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2023-08-15 21:05:40

How to Solve a Rubik's Cube 3x3x3 Easiest Tutorial NO Algorithms for first two Layers

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So ring the bell not to miss it to begin with .

Let's scramble .

It .

Of course , this video is sponsored by one of the best online puzzle stores in the world .

The cubicle dot com .

Well , in general , everything is possible .

Yeah , in principle , but only for a little while I think it can only survive a couple of moments before I start .

I will tell you that if you don't know how to solve the Rubik's Cube , then be sure to subscribe to the channel .

I have the most popular training on the internet and how you can solve this puzzle in just a few seconds .

Well , the most important thing is that if you even know how to solve Rubik's cube and you are interested in puzzle , you will always find interesting things to watch on this channel .

Subscribe like and we are starting , come on , keep on solving .

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It didn't survive .

Bye everyone and have a good time .

That was Keas .

Bye .

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So what I'm gonna do is get this side up there .

So watch how I do this .

Move .

Boom .

And here there it is .

And now it's gonna go up and look , there it is .

There's my daisy .

Forget about this piece .

It doesn't matter .

Uh My daisy is done .

That's part one .

Now , let's get to part two .

What do we do with this Daisy .

Let's get these sides to connect with , with their corresponding center , which is blue .

See , so I got Daisy pedal with the blue .

Once I get it there , go 100 80 degrees .

Which to the bottom , let's go to the next red .

Let's find the red .

I like twisting the two at the bottom .

There's the red , I'm gonna take this now and toss it all the way to the bottom there .

Now I'm gonna go here .

I've got green .

OK .

There's the green , let's move the green to it's corresponding color .

There .

It is all the way 100 and 80 degrees to the bottom .

And now orange , the final pedal .

Let's go ahead and turn that till we get to the orange , which is right there .

OK ?

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And 100 and 80 degrees to the bottom .

Now , when I turn this upside down , you should see a cross and there it is the white cross .

Forget about this corner .

You've got the cross and all of these are matching , see the greens , the oranges and the blue .

All right .

So there you go .

That is part uh two .

I guess you could say now we need to solve these corners .

OK ?

Because these corners uh need to match up .

So the very first thing is I'm gonna look at the bottom row .

Ok ?

We're working off the top and I'm gonna look for white ones .

Do we have any whites back there ?

No , I don't .

All right .

So let's find where the whites are .

There's one OK .

So I'm gonna drop it to the bottom , get it out of the way and then drop , go up again .

We're working with this white , not this one just in case you're like , hey , there it is .

All right .

Now , once I have a white on the bottom , I'm gonna match it with its corresponding side color .

So there's a red matches with this red .

See , so what does that tell me that this belongs up here ?

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I'll move it out of the way , drop this elevator down .

I like to call those elevators , bring it back down .

Elevator goes up and guess what that corner is in there ?

How do I know there's the blue and there is the red .

Ok .

You guys see that let's go hunting for more .

Here's another one at the bottom .

Um , let's take it to its green , see how it's this corner here matches the screen .

Ok .

That means this goes up here .

So I'm gonna get it out of the way the elevator drops , bring it over and then it goes up to the top and now it looks like we only have one corner to go .

Let's try to find another white .

There it is .

I see it right here .

All right , this white , let's go match it up to its corner .

There it goes .

Um , it doesn't go here .

Uh , because of the blue .

See the blue let's match it up .

Let's find it's blue .

There it is .

Now , I know I'm in the right spot .

So this goes here , this white is in the wrong spot .

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Now , I'll move it out of the way , bring it down , move it over and there we go .

Now we've got another white to deal with .

Here it is .

You can see , we only got one more to go .

Hopefully this time .

All right , this does match , this goes up here .

I'll move it out of the way , bring it down , bring it over and there you go .

Now what we've got here is a full first layer is completely done .

Now let's match its centers .

So we've got the orange , the blue , the red , the green .

OK ?

Now what we're gonna do is match the layer number two .

As you can see layer number two is not finished .

OK ?

Now how do we work with la layer number two ?

We go to the bottom , we're working off the yellow this time .

Any time you see yellow , let's stay away from the yellows .

We're only working on these side ones .

So see this one has yellow , I'm gonna stay away from that one .

