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2023-08-17 17:38:30

How to Draw Goku _ Dragon Ball

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Hey , welcome back to its art and let's draw Goku from Dragon Ball .

So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .

Alright .

So let's draw this and to begin , we're gonna start with his eyes .

So we're gonna start with his two main brows .

So we're just gonna draw one slant and then we're gonna draw another slant kind of same and then once you have the slant , so two little marks in the middle just kind of coming down and then we're gonna draw the bigger mark on the back for the eyeball , ok ?

So it's almost like two brackets and then for the bottom just draw like a slight curve going back up , ok ?

And then from here let's finish up the brow .

So we're just gonna give the brow some thickness .

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So we're gonna start in the middle , go out .

So it's gonna be thicker on the , on the back and then let's fill in the eyeball .

So we're just gonna draw in two , two circles here , two curves and let me shade it in so we can see it better .

Ok ?

So that's gonna be the , I , so let's move on and for the nose , it's gonna be pretty easy to just kind of come down .

Let's just make a little mark and then for his mouth , I'm gonna give him some , uh , expression here .

So we all just kind of slapped a little bit and then on the curve on the , in the corner just kind of slammed it , curve it up a little bit .

And then for his lower lip , which is gonna draw one little line , all right .

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And so from here , let's draw in the side of the face , which is probably the trickiest part .

So we gonna draw on the corner of the eye right here to draw a line and it's gonna be pretty tight to the eye .

So don't need too much , too much uh space there .

And then once you have it down here around the nose area , just kind of curve it in .

So all the way down to draw the chin .

So this is a very tricky part because if you leave too much space , it will look like somebody else , you know , and that's the way uh anime drawings are .

So once we have this , let's draw in uh the hair .

So for the hair just kind of come in the middle , come up right around there and then we just kind of draw in line coming down .

So we're gonna draw one big strand and then we're gonna go back to the middle and then we're gonna draw another curb .

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Now this strand all the way down to this eye , go back up and then from here we're just gonna go down all the way to the side .

And then for this one , we're just gonna come down all the way down to the eye right here , the eyebrow and just kind of hook it up .

Ok .

So now we have the full face , So let's draw in the ear .

So the ear is gonna be easy .

So it's gonna be around the side , just kind of follow the eyebrow area , just kind of keep going up curve , it come back down around in the eye area .

And then for the details on the ear , we'll just keep it simple .

We draw one curve by this another one in here .

Ok ?

So for the ear , you see the way the eyebrow is pointing , ok ?

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Just kinda continue that curb down , close it off , details one curb , another curb inside .

All right .

So that's the face and let's draw in the hair .

So for his hair , we can start out um let's start out right here like right above his ear .

So we're just trying one big angle and then we're gonna draw a smaller one and just finish up , close the back of the ear .

So the other side is gonna be the same .

So let's come out , come in in one little tale , close it off around the ear and then to go on , um , let's draw in more so we can draw in .

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Let's see , let's come up here and we just draw one little curve first .

And then from here we draw in one big curve going up and I actually ran out of paper space here .

So I can't go up too high .

Normally , this would go a little bit higher .

So from that big curve just kind of come down and then we just finish it off , we just draw one more big curb on it connecting these two , OK ?

And then on this side , we're gonna come up here , draw one curve there and then to finish it off , there's one more in the back here .

So it's all one smaller one and then we're gonna draw one line here just to round out the face .

OK ?

So that's the head .

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So let's move on to the body and for his body , his neck come down the side and then we're gonna go out slightly and then we're gonna come down straight and then we're gonna pinch it in .

So this is gonna be a shirt right here .

OK ?

So once you have this , let's finish up the , this part , we're gonna come up slightly just gonna give it a little bit of a more detail and then we gonna slant it out , that'll be his shoulders and then I'm gonna come down a slight angle and I wanna give it a little bit more angle and then we're gonna give it another angle .

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So it just kind of come down straight and one more pinch it in and then we gotta close it off first belt .

OK ?

And let's finish off a spell .

So this spell is gonna be easy .

It's gonna be one rectangle down here .

And then for a shirt , the reason why we had this little angle is because we want to add some folds in here .

So from this angle here , this line just kind of continue up .

So we're gonna draw it , just give it a little bit line like that .

So it looks like some fold and then we can also add in from here just from the waist area , just add a little line like this to give in some boat and also on the top here .

So little lines like that really makes a big difference , right ?

OK .

So let's finish up in here .

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Um His shirt one that will line across and again , we'll add in couple of lines for the F and then let's finish up the detail .

It's got some chest muscle here , right ?

So right in the middle , we just draw a little line and then we just gonna draw one curve going out .

OK .

So two curbs and I went over here .

All right .

So let's , and then for your snack muscles here , we just draw two little lines like that .

OK .

So let's , let's see , let's finish up All right , let's finish up the bell .

So to add some photos to this , it kind of slant .

OK .

So from here and just kind of go across and then maybe from here just go in , just give us some kind of these zig zags .

OK .

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So let's finish up the arm and he's got another shirt area here .

So we just gonna come slam down and then we're just gonna pinch it in .

OK .

So let's finish .

Let's try his arm now .

So his arm , his shoulder coming down , here's his armpit , biceps bracket .

Ok .

So the elbow now I'm gonna come down curb .

Yeah .

And we can close it off because it's got a wristband here .

So we , we can add in a line there for the wristband and let's add in a few lines inside .

Make it look like cough and then now for his fist down , continue this line back at the fist .

Let's curl it in .

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All right .

Let's try the other side .

It's gonna be the same thing .

Shoulder armpit , here's the bicep two brackets , elbow back here , lower arm curve and we're gonna go out in , close it off and then let's add in the arm band .

So , you know , we had in few lines again for his fist down , curve back of the fist grow in .

Ok .

So that's the upper body .

Let's move on to his legs .

Let's see .

So from here in the middle , come down , make a little mark and this is gonna be kind of straight .

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So we're gonna come straight , just curl in , come down and just kind of curl in and we're gonna add some folds too .

So from here in the middle , we just add in a little bit of fold .

OK ?

And then we're gonna draw one more .

So this is gonna come out , pinch in and then close it off .

So this is gonna be the top of his boot .

Ok ?

So let's try the other side .

So it's gonna be very similar down curb in curb in .

Then we can add again a little bit of faux here .

Then we're gonna flare it out , come down , close it off .

Ok .

So let's add in the , the boot now .

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So we just gonna come straight and they close it off with a slight curve and then this , here's a shoe down down .

So it's kind of a little bit angular and it's kind of sharp at the end .

Ok .

So it's kind of an odd shape .

Let's try the other side and then come down , close it off .

There's the heel , the front part coming down , give a slight curve and we just got a curb meet up to that side .

All right .

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And then for , let's add in some detail , there's gonna be one line across here , draw another line across and then here we start in the middle and then we're gonna draw another line here .

So it's a little bit off to this side , this whole line .

OK .

So once you have this , we're gonna continue this .

So it's off to this side .

OK .

So it's more on the side .

So let's try the same thing on the other side , start in the middle draw line .

Is it outside ?

Same thing here ?

Curb down .

All right .

And lastly , let's add in some , uh , folds to the pant .

So like down here , we can add in some lines .

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Ok ?

Because this , this pan has been tucked into the boot and then up , down , up here as well on the waist area , just add a few lines .

And that is it for this Goku join from Dragon Ball .

Hope you guys liked the way it turned out .

And if you do , please do , give me a thumbs up and I will see you next time .


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