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2023-08-17 17:12:24

How to solve a Rubik's Cube Part 4 (Yellow Side Tutorial)

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Hey youtube today , I'm gonna teach you how to solve the yellow side of the three by three Rubik's cube .

So um as always , I have a good um well , yellow side and a bad yellow side .

There isn't really much to say about it .

And it's , I'm guessing it's pretty obvious because this one is solved .

The yellow side is solved .

This one isn't .

So that's literally the only thing you have to know .

So um yeah , let's get on with the tutor .

So um I scrambled the cube and then I finished the um second layer .

Um If you don't know how to do the second layer , make sure you check out my um tutorial on the second layer right here .

And um yeah , so there's only two algorithms that you have to learn for this .

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Um The last um yellow side and the first one is to get the cross to get the cross .

Um You do , you just keep on going if ru I inverted , U inverted and F inverted and when you're doing this , you won't get the um crossing the first try .

It has to , you have to like be patient .

So you just keep on doing Frur inverted U inverted and converted .

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And I also have the algorithms in the description and then now once you get a line , so like this yellow , yellow , yellow , um these are green , it's kind of hard to tell , but this is just like the um when you're doing the um white cross , it's OK if you have um a yellow on one of the corners and then if you get a like line a bar , make sure you put it sideways .

So not like this because it's um vertical , make it horizontal and then repeat the algorithm .

Fru are inverted , U inverted and F inverted and then you should get across and then this is a green , it's hard to tell .

But so now when this one , after you have a yellow cross , again , I have two additional um yellow .

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But now what you have to do is um now after you get the cross , it's a new algorithm .

And when you do the algorithm make sure you have the yellow cross and then on the left side and left side and the corner piece that's closest to you .

So this one make sure you have a yellow um corner and do this algorithm .

I also have it right here .

Ru are inverted , Uru two and are inverted , then you'll get the yellow cross and then you do the same thing .

So yellow on the um left side or on the left side and the corner closest to you .

So this one so you can do it like this because there's a corner , yellow corner right here .

You can do it right here because the yellow corner right here , but you can't do it because there's no yellow right here .

So you can just do it here .

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And you do again , you do rur inverted , U ru two and are inverted .

Then you should get something like an arrow or like a fish because this is the head .

This is like what are they called tails ?

I don't know about it or and then so now or an arrow and make it makes the head of the fish or the arrow pointing the that way .

So like left bottom corner and then you repeat the and then make sure you have like a yellow um corner pointing at you and do this again .

So ru are inverted , Uru two and are inverted .

So um yeah , so that's how you complete the um yellow side .

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So um a quick overview of what you have to do is keep on doing fru inverted , U inverted and F inverted um until you get a um bar so that we don't have a bar yet .

It looks like it's a yellow but it's a green .

So just give them no Fruru inverted , you inverted F inverted .

And then now we finally got a bar right here and make sure it's in the middle , like not in the um outside in the middle and then do the um this algorithm Fruru inverted and F inverted and then once you get the cross pictures on the left um but corner closest to you and you are , you arm be if you are you to an arm and then make sure you do it again .

Are you inverted ?

You are you two and arm ted ?

Now you get like an arrow with like something pointing at you .

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You won't always , sometimes you'll have it like right here .

It's OK .

Just make sure you have something um like an arrow and then you are , you are , you are on , you too are inverted .

So um that's how you finish the yellow side .

I hope you enjoyed this video .

Don't forget to comment like and subscribe and I'll see you on my next video .


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