Don't worry .
Imagine you had the competition .
What ?
No , I only made two pairs .
You think I'm , I was just turning it randomly .
What 2.0 five ?
If you are not a speed cuber , then sorry , just watch and enjoy .
Hello , everyone .
You are at the Cuba channel .
And this is Lev , a speed champion of Ukraine .
Lev .
Tell us what records do you have .
Now , I have about 35 records in different disciplines among them , three by three with one hand , I recently set the record for the number of movements in general .
Today there will be a competition between professional and amateur .
Let's see if I can beat you and speed Cuban and under what circumstances today we will have extreme .
Let's go .
Let's go .
High five .
Here we go .
How should we act ?
Should we scramble the keeps off each other ?
Will you solve my cube ?
This is my , this is my , my .
Did you understand my ?
Come on , I wonder how long it will take the champion to solve a Rubik's cube because I recently set my record in competitions .
Congrat my average time is 12 36 .
Finally , I was able to solve without fails .
Do you have fails in competitions ?
Of course .
Uh For me , for me , eight seconds is a fail , fail for me is failed an hour and then , oh , I got you .
Honestly , I've never competed with champions .
I think you understand why I already up 32 start .
What , what , what 7.15 7 finish .
No , no , no .
Wait , let's do it again at least .
Uh Let me finish it .
Let's say you have a 12th fail .
And uh I have an incredible 12th record .
I want to ask you , Lev , uh Tell me about your best time ever .
Even if it's not an official result .
It was uh 4 35 .
There was a skip but an unusual ll skip complex ll skip .
If you know , you know , if you are not a speed cuber then sorry , just watch and enjoy ready .
Yes .
Three to start .
Yeah .
What a beautiful number .
Yes .
I immediately give up when you finish solving .
I started well , but I got lost a bit .
On the contrary .
I started back on the 11 more attempt .
Let's do it .
Maybe I'll get a little closer to you .
We're still six seconds apart .
I'm all set .
Even took off your head .
Gab gab 321 .
Yeah .
What ?
No , I only made two pairs .
No , that's not going to do a slow mo it's not necessary in my case there is already a slow mode .
Let's do this .
Let's uh just make sure I have a chance .
I want you to solve a Rubik's cube with one hand while I use two .
Let's try , but let you do mine this one .
OK , let's do it .
OK .
What is your one handed result in the competition ?
It's 12.07 .
Average .
It's faster than my two hands average .
It's still the record of Ukraine .
We have the record of Ukraine .
Yes , I have no chance .
Oops .
Three to start .
Oh , let's restart this one .
And did you make it clear ?
Clear ?
Damn , I was so slow .
I got nervous for some reason and I did plus two .
This is my first .
So and let's try again because 18 is not serious either for me and for you .
I think so .
What is it ?
Look what scramble you made .
Did you do that on purpose ?
I wasn't looking when I was .
Let's uh let's uh it's very rare .
Look a lot of blocks .
I want you to solve it .
Solve as fast as you can , as fast as I can .
It seems to me that now there may be a record , something like that .
Oh .
What ?
2.052 0.05 .
What , what , how did this happen ?
Can you ?
There were about 10 moves .
It's madness .
Nice scramble .
Listen , when you set records , do you also scramble them by yourself like that ?
Of course .
Otherwise .
Well , love you didn't do it on purpose .
Yeah .
No , no , I was just talking to you , turning it and throw it to you .
Maybe one day you will have such a scramble at the campaign .
Maybe everything is possible .
Who ?
Let's continue ?
You've got distracted .
So you saw with one hand and I with two .
Yeah .
Ok .
Three to start ?
Oh , ok .
What do you have ?
How was your PLL ?
I sold it .
Yes .
In 15 seconds .
Ok .
Listen , I understand that I need to further complicate your task so that uh so that I have a little chance .
Uh So give me my cube , take it .
I will solve my Rubik's cube and uh I will give you a little , oh my cube .
A little , a little bigger .
And how many millimeters are there ?
It's nine centimeters .
It's almost twice the size of a normal cube .
This side has a 98 millimeters and this one has 56 .
That's the difference between them .
A standard cube and a huge one .
If you have huge fingers , maybe it will help you somehow .
