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2023-08-15 20:45:32

Fix - Windows Cannot be Installed to this Disk _ Windows Cannot Install Required Files 0x8007025D

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

in this very short video , I'm gonna be showing you how to , uh , solve two very regular problems with regard to Windows installations .

The first being that Windows cannot install on this partition .

It's very simple to fix .

The second issue is , uh , an actual error during installation , where , uh , an error pops up saying Windows cannot install required files .

Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart the installation .

Error code zero X 807 025 .

D .

Um , it's very easy to fix .

I will show you how so , Um , here we go .

You can see that .

Uh , there is a , uh , with this first part .

Sorry of Windows can install in this petition .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Uh , we're going to cross that off there , and we're gonna press shift 10 F 10 , shift F 10 and you'll get this command box come up .

OK , so what you're gonna need to do is type disc part .

Then you're gonna type list .

You can type disc , if you like .

That gives you a whole list of things that you can do .

Um , but we are going to select the actual disc that there's an issue with so it's Disc zero .

It's selected Disc zero , and we're going to clean it .

What this does is it removes all partitions .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Let's get rid of the the actual issue with trying to install on that partition with regards to the error code during installation , all you need to do is type in convert NBR , and that will change it to an MBR format .

And that's it .

We'll cross that off .

We'll click on the install now , just move past his bed .

Select the Windows 10 version you'd like , and they quickly slam it .

Just go to custom install and there we go .

So we have one huge , not huge , but one area , one petition and where we can install .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

If you were to click on next , it will just go through the whole installation without that error code popping up .

So there we are .

That was it .

Very easy to fix .

It's just an error .

It's an issue that you can't really find on Google .

Um , and I don't know why , because it's simple and it's a regular problem , but it's a simple fix .

So there we are .

Thank you for watching .

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And there will be more helpful videos like this in the future .

Thank you .


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