give that one a shot .

All right , ready to go .

Um That's correct .

All right .

This one goes with yellow , blue .

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It's still really difficult because it just feels like a cube with a different color scheme where some colors are really similar , but it's not , it's not that bad .

And what the heck , what uh what is , is this an age per ?

OK .

And like before these two look different right now , but I couldn't tell them apart during a solve and never really tried .

But what were they even ?

Oh , green and orange .

Oh , I just realized something .

My favorite color is green and a lot of people don't see the same green that I do and you guys are missing out on a gray color .

Next up , we have tri anomaly , which is a type of blue , yellow color blindness .

And let's see what it looks like .

Whoa , I don't know what I was expecting but this is not what I was expecting .

This is really interesting , especially for this cube because the colors actually are still all different .

Wait , no white and yellow .

What I was so focused on these colors that I didn't realize that yellow is just white .

What ?

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Oh , this is like ever so slightly pinker , but I would not be able to tell this difference at all unless they were right next to each other .

Actually .

What the heck ?

This is gonna be so weird .

I , I I don't think I can start on white then because it like the opposite side looks identical .

There are just twice as many white pieces here .

Oh my , the two most different colors are red and pink .

This is orange .

All right , let's start with red .

Uh That's nice .

It is right next to a white piece .

So I can tell this one's supposed to be yellow .

But if these two weren't here , it would just look completely white .

To me .

This is the darker green .

This is the lighter green jeese and there is white .

I think I got this .

Oh jeez .

Uh Wait , there we go .

And this F two L should be pretty normal .

This one and Oh no .

Oh , it's right there with it .

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No , that's , that doesn't even go there .

All right , there's two white sides .

So F two L is not normal .

At all .

Ah , ok .

PLL might be normal depending on the pattern I get .

What is this ?

Come on ?

Uh , well , this is definitely a block .

I guess that means this one is not , this could be a G per .

That's just my guess .

Nope .

No .

Uh , this is just PLL parody .

Ok .

This one goes here , ah , besides white and yellow being identical .

I think the thing that surprised me most is my table is pink .

I gotta say though , other than white and yellow and blue , I guess these colors actually look pretty beautiful .

Oh , what I hate this color blindness pro anomaly is a type of color blindness that affects various colors in different ways .

So , let's see what that looks like .

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Oh , that looks messed up .

I think it's weird because a lot of the colors have changed , but I can still tell each color apart from each other .

And I think that's why for a lot of people who have this colored blindness , they don't even know that they have it .

Let me try to solve on it , but it's pretty much just gonna be the same as solving on any wrong color scheme .

All right , let's start on this light blue looking color .

Um , it's not too hard to plan the whole cross because everything still looks pretty different .

All right , I think I got this .

Um , ok .

I kind of lost my planning there , but , yeah , look ahead isn't hard .

I got some nice cases .

OK .

And then OL should be fine .

Uh F term 13 seconds , pretty much what I expected , I guess with most colors still being distinct from each other .

Even though some colors change and blend in with each other , I guess it's not too bad having this color blindness , but it would just be so weird to go your whole life and not know you had this .

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I don't know why people suggest this one so much , but this is triple moves only .

So instead of doing an R move , I would have to do R prime three times .

I think people get this idea from the U perm that I've showed which has R three in it .

And I still get comments to this day asking why not just do R prime .

Obviously , I've thought about R prime .

Why would anyone think about R three first ?

And there's a reason for it and that's because you go 123 and then your hand is at the right spot in order to continue without reg ripping your hand .

But I'm going to take that to the extreme .

And instead of U moves , I will also do U three prime again .

I don't know why you guys suggest this , but I'm just gonna do it anyway because it gets suggested so much .

OK ?

123 and get this green one in like this .

Uh This one goes in like that and then a double move is fine .

And orange goes in like that .

All right .

What do we got here ?

This one and this one , let's , uh , this takes so much thinking .

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Wow , I did this pair this one or let me find the easiest one .

OK .

Double moves .

As long as I'm allowed double moves .

That makes it way easier .

But all the finger tricks are reversed , which is so messed up .