But you have normal human hands .
Come on .
I'm ready .
Three to start .
13 24 .
Well , that's not bad .
That's the way it makes sense to compete .
I like it already .
I made it good .
I want more .
Do you want more ?
Well , I think the audience also want more , by the way , write in the comments , a few good words to LA .
I think he will be glad to read your comments and if you want to see more often on this channel .
You can also write about it in the comments .
I think we will invite you again .
Well , how do you like our studio ?
Well , cool warmer atmosphere .
There are just a lot of lamps .
Lambs ready .
Yeah .
Three to start .
Yeah , I'm mad .
What ?
So 9 96 was such a cube .
That's impossible .
And now it will be , look , this cube is not forbidden in competitions .
How about you use that cube to try to set a record ?
Well , nine is not 79 seconds with a giant cube .
So you understand , it's twice as complicated twice because it's huge .
I want to win .
If it doesn't work out , I'll have to make your life even more difficult .
Come on three to start .
Oh , well , I have difficulties with .
I finally won finally .
Well , this is my average result .
OK .
In fact , the solvent in 9 96 really surprised me .
OK , let's do it differently .
There is a little cube next to you where here it is .
That's actually again , fast , beautiful cube .
I think you will be interested in uh solving it too scramble it for me .
And I'll scramble for you .
A small one .
I'm really interested in how long it takes you to solve it .
Maybe you will find it harder than the last 13 to start .
Well , I wish I had tried to solve it uh earlier .
So inconvenient 12 41 third or maybe plus two .
But you still won .
Look , you are getting close enough to me .
12 31 .
Let's do it because it's the first time I picked it up and it's hard .
It's also the first time I have a Rubik's cube in my hand .
Let's do the last one .
Or how many more are you giving up ?
Three to start ?
Whoa , why did I start solving from the layer ?
Well , love next time I'll let you win .
OK .
I guess you didn't make it three to start .
Well , you could say I won this time and this challenge I had a better chance .
So let's do this .
Let's go back to Rubik's cubes of normal size .
I'll be glad to .
So here are you sure , here's the cube .
What's the aerobics original , by the way , this cube is older than I am and probably older than many who watch us , by the way , right ?
How old are you just write in the comments ?
I'm curious .
This cube is many years old and here is some problem with the stickers .
A yellow next to white , orange , next to red and you need something to deal with it .
Would you try ?
Yeah , let me try uh scramble it .
Well , it barely turns to be honest at all .
Then I suggest to make it a little harder to you .
Maybe you should solve it with one hand .
Let me solve the usual Rubiks uh scramble it to me and I will scramble this ancient one here .
You can really break your fingers .
I didn't know how you were going to do it , but for the sake of the experiment you can try .
Come on .
Oh , you know , it's even as heavy as a brick .
A Rubik's cube is not a simple toy .
It's a heavy puzzle .
Ready .
Yes .
Three to start .
Oh my God .
It's not easy for me either .
I'm trying , you know , to do it as fast as possible .
Just try to do something I had , I did PLL great .
It doesn't turn at all 26 .
Awesome .
Same results as I had in my previous competitions .
Ok .
Let's make it easier for you .
Uh Take this one .
This one .
Yes .
And this one is also Rubik's uh it's uh old too but uh this was not used then uh this was solved many times .
Look , it just falls apart .
It is a very weak .
I think it's going to be a lot easier for you because it's turning a lot faster .
Let's try and here to some problems with the stickers .
I will solve the thing .
And you and older Rubis ready .
Yes .
Three to start .
God , you make it sound like it's about to fall apart .
It is , well , 17 44 17 96 we finally found the conditions in which we are equal and great .
Ok .
That's the video we had today .
I think we had a good time .
You can subscribe to the channel , be sure .
To write something nice for love .
We will be glad to read your comments and I think we will see you soon and you too .
Ok .
Thank you for watching .
Bye .
What was I doing wrong there ?
When I made the pair , you said I did a bad pair .
I think I know what you are talking about .
This one ?
Oh , this one , this one .
Yeah .
How do you do it ?
Oh , this is the detail I use when I flip , I have to memorize it .
How do you define it by white ?
Yes , I place it on top and turn it like this and make you sleep .