So now that we've covered basic notation , um what orientation you scramble the cube in um because you can't just pick it up and go .
There's actually an orientation for scrambling it according to the World Cube Association regulations , that is starting with your white face on top and your green face on front facing you .
So this will be your default scrambling orientation on the cube .
Now let's say that there is no white face , let's say they have a black face instead of the white face .
Then you need to find the next lightest color on the cube .
So looking around the next lightest color is going to be yellow .
So that will be our top face , then you will put green on the front again and this will be our scrambling orientation .
Now , let's say we have a white face but no green face , you will look from the white face to the nearest adjacent darkest color face .
So if green is out of the picture , we're going to look at red , that kind of light blue that's really dark .
And then we have orange .
But now it's gonna start to get harder and look , here's another white , we can just sort of turn it up , but here's where it starts to get hard .
You want to start putting all the rest of these whites on the top without messing up what you got So here's a couple of moves that's gonna teach you how to put a white and make a side .
So what you want to do is you want to look for a piece on the bottom row here , that is the color that you want to do .
So in this case , white .
So here's white .
And what you wanna do is you always put it below where you want it to be .
So let's say you want this white to be up here , you put it below where you want it to be , you turn it to the side .
So it's out of the way you can then turn down the part that you want it to go to and there it is , you can turn it .
So now it's there and then you can turn it back up and now it's in its place .
So since blue is the darkest adjacent face , that will be our front .
So if we had a combination of the two and we didn't have white or green , we pick the lightest face for to yellow and then the next darkest face adjacent blue .
And this would be a scramble orientation if we had neither white nor green .
So now we have our scramble orientation .
Let's um do a walkthrough scramble .
I have a scramble here um for three by three from tea noodle and hopefully you guys can see it .
So we will start our scramble .
And so again , we're going to start with white on top and green on front .
So the first one is ad follow bin apostrophe that is D prime .
You'll notice that this says it's scramble number one .
I'll cover that in a different video .
So the first move is ad prime .
So that's going to be a counterclockwise turn .
So I'll imagine I'm looking directly at the down face and turn it counter clockwise .
I'll do that better .
There we go counterclockwise .
Then we have an R I will do an R , then we have an L , I will do an L followed by an F .
So we'll do an F , followed by an R prime , followed by an L followed by A U two .
Remember U two means the top turns twice in either direction .
Then we have an F , then we have AD two .
So turn the bottom twice in any direction .
Then we have an R prime .
We have an L two .
We have F two , we have ad we have R two , we have B two , D two , L two U prime B two U prime .
And once you've applied your scramble , then it's time to check it against the pictures that are generated here .
And this is very important .
If you are scrambling in a competition , you can't just scramble it and send it off .
You actually have to check it .
So on a three by three , your white face is going to be the top square and your green face is going to be the middle square .
So we'll check it here and you'll notice on my cube , we have blue , yellow , orange , we have blue , yellow , orange , white , white , blue , which matches up green , blue , yellow .
And then if we look at the green face , we have orange , white , blue , green , green , red , green , white green .
And then if we go ahead and turn to the red face , we have red , red , white , yellow , red , green , yellow , green orange .
So after checking and confirming that three faces are correct , I like to find a few more blocks like on this blue face that those two blues right there to make this block on the bottom face , those two oranges to make an orange block and on the left face , those two reds and two oranges to make another block .
And I'll find the blocks around just to check that all the faces are correct and confirm that it's correctly scrambled .
So this is a correctly scrambled cube .
If it doesn't match , you need to solve the cube and re scramble it until it is correct .
Um Sorry for the lengthy video , but hopefully this helps you understand scrambling orientation as well as cube notation and the basics of how to scramble a cube per WC guidelines .
Thank you very much .
For example , let's take this one out of the way that we put in when you were putting this piece into place .
What you have to do is you have to say , well , it's going to go here .
And if you look , you have to look at the pieces next to it as you put each piece up and say , OK , well , this piece is not just white but it's , it's , it's one piece , it's white , green , red .
And when I put it up , you wanna go , you wanna say to yourself ?
Oh OK .
Well , where the , where's the white center , where's the green center ?
And where's the red center ?
Because then that piece , this one actually needs to go here .
And so if you were to move it out of the way , put it down , it's still there , turn it in and turn it up , you start to see that .
Oh , I'm creating the top layer , not just making a side .
And if you're able to think about the um pieces as in having two colors where this top has to match and then the center , the other color has to match the center .
You actually can create this .
See these , yeah , this red rope matches red , blue , matches blue .
And if you're able to do this , you're well on your way to being able to not only just solve a side but um uh solve the whole cube .
Um I hope you got a lot from the tutorials .
So leave me a note and tell me what you think .
Thanks .