Welcome to the final tutorial part three .
If you want to call it layer three of this tutorial series of solving a three side Rubik's cube .
If you follow it along with the last two tutorials , you should be here with these two layers solved and on the last layer .
So for this layer , we again need to make the same T or the cross that we made with the , the original layer , original side .
And the way to go about this is now we're getting tighter , more confined .
Starting to worry uh what how can I start to solve this without screwing up what we've already done ?
Well , that's what the algorithms are full .
So you got to find yourself in one of two situations .
When you come to this layer , you may find that you have a straight line , you may find that you don't have , you only have one side of the yellow done or my favorite .
You may find that you have like a small little L shape .
In this case , we have a cross and I'm going to try to show you the different ways to fix or start creating this T that we need So with this , if you have the straight line , what you want to do is put it .
So it is horizontal .
And the algorithm for that with this , with that yellow side facing up is front , right oh right , inverted up , inverted , front , inverted .
So boom , don't , don't mind this yellow piece here as far as aesthetics , but we do have our cross , we have the t that we need .
The other situation that hopefully you find yourself in is this L shape .
So you'll leave a straight line across of the solid color or the color that you need the centerpiece or you'll have an L .
The other situation you may find yourself in .
If you don't have a straight line across is here with an edge piece centerpiece and then another edge piece directly next to it .
So put this in the upper left section and the way to go about doing this is front up , right up , inverted , right , inverted , front , inverted .
So now we have our cross , but again , we're trying to get our edges lined up much like this red , one is aligned with this one .
And the thing that you'll find when you get to this piece is at least two , if you rotate this any which direction two layers will correspond at some point .
So only the green fits here .
But if I keep spinning orange and blue , so there's , there's our moneymakers .
So we're going to position them .
So they're on both the back end and the right end for this algorithm .
And what this is going to do is essentially switch these two pieces with each other .
Welcome to the final tutorial part three .
If you want to call it layer three of this tutorial series of solving a three side Rubik's cube .
If you follow it along with the last two tutorials , you should be here with these two layers solved and on the last layer .
So for this layer , we again need to make the same T or the cross that we made with the , the original layer , original side .
And the way to go about this is now we're getting tighter , more confined .
Starting to worry uh what how can I start to solve this without screwing up what we've already done ?
Well , that's what the algorithms are full .
So you got to find yourself in one of two situations .
When you come to this layer , you may find that you have a straight line , you may find that you don't have , you only have one side of the yellow done or my favorite .
You may find that you have like a small little L shape .
And again , you put them both in the back and to the right , you do that same algorithm right up , right , inverted up , right up , up , right , inverted and then give it that last rotation and boom , you will be back to where we started initially with all of our edges being correct and all to solve left is our corners .
Here .
I have all four corners arguably incorrect except this piece is correct .
It is where it needs to be .
It's just facing the wrong direction , we have blue red and the yellow side .
So if you already have that correct piece again , put it to the lower right .
And if you found your correct piece that you need to work off of , then put that in the lower right sector as well .
In this case , we have a cross and I'm going to try to show you the different ways to fix or start creating this T that we need So with this , if you have the straight line , what you want to do is put it .
So it is horizontal .
And the algorithm for that with this , with that yellow side facing up is front , right oh right , inverted up , inverted , front , inverted .
So boom , don't , don't mind this yellow piece here as far as aesthetics , but we do have our cross , we have the t that we need .
The other situation that hopefully you find yourself in is this L shape .
So you'll leave a straight line across of the solid color or the color that you need the centerpiece or you'll have an L .
The other situation you may find yourself in .
And the algorithm is right up , right , inverted , up , right up , up , right inverted .
So it doesn't look like we did much .
But if we rotate it one side , green with the green , red , with the red , blue and orange altogether , and now all we have to do left is solve for the corners every now and again , you may find yourself in a situation where the two correct edges are actually opposite of each other as opposed to being side by side .
So the way to fix this is just put them .
So they are one side is facing you , you do the same algorithm right up , right , inverted up , right up up , right .
And then all you do from here is these two pieces should now match or you find the two pieces that coincide with each other .
Well , you just keep doing it , Renford down right down , right down , right down Rainford down right down .
So boom , that yellow piece is correct .
But now we have this all solved up and this is where it's almost like magic .
So right inverted down , inverted , right down rain Vert down right down , boom foam .
And there it is just like that .
That's all she wrote .
Ladies and germs .
That is how to solve a three sided Rubik's cube .
I'm Jari 1 20 .
I teach powerful magic .
Integrate with social dynamics on the channel how to disturb reality .
But you know , this is something I've always been interested in helps your memory for short term memory loss .
And uh just like magic , it gives people the illusion that you're smarter than you are .
So it's another reason why it appealed to me .
And if none of the pieces work , just do this algorithm with any side at any corner , at any location , as long as the yellow is facing up , and then you'll get to a point where you will find a piece that is much like this or ones that that's already correct .
So while you're here with your correct piece in the lower right sector up top , the algorithm is up right up inverted , left , inverted up , right , inverted up , inverted left .
Now it looks like it may not have done much and it may not have for uh for various different reasons .
And this time around it didn't look like it did .
So again , the way to fix this do the same algorithm up right up , inverted , left , inverted up , right , inverted up , inverted left .
And now if we look around our piece boom , we have two pieces already solved and these two pieces that just need to be fixed and hopefully you run into the same problem .