Oh , wait .

Uh oh no , not this case .

My muscle memory , you know what ?

It'll just be funnier if I do it the long way .

Um What ?

OK .

No , I got a long oll as well .

Uh This is so stupid .

I can't believe I'm doing this .

I can't believe I'm having so much trouble with it .

Uh OK .

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And a perm .

Thank you .

Something a little shorter .

Jeez .

I am never doing that one again .

You are welcome .

All right .

No reg grips .

I think I can actually enjoy this restriction .

So I need to stay in the grip of thumbs on front and fingers here at the back .

Now , of course , I can change grip because I'm doing a turn , but I cannot reposition ever unless I'm doing a turn .

Usually you want your algorithms to be done in a way that doesn't have reg grips because doing the same algorithm with is just slower but obviously doing the whole solve without reg grips is just going to make it more restrictive , which is part of the fun because at least while I'm turning , it's gonna be very fast and finger efficient .

A lot of the regs and a solve come from the cross .

So I'm gonna try and do this in a lot of moves but in a way that doesn't reg the tradeoff is not going to be worth it , but it is what must be done .

All right , there are no regs yet .

How do I get blue in ?

Um , how about like that ?

Oh That feels so stupid .

Um This OK .

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Now like this , this doesn't have a grip and then , 00 , that was amazing .

Jeez .

I just got a PLL skip if I had actually planned out that entire cross , the rest of it barely had Riffs and it could have actually been a really good solve .

You know what I like this challenge so much .

I'm coming back to it later , but let's finish off the rest .

OK ?

This is another one of those torture challenges .

I need to do wide moves only and I don't think I can come up with a solving method that only uses wide moves .

It's just gonna be like the R 31 where I'm probably gonna break my brain trying to do this .

All right .

Green piece here .

Blue piece here .

Check this out guys .

Whoa .

All right .

Then this one wide move like that and wide move , wide move , wide move .

I have solved the cross .

This one , I'm gonna do it like this then this and then this , where did they go ?

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That was completely wrong .

Uh That just feels so stupid .

I'm doing the normal moves but wrong and slowly , which is what makes this so stupid .

Oh my God .

There's another f two pair .

I'm just finger tricking .

Everything is wide moves even though I'm completely thinking in regular moves , which is probably what makes it so hard .

Uh And then like that , this one can , I just do it ?

No , whatever .

I'm not gonna try commentator because I mean , I could maybe skip ol doing that but it would just , I think it would just make things a little harder than they need to be .

Yep .

Yep .

Yes sir .

Uh algorithms .

This is the worst part .

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Um Let's see if I can do this uh without like feeling like I'm cheating , I am not doing the ruu perm .

That is gonna kill me .

How do you do M two ?

Well , that , of course would be Ly two , Ry two Y that's M two .

So that's gonna be AD Y prime and then this and then this and then yu two wait no wide R two .

I don't know um this and then this and then this and then this and then this .

That was so stupid .

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You see why I made this video now and just stuff a bunch of challenges together because I do not want to make a whole video just on this challenge .

It gets suggested so much .

And I'm just here to say yes , I did it guys .

Stop asking me to do this one .

It is not fun .

My favorite challenge after all that was definitely solving Reg Grip list .

I'm gonna do a few solves here and see how fast I can get with this .

This looks great .

But how do I do this without a reg grip ?

Oh No .

OK .

I can start in this stupid grip .

If I start in this grip , I think I can actually do it .

There we go .

Um uh OK .

OK .

This is good .

This is , this is really good .

Uh Yeah .

16 seconds .

OK .

Let's give this one more shot .

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Uh This is , this is so annoying when I don't get the good cases .

Oh I messed up .

Yes .

So 15 , I guess that's a good lesson .

You should always try to optimize but never over optimize in any one aspect in trying not to grip .

I added in so many extra moves and M moves and that just made my turning look even worse despite the fact that I never be ripped to the entire soul .

So that's it for today's challenges .

I hope you had fun because I definitely had some fun and some torturous moments .

Let me know in the comments if you have any challenges you want me to try .

Thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time .


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