Hi there today .
I'm going to be showing you how to draw some hand art , some Hanna hand art .
So it's something that I , um , I haven't done yet on youtube , but I'm looking forward to it .
It's a little bit more complex and it takes a little bit more time than my normal project .
So please keep that in mind .
The first thing that I've done is I've outlined my hand with the sharpie marker and it's not the normal sharpie marker that I use .
I usually use the one that's a little bit fatter , the fine point , but this is the ultra fine tip and it will let us have a little bit more detail with our project .
So you'll want to outline your hand .
And if you're younger then maybe you can get a friend or a sibling or your mom or dad to help you with this because it can get kind of tricky .
See like right here , I have my , my ring right here so it can get a little bit tricky .
And if you'd like to do it in pencil first and then out line it with marker , that's a good idea as well .
So let's get started .
I'm gonna start out with the fingers and at the base of each finger , I'm going to make two lines just like this .
And I'm pretty much going to go and order and go systematically from finger to finger and keep in mind if I get going too fast for you , then just pause the video and until you catch up .
So that's our first step .
Now we're going to make another line on top of that first line just like that .
And then inside the lower lines , we're gonna going to make some straight little lines going perpendicular to the first lines .
This is pretty detailed .
So as I said before , it takes a while , but the effect is really , really outstanding and I know that parents love this project because it has to do with a child's hand .
All right .
So the next thing you'll wanna do is go underneath and make a little scallop , little use connected to one in another just like that .
I hope you can see my scallops here .
I know my hand might be in the way .
OK .
Now we're going to move up into each finger .
So the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to make it , I guess it would be called a clover shape .
So we'll do that on each finger .
And what I like to do with these clover shapes is I like to fill them in with marker .
I'm not going to take the time to do that .
But I think it looks neat if they're really dark .
So , coming down to the clover shape , you're going to make some squiggly lines , but we're not going to go all the way up , not going to go all the way up because at the very tip , you're going to make something different .
You want to leave a little bit of room for that .
So just some squiggly lines that are attached at the top .
Now , let's go to the very tip and we are going to make , I guess you can call them similar to fingernails .
And then inside of those tips , you're going to make some circles three or four , it's up to you .
I'm going to make three today .
Now , outside these circles , I think it looks really neat if you could color this in with your marker , but don't go inside the circle .
So you'll have a little white dot That's showing that takes a little bit of time .
So I am actually not going to do that right now .
I'll do that a little bit later .
But if you'd like to stop the video and if you'd like to do that , that would be a great idea .
All right .
Now , coming out from each one of these squiggly lines , you're going to make some straight lines coming out just like this all the way up and down the other side , all the way up and down the other side .
So I'm gonna do that very quickly .
Just make sure that they're straight and they're coming out and my hand might be covering up my work right now .
Sorry about that .
But I think that you probably get the idea and I just keep going .
It's actually kind of relaxing if you start making these hand to hand patterns .
Now , at the tip of each one of these lines , I think it looks neat if you put a little circle , a little circle and this also takes time .
So I think what I'll do is I'll just do one of these just to show you the effect and then you can stop your video and you can finish that up .
All right .
So we color this in all around the dots and then you color this part in right here .
OK .
Let's move on to the center of the hand and we're going to start at the center and we're going to do our artwork from the center out .
So what I'm going to do on this particular one is I'm going to create a swirl like this and then I'm going to stop it just like that .
And it's going to basically , I don't know , it kind of looks like a snail shell and you close it up and then I'm going to go over it to make it a little bit thicker and then I'm going to fill it in , fill it in .
So you have a series of lines that are thin and then some that are thicker .
And then I'd also like to go around this one as well and then fill that in .
Keep in mind you don't have to stick with my exact design .
You can do whatever you want , whatever you think looks good .
You might want to put some dots in here .
You can do anything that you'd like .
Now along this circle , I like to add some more scallop edges .
OK .
And then I hm let's add some little flower type petals .
So basically curve line in curve line out , then let's curve the line in , curve the line out and we just keep doing that over and over again until we get around the page .
Well , that one is a little bit different , but that's OK .
That's the neat thing about art .
That's what makes it unique and special .
All right .
So at the tip of each inner part of these little leaves or little petals , I'm going to put a circle and then I think I'm going to double this up to make it look a little bit more interesting .
So I just follow the initial line like this .
Oh , it's looking good .
OK .
So inside each of these little petals , I think I'm going to put a circle and then I'm going to turn that circle into a little daisy to give it a little bit more detail .
And I'm working pretty quickly if you can slow down a little bit .
Your work will look the best that it can look .
Right .
I think what I'll do along the outer edge is I'll put some more scallops .
I think that would look really nice .
So I'm just kind of going with , um , anything that kind of pops into my head .
Scallops are always a really neat thing to make .
I'm just going all around these outer pedal lines , almost done .
Yeah .
Ok .
I'm trying to think of something to put here along the outer area .
So I really like swirls a lot .
So I think I'm gonna make some swirls just like that and maybe I'll make them doubled .
So they're , they stand out a little bit more .
I think that will look really cool one right here .
Hm .
I think I can fit a small one here , maybe one here .
Now , your area , if your hand is smaller than mine , you might not be able to do this stuff , but you might , or you might want to put some dots or just some circles , it's up to you .
You might have run out of room by now .
All right .
So let's move down .
Excuse me , let's move down now to the wrist area .
This is the wrist area .
So , what I think I'll do here is I'll find the middle of the wrist and I will make four circles and I'll put those circles together just like that and inside of those circles , I'll make a smaller circle and then I'm going to fill them in just like this .
So that way , actually , it'll look a little bit different than the four initial circles that I made to look like one shape .
OK .
From there , I think what I'll do is I'll make some straight lines coming out , y'all make three .
And then on the lower line , maybe I'll fill that in with some black , make the contrast a little bit higher and I'm not filling it in very carefully .
You'll want to do that very carefully .
And then on the upper line , maybe some tiny little lines .
Um hm How about some scallops , some larger scallops here underneath some dots in the middle and then maybe some teardrop shapes right here .
Three tier up shapes .
Now , as I said before , you can add anything else that you'd like .
I think that I like the way that mine looks right now , so I'm going to stop .
Uh I hope that you had fun with this and I hope that you liked the project .
I appreciate you watching and I hope you have a good day .
Thanks .