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2023-08-17 17:04:42

I Learned How To Solve A Rubik Cube In Less Than 7 Days

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Hi , Ashley .

You have one week to try to master this .

Your time starts now .

Good luck .

Ashley told me she's always wanted to learn how to solve a Rubik's cube .

So I'm going to pressure her to do that using any and all resources available to her .

She'll have one week to figure it out on the seventh day .

I'm going to give her a mixed up cube and see if she can solve it by herself .

That means no notes or guides of any kind .

Can she do it ?

Let's find out .

So Logan just came by and gave me this and at first I was really excited and now I'm really scared .

It's gonna be my little baby .

I'm gonna bring it everywhere .

It's gonna destroy me .

Here we go .

I'm gonna play with this for a while and just see if I notice any patterns happen .

This is such a tease because I'm so close just by chance .

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And then it's like , how the fuck am I gonna get the rest of those ?

So obviously I could hop on Google find a million tutorials on how to get this thing solved .

But I don't want to take the easy way out .

I think I'm going to consult the power of the people on craigslist dot com .

Put an ad out there and see if anyone in New York City teach me how to crack this code and you solve a Rubi cube .

If someone could teach me , don't do this at home , kids guys .

It's day two and I have a huge update last night .

I solved it .

Just kidding .

I fucked up all the progress I made and I'm starting from scratch again .

We are all .

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Yeah , we of my soul .

Someone responded to my ad on Craigslist .

Gotta find out who this person is .

Oh Yeah , he's a real person .

All right , let's do this guys .

This is my new best friend , Tone Viera and he is gonna show me how to solve this .

Apparently he can do it in under 90 seconds .

Can you , can you see you do it ?

Got it .

OK ?

It would take 90 seconds .

I'm shook .

Tone is gonna show me how to feed the fish .

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It's a really simple technique requires seven quick moves .

The most important thing is you see it right there .

Little fish .

See there's this food right there .

We just gotta put it in his mouth .

So this is how you do it like 12345671 more move and then we're one more move and we're done .

The finish line is in sight .

Let's do it .

Final transformation .

That's it .

And that's the final move which I will show her .

I mean , that was an explosive , final move .

Yeah , it was , it was just to do a time check .

It's 4 p.m. We met at 11 .

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So we've had five hours together with a quick lunch break in between you just witness history .

I just solved my first Rubik's Cube after six hours of learning it , step by step , twist by twist and taking very diligent notes .

I feel like I'm studying for finals or something .

Like I feel like I , I feel like in the seven day challenge , I didn't show up to class all semester and I have a final next week on a topic I know nothing about and I have to show up and I have to get an A or I fail college .

It's the beginning of day four and I just did this on the train ride to brunch .

A perfect top two layers still a little hazy if it's time for the H move , feeding the fish and when the final transformation comes into play .

But I just texted tone a picture of this to see if he can help me in my next steps .

And I think I can get this thing solved by myself by the end of the day .

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So I did not solve it .

I can do the white side and the first two layers perfectly , but getting the rest of it done without messing up all of my progress is questionable .

It's really time to knuckle down though because I have two days left to learn all of the different possibilities that happen next .

And I know I can do it , but I need to focus .

I've done these top two layers probably about 50 times .

Now .

I have this muscle memory down , but I think I might have written a couple of notes down wrong .

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This will not make sense to anyone else but me in terms of what's going on here .

Hello ?

Where did you go ?

So sometimes what happens is we'll write down the notes , right ?

And everything is correct .

So we're just doing it from the wrong perspective .

It happens , it happens .

And so it's solving the cube getting the lingo right ?

And then getting our perspectives right ?

And then having the mayors of all those perspectives and like just me and you need to be like just working in so in tune together to like be speaking the same language as we're solving this .

Let's feed the fish .

So we're going down .

Yep .

Yep .

That's what I got .

I love .

Yes .

Yes .

That was about notes .

I did the whole thing without notes .

America .

Are we proud of her or not ?

Let us know in the comments below ?

OK .

I'm feeling so many things right now .

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You were so did , did you see why everything was working ?

Yes , I'm proud of you and I got your little gift .

Yeah , I got you a little gift .

Look I got I got I got you this .

Ok , I want I want you to carry it always .

Ok .

How to do the first when the Yeah .

Ok , good luck .

I'm really nervous .

I feel like I'm about to run a marathon but I got this I got this .

Alright , let's do it .

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Goes up .

Lid goes right .

Realign Salt four minutes eight record .

That's my new record and I have to be big .

I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now .

I'm absolutely shaking .

It's like I just finished a marathon .

I committed myself to doing this and there were moments when I didn't think I was going to be able to but tone really helped you push through .

He was the angel on my shoulder .

You're my , you're my hero .

You're my pep talk .

You're my guiding light .

Heroes wear hoodies .

Ok .

Heroes wear hoodies .

I feel like I can do anything now .

I can solve any puzzle and I'm ready for the five by five .


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