This doesn't have yellow , that's good .

This has yellow .

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So I'm not gonna work with that and this doesn't have yellow so we can work with any of these .

So I'm gonna go with this one .

Um Let's pretend it was over here .

All right , if I'm gonna work with this one .

I need to match it up to its blue , see how it's matched up to its blue .

Now , let me kind of go back a little bit .

There's your white that we completed and we're working off the back .

Now , I matched this side to its blue .

See that ?

Now this orange goes here .

OK .

Now all we gotta do is get put this here .

OK ?

Very simple .

So always go away from it since I've got to go this way , I'm gonna go away from where it's supposed to go away from the orange .

Then the bottom goes towards the orange .

OK ?

Now you do that , those two moves .

This is gonna have to trade with this .

So we're gonna bring it down and now I'm gonna trade this , bring it over .

All right and now I move it back up and I just traded it .

Remember it was here and now it's over here .

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Now all I'll have to do is fix the white .

Remember because we messed up our white .

Now easy to fix the white .

Look one move there .

Now you've got this white down here .

Let's move it out of the way .

Let's bring down the middle .

So the middle elevator will catch it .

There it is and we just fix the white .

OK ?

So now you can see the the center is starting to come together .

Um looks like we need to get this one here .

So let's go back to our yellow and let's find anything that does not have yellow .

This has yellow , this side does not have yellow .

So that's great .

Let's go and work with that one .

Let's find it's blue .

There it is .

Now it's matched up with its blue .

This red has to go over here , right .

So it looks like this needs to go here .

So we're gonna go away from the red towards the red with the bottom .

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Now we're gonna bring this red down here and we're gonna swap them , bring it down , bring this over and swap and now bring this up .

Now we did it .

Now , what do you have to do ?

We have to fix the white .

Now see here is the white , very simple to fix the white .

Same thing goes like that .

There's the other white here , bring down the middle elevator , bring this back up and there you go .

And it looks like we have now done what is referred to as F two L first two layers .

Hey , done .

That was so easy .

Now , we're gonna get into algorithms and I'm gonna help you do it with only four algorithms and I'll help you memorize them .

It's so easy .

All right .

Now , remember when I say prime prime means counter clockwise .

OK .

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So this is considered the face if you're facing it to you , this is face , this is the right side , this is up .

Um And that's pretty much all you need to know um For now .

All right .

So we've got our first two layers , they're done .

So now we're gonna work off of the last layer at the bottom here .

Yellow .

Uh There's gonna be a couple of different um scenarios .

This scenario here is the arrow .

Very popular .

One comes up all the time .

Sometimes you'll just get this just one yellow dot in the middle .

It doesn't matter what you get in this case .

Um Unless you get the fish , if you get the fish , uh we'll jump into the second algorithm , but usually you don't get the fish right away .

That's my son joining us .

All right .

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So let's pretend you got either a dot or an arrow or a line three yellows doesn't matter if you get any of those three , you're gonna use this algorithm and I like to refer it as Fur Earth .

OK ?

It's a furry dog and you pull his fur and then he goes Earth .

OK ?

Fur Earth .

The fur is clockwise and the earth is counter clockwise , right ?

Because he's saying , oh , he's retaliating , right ?

So uh fur would be f is clockwise .

Oh my gosh .

What happened to the lights ?

Did you turn off the lights ?

The power went out in the middle of my video .

That's unacceptable .

We will be back .

OK , guys , the show must go on .

Our power just went out because we're in the middle of a storm .

Let's get back to for earth .

Remember ?

For earth .

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So you're gonna go f you are and an earth is backwards .

It's a counterclockwise .

You f OK .

There you go .

Now we've got the cross .

That's what we were looking for .

We've got the cross .

Now , now , once you reach the cross , you don't need to use fur Earth anymore .

OK ?

But keep using fur earth until you get the cross or a fish .

If this was yellow here , that would be a fish , it would look like a fish .

OK ?

Um Now you do this famous um algorithm that Thank you , which is called are you are prime ?

And then the other guy says you are you two times our prime ?

Let's say that again .

Are you are prime ?

You are you two times our prime ?

Now remember that our prime or prime means counter clockwise .

OK ?

