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2023-08-16 09:36:34

How To Draw Hog Rider from Clash Royale - EASY - Step By Step

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Hey , welcome back to Cool Kids art .

And this time , let's draw Fred Fast Bear .

So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .

All right .

So let's draw Freddie here and to start out , we're just gonna draw his nose first .

So we're gonna draw this kind of flat circle here .

OK ?

And once we have that , we're gonna try snout .

So from here just kind of go out , just kind of curve it back .

It's almost like a bracket , same thing on the other side , right ?

So now we have two brackets and we've got connect these .

All right .

So once we have that now we can move up to his eye .

So right around here , just make a circle and it's behind the nose and the right .

That's why , that's why we're drawing it after the nose and then the other circle .

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Um Next up , uh We will draw the nose about halfway down .

So I'm gonna draw a line in a line like that .

There's the hog rider nose and now he's got his beard spear is gonna come up like this up like this and he's gonna have a big open mouth like so perfect .

Uh We're gonna draw some teeth in there later .

Um I think I'm gonna make his beard come out a little bit on the bottom like this and that's cool because I'm gonna color that in .

So I'm gonna move to a , a thicker marker to color this in a little quicker , right ?

So do you guys all play clash for right now ?

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Now for the inside , it's a little bit tricky .

I draw like a little curve like this slid and then another one on the bottom .

OK , enough for draw a little circle in there to kind of it in a little dot You can have them look in different directions if you want to right now .

I just kind of looking straight at you .

And then from there , I draw the brow , it just kind of like a little curve .

OK ?

And then let me shade this in real quick cause I think it'll make a big difference so you can shade in the side right here a little bit darker too .

OK ?

And then let's , well , let's finish this now , right here .

We just put a little line right there .

OK ?

And then three , it's got three dots on each side .

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So we're gonna go 123 .

OK .

So once we have that , we're gonna try to , uh , let's try the bottom .

So from the bottom here , the lower is jaw like a little circle like that .

It's kind of like a little line and now we're gonna draw some of his teeth in .

So we're gonna go 12 , 345 .

OK ?

And then we're gonna draw , let's go , well , let's finish up the jar .

So we're just gonna draw this kind of shape , this U shape , just kind of cup it .

OK ?

It's a little bit more complicated .

And then from here now its cheeks can go dries off his cheeks .

OK ?

And then there's another little curve here .

Again , it's a more complicated character , but it should be pretty cool once we're done .

All right .

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So once we have that , let's move on to his head .

So from the top here , just gonna curve it down , it's like a dome shape .

OK ?

And then it's ear .

So right around here just draw two lines , just kind of flat it out right here that goes , it's a little bit sharp , not , not too sharp .

All right .

And then we got uh one more just right inside , on the other side , same thing curve and then the inside and its hat , which is really easy .

So we're just gonna draw two lines like this and then just kind of follow the curvature of his head .

OK .

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And I got two lines going up and then just close it off and let me shade in this eyebrow , make them a little bit scary looking .

OK ?

So let's move down to his body .

So we're gonna draw his little bow tie here .

So just draw like a little U shape almost like a circle .

Do you want a little two brackets like that ?

And just connect it back to the center ?

OK .

So I'm actually gonna draw his body a little bit shorter than usual just because it's easier to see on camera .

So right here , one line going down .

OK .

And then this other line going down , but let's not go down so far because we need to draw his hand in front of it .

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So from here , we're gonna draw this arm first , we're gonna go , there's a little shoulder right here and then here we're gonna come down this way .

Yeah .

Curve it in like that .

OK ?

Once we have that now we got dry his hand .

So right around here , I'm gonna draw one finger and he's gonna be holding his microphone , two finger and then one more three .

And now we can try his microphone .

We're gonna go two lines in here .

OK ?

And then we got one here .

This is gonna be part of his microphone and then now we can draw the circle .

OK ?

And then it's done now for his forearm .

So we're gonna go here in here .

So that's a little bit of perspective .

That's why it's a little bit tricky .

But OK ?

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And then we can actually , I'll show this in so you can see it look better , right ?

That looks better .

OK ?

So now for the other side , his hand right here .

So we're gonna right around here .

So we just gonna draw his thumb and this one's gonna be in perspective too .

So it's a little bit tricky .

I'm gonna try this one , two , three and now we're gonna close it off .

OK ?

And then from there I draw and his body finish that off .

And then when I come back up here , draw his shoulder and then another block , OK ?

And now his forearm and gonna go this way , I gonna curve it in like this , let me shade this in real quick , right ?

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Now we're gonna draw the foot .

So I'm gonna draw two lines like this and then we're gonna dry his toes .

So one , two and three .

OK ?

I'll close this off to you and then there's a little bit of detail on the bottom .

So we got to a one , two , just like three little rectangles right underneath each toe .

All right .

So the other side we're gonna go curve it , it's gonna be symmetrical s foot leg coming down , close it off two little lines like this .

Now we're gonna go one , two , three , close that off .

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OK ?

And then same thing , one , two , three and that's it for this Freddie and hope you guys liked the way it turned out .

And if you do , please do , give me a thumbs up , check out my other videos and don't forget to subscribe and I will see you next time .

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So there a straight line across in a straight line below and draw some teeth one in the middle , draw them out from there .

Perfect like that .

Wow , cool .

And next up , we're gonna draw some lines on the of the hog .

122 lines like that .

A couple of lines around the edge of his eyes .

I'm gonna draw some hooves , just draw some like slight be over just above the bottom there .

So that's gonna be the hoof , draw a little line there and there , there's the hoof we got um his sandals .

Let's just draw a couple lines there for his sandals and a couple lines there and you'll see his , maybe his toes popping out here .

Cool .

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And what else do we need ?

Um I think we're almost done .

I think I'm gonna draw some details on the hammer we'll draw a line here , a line here just like that and we'll draw some circles .

1234 , 1234 .

And I think that's everything .

Yeah , I'm gonna say that's done .

Cool .

That's how you draw the hog rider from Classic plans .

Hope you enjoyed it .

Look like if you did subscribe to my channel .

This is your first time watching , share it on with me on Instagram and keep drawing .

Yeah .


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