Lovely and nice .
Welcome back again to the kitchen at chef for a cooking show .
I'm gonna show you all you can cook penny pasta at home with your kids and uh with your family or if you're by yourself , I wanna do a little quick idea with pasta or to cook it very quickly .
Easy and simple .
The recipe is that this is penny pasta and I'm going to show you or you can cook penny pasta at home in your kitchen .
Alright , first thing this is Billy Walker , right ?
So this is the way the penne pasta them .
Look that a lot of people don't know what is penne pasta ?
This is penny pasta , right ?
Lovely .
Then next thing the best is to make the water start to boil first , make sure you have a lot of water to cover the pasta and also get a lid for it more easier .
Second thing is to put some oil because oil do separate the pasta from sticking together .
I'm putting a teaspoon of olive oil inside of the water .
Um If you got some sea salt or if he doesn't want to put any salt , you don't have to but sea salt is very good .
So we're gonna put a pinch of sea salt .
Not too much , just a little pinch of sea salt .
Give me a story .
Love it .
Get your penny faster and make sure cover it and leave it for it to boil at first when it boil it better .
Right .
So , the water start .
Boy , that's what you wanna see .
Then add your pasta .
One park .
This park is only 500 ground .
Give it a star just to separate it from the sticking , right .
Cover it for about five minutes and low it for it to after five minutes keep stirring it because you don't want to stick together .
Yes .
So that's why I'm talking about pasta or the best way you can cook your pasta up .
Now this is finish and you can simply share this out with your family and your kids up with anything like bolognese cheese or you can make pasta bake cheese , bake tuna bake , whatever you want to make with it .
Best way how to cook your pasta at home as you can see , look at that beautiful and nice .
Enjoy the tips and a recipe from chef .
Tune in for the next video .
Bye-bye .