Hey , welcome back to art and let's draw the Professor Hook from the Avengers .
So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .
All right .
So let's draw this and to begin , we're gonna draw the top of his eyes first .
So we can draw in two lines for the eyelids .
And then once you have those two lines on the corner here , just gonna slam them down and then from those two lines right on the bottom .
So a little , little bit of a kind of like a half circle and it's gonna be his eyeball and I'm gonna shade them in , but I'll leave a little bit of a highlight , just leave two little circles inside .
All right .
So that's gonna be his eyes .
And then from there , we can draw on his mean brow from the corner here and s up and on the side , just kind of dip it down a little bit .
So right over the eyebrow , dip it back down and then let's give it some thickness .
So we're gonna start in the corner .
Here we go up , we follow the same thing here .
And as we get up to here , close it off .
Nice and sharp .
OK .
So s stand up , just follow the line , close it off .
All right .
So now we can draw in his nose .
So come down here and we're gonna slant out this way .
So just come down and then draw a little slant .
It's got a wider nose and then we'll come in just a little bit of an angle right in the middle and then for his mouth just come down .
So this one's nice and easy , just gonna draw kind of like a little bit of a frown there .
So one big curb and then his lower lip and now let's add in a little bit of detail .
So right on the corner from his mouth , draw in like a little curb coming down , then also right on its nose right here .
Just add a little bit of creasing , just continue that line .
All right .
So now we can fill in the rest of your face .
So right here , cross from the eye just come out this come down all the way to the mouth .
This guy , uh his face is a little bit wider .
And then from this point here , we're gonna curve it in and it's got a really big chin .
So we'll stop right here and close it off with a flat line .
And then for this chain , let's add in one new line there .
And then lastly , uh for the facial details right here , just add a little line for his cheekbone .
OK ?
So now we can finish up , the top of his head is gonna come up and then we'll come back down to finish up his hairline .
So right on the side right here , right on the eyebrow , just draw like two slants and then this one's gonna go up and this hairline is easy .
We just gonna draw one curve all the way across and then now let's draw on the top of his hair , but we're gonna add in a little bit of a spike here .
So it's just gonna come up .
So a couple of these spikes like this and then here's the very top .
And again , it doesn't have to be exactly the same just as long as you have some kind of spike coming out to keep the hair a lot more detail .
All right .
And let's move on .
Let's finish up uh with his ear right on the side from the eye .
So the E is always very easy .
It's just basically one curve .
All right .
So now let's draw in his uh muscular body here .
So we're gonna start on his shoulder .
We're gonna start on the back of his ear right here .
S curve out .
It's got really big muscles and then when I come down here , let's just finish .
This is not his neck .
This is just part of his muscle here .
So it's all two little curves like this and then come down to the center .
OK .
This is , I guess would be his collar bone just flare up , draw one line .
OK ?
And then now we're gonna come back , come back here , here's his armpit .
We're gonna come all the way down here .
Slam in .
Same thing here , come down slant .
So this is gonna be his chest muscle here .
And then when we close this , this should be going up a little bit .
Ok .
So it's gonna be his chest and then for his , uh , abdomen and waist level here on this corner , come down and then here's this , he gets the top of his , uh , his pants .
OK ?
And then let's go ahead and finish up his arms and then we'll add in more detail to his body , uh , later .
So here's his armpit .
Here's just the shoulder right here .
It's gonna come out nice and wide .
Very big muscle .
Come back here .
Here's the bicep .
So this is easy .
Just one big bracket , lower arm and gonna flare out , come in a little bit shorter .
Come back here .
Here's is a risk .
It's dumb .
It's gonna hook it back of a fist and then for this one , we'll turn it , it's come down and then just hook it back up .
All right .
So now let's try on the other side and it's pretty much the same .
So here's the armpit , come back up here , here's the shoulder , nice and big again , the bicep , just two curves , slow arm flare out , come down to the risk straight down .
You just come down a little hook back of the fist and then for this one come down a little bit more and then just hook it back right behind the dome .
All right .
And then to finish up the details on the body , um Let's just add a couple of lines here , make them look a little bit stronger .
And even on his neck right here , I'm just gonna add in Google lines coming out .
And then for the abdomen here , I draw one line straight down in the middle and then right here , I'm gonna curve it out .
So same thing here and then we'll give them a six pack .
So we're just gonna try in two lines right here .
Ok .
So that's pretty much it for the upper body and let's move on to the bottom .
So his legs are , yeah , it's very easy to draw .
So come down to the center here .
So one line across and then we're gonna start up here , curve all the way down .
This is gonna be his knee right here .
So here's the center .
Come over here is one curve coming out and then for his knee , this little bracket and then we can close it off and that's actually the , uh the end of his pants right there .
OK .
So then the same thing here , start up here , curb all the way down just use the other cipher reference come back to the center , come over Kirk .
And the same thing here , just a little bracket , close it off and then now we can join the lower leg .
So right here , we're out curve and this one is almost straight down and then for his foot curve out and then on this side just kind of come down , flann , it come straight down and then one line across and then for his toes , we'll keep it simple .
Draw one line here and then let's add three more here .
Smaller ones .
Ok .
Same thing here .
Group out , come back in here .
This one straight down , same thing here for his foot curb down and this one go out more and then curve it , close it off .
And the same thing here , one bigger line and then three smaller ones .
And that is it for this professor .
Hope from the Avengers .
Hope you guys liked the way it turned out .
And if you do , please do , give me a thumbs up , subscribe if you haven't and I will see you next time .