So at the first block , rapidly press F 12 button until it goes to the screen and then select change mood mode settings .
OK ?
As you can see , you have to ensure you are on UEF I mode and secure mode is off , then continue to restart by pressing control , alternate delete and then again , rapidly press F two R right .
Then the same screen appear again , click on , buy your setup and then go to boot sequence and take the U two .
So the rest configuration should be the same as mine operation should be under EHC I mode .
Then the security boot should be disabled .
We have to un take it and then once all change , apply , click on the play button to save the setting .
So do you need the put up and ensure you have a plug in your pen drive guys note that these P CS with this G in GP T format , so be drive that you plug in have to come also in GP T format .
Else you can do the installation .
So I suggest not to change it .
Uh BC had this moment to MBR , of course , you're in trouble because the DC cannot hold up .
They had this in MBR format .
So you have to remain the , the PC had this in GP T and configure your PRA with GP T format as well .
So here , as you can see , it has pulled up from my pan drive .
So here I just click , I don't have a product key because I'll do the activation later and then select the redo version the next and then read through the policy blah blah blah and then accept and then click on the custom that he on this page , proceed to delete all the parts to take note that all this partition and that this is already in GP T format .
Uh Dell 5060 comes with no windows .
It's only preinstalled with ubu two .
So this is all the partition that they create for the ubu two .
So we have to just delete it because you need to use windows .
So once all limited , you are good to create new partition .
So in my scenarios , I usually create a two new partition .
One is for my primary use and then secondly , for to store a backup file and so on .
Yeah .
OK .
Here then I choose the primary had this to install the windows .
See and I just click next and then it it will start the installation process , just wait until the itself .
So just cut the video till the report progress .
OK .
So here now uh the installation process has just finished .
So the PC is now reboot .
If you did what I has instructed again , leave your honey in G BT format , you will then move up into the windows .
No need to unplug your pan dress as it will primarily detect your internal hard disk .
So on this screen , uh just select your region and country .
So for me that's like Malaysia and then select the US keyboard layout , which we normally use for Malaysia .
So I use to work my PC with organization pictures , organization .
Then here domin join in because I need to join the PC to domin later .
OK .
Assign your user name here and then password and here on this page just click yes , then got several things to read , blah , blah blah and then PST E so now comes to the final configuration , you will also set up your profile , just read , see , relax .
So I'll just cut the video to make it shorten .
So we are almost done .
One last your windows is now appeared .
So click on subscribe button to subscribe and share and see my next review .
Bye bye .