So say that five times and , and it'll start to resonate with you .

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You'll never forget it .

Are you our prime ?

You are you two times our prime ?

All right , here we go .

Let's do our ur prime .

Are you our prime ?

You , are you two times our prime ?

Boom .

What do we got the fish ?

And the fish is awesome .

Uh The fish , you always want to get a yellow in the front .

Whenever you have the fish , always point the fish to the bottom left .

Um And if you have a yellow in the corner , here you are golden .

If the yellow is on this side , you'll have to use Rur prime again and you just keep doing Rur prime , Uru two times our prime until the full yellow is done .

Quiet dog .

I'm trying to do a youtube video .

All right , here we go .

Are you our prime ?

Are you our prime ?

You , are you two times our prime ?

Oh Yeah , baby .

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And if you say that enough , you'll annoy your entire family and it'll be awesome .

All right .

So now um we've got this uh layer done .

I like to investigate the cube a little and see if there's anything else .

Oh Look , I got the greens here .

So why not turn it ?

And then if whenever you have that , let's put this facing the back .

OK ?

So you've got your two layers here and the layer that you're working with on the top facing up and we got this full green on the back , we'll face it in the back .

Now we're gonna go to algorithm number three .

This one goes like this .

OK .

Guys , we just had a huge store .

The power went out .

All kinds of crazy stuff happened .

The position of the moon over the ocean has caused my electrolytes to have an equilibrium malfunction .

And I did make a mistake on the cube .

I don't know if you've noticed , but we had total green on the back .

Now it's blue on the back .

I uh I want to scratch that part out of the video .

Maybe I'll edit it out .

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I don't know , but uh we got the full top by doing Rur prime Uru two times our prime .

Um And now we're gonna go into algorithm number three that you need to memorize pretty easy and it will be up on the screen .

OK ?

You're gonna uh put the full back uh facing the back if you have it , if you don't have it , don't worry about it .

You can do this on any side and you only do that once you have the full yellow on top .

OK ?

So here we go , it's R prime F R prime .

And then the other guy says back two times RF prime R prime back two times .

And the other guy says R two times bam .

So as you can see , we still have our F two L in place .

Now you see the green , it looks like we got the green back .

Let's go ahead and put the green together , see that .

OK ?

And now what you've got is the final part of the cube .

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So you can see we only need to move this one , this one and this one .

Now , which way do they go ?

The orange appears to need to go here .

The red needs to go here and the blue needs to go here .

So that's a clockwise .

I'm gonna do algorithm number four .

If let's pretend that it was counter clockwise , there's a , there is a different algorithm that we could use .

But because we're only showing you four algorithms .

All you'd have to do is repeat this algorithm twice .

OK .

I'm gonna show you the clockwise algorithm .

It's are two times you are you R prime U prime R prime U prime R prime Ur prime .

Done .

So you can see the cube is done .

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And let's pretend that the um it was clock counter clockwise .

Let's just do it again .

R two times .

Urur prime U prime R prime , U prime R prime .

Ur prime .

See now we're back to where we were before .

OK .

Red has to go here .

Orange used to go here .

So now you've got a counter clockwise .

See the greens got to go here .

That's counterclockwise watch what happens .

Just do the same algorithm without learning .

The counterclockwise algorithm are two times .

Urur prime U prime R prime U prime R prime , Ur prime .

See that's the one time .

Now you've got it to clockwise .

See that and now just do it again and it'll solve it R two times .

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You are you R prime U prime , R prime , U prime R prime , you are prime bam .

And there it is folks , the Rubik's cube in a nutshell .

Pretty easy folks .

Hey , thanks for uh checking in .

Tell me that you like this video questions and all that kind of good stuff .

And um there was one thing I didn't mention earlier .

Um If you do , if you're solving the , you're up to Fur Earth , OK ?

And you get the full line , make sure that the line is facing this way like this .

Um , the arrow has to be pointing down to the right and of course , the middle is the middle .

So hopefully that makes sense .

If not , you'll figure it out .

Um , let me know and I'll make some other videos .

I can do the two by two and the four by four .

I do have a five by five , but I haven't quite figured that one out yet , but I can do tutorials on the four by four also .

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All right , guys have a great day and stay out of the storm .


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