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2023-08-16 09:25:53

Can These Chefs Turn An Outer Space Drawing Into Real Meals

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Hi , my name is Audrey and I'm Chloe and we're seven years old and today two chefs are going to be competing to make our dream outer face dish .

321 .

I'm and I'm Alec .

I have a question for you .

If you were going to a birthday party on Mars , what food would you want to eat ?

I would maybe drink a like outer space .

Drink a purple and has little pieces of stars in it .

Makes a little crazy .

I'm a foul panic .

What do you like to eat ?

I like to eat doughnuts .

What are the best flavors on the flower planet ?

Strawberry lavender , lavender .

Do you like chocolate ?

I love chocolate , but she loves chocolate .

The picture is very creative .

So I'm excited to be creative as well .

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The next thing I'm gonna do is that I Scheme Plan ST tastes delicious and ST make wishes .

Oh , it's a cookie that has little stars on it and it's a big star and after it starts on , what does it taste like ?

It tastes like a normal cookie but like in the middle there will be a filling .

Have you eaten a star before ?

No , no .

Yes .

Oh , you did ?

Are you excited for a space party ?

Yeah .

How about we wish upon a star and then blast up ?

So , 32 .

Oh , are you ready ?

I am .

Are you ?

I've always wanted to go to space , so I'm not interested really .

They say there's two kinds of people , people who wanna go to deep sea and people who wanna go to deep space .

I don't wanna go , gonna take some risks today .

But you know what ?

We're in space so we gonna just have fun .

Oh , I enjoy your cookie back .

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Yay , jumpy here as always .

I am so excited to do this show with to get to cook alongside her like old times .

I'm going to start with ice cream plant because I need some prep time .

I'm gonna start with flower plant .

Listen in this competition .

I am not above picnics or food coloring .

Yeah .

These are kids , their taste spots .

It's very sensitive .

Yes , they don't like complicated flavor .

I do wonder if I'm at a disadvantage now in this competition because R is a mom .

I feel more confident after I have a child but at the same time , my son is the peak boy in the world .

I still think of myself as a child though .

So maybe I can relate to the judges a little better .

I'm scooping ice cream and making like a sper , I'm gonna bake my cake on a sheet tray just because I wanted to bake faster .

I need like a pretty good volume of cake .

So I'm just gonna make another one and put it right back on here .

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I got a bunch of different fruits and I'm gonna start cutting ri has been making things from scratch with a lot of natural ingredients .

At first I was a little intimidated but then I remembered that the judges are kids .

So I know my audience , I'm just gonna try to make it like kind of galaxy ish by just putting like I put a little black , a little blue .

Oh , a lot of purple .

This looks cool like a galaxy .

Do you want to go to space ?

I don't why I love our .

So we have to make sure ours doesn't fall apart and you're right .

You don't need to go like , what do you do in space ?

Just chill , you know that you can chill in a , in a beach .

You have to drink your own urine .

You don't know like I went to NASA and you went to NASA .

I wholeheartedly believe in aliens .

I don't need to go out to seek aliens .

They can come to me .

Yeah , and see me .

I was at the Hollywood Bowl last night and I swear I saw you a friend .

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She was explaining what happened , but it's just over my head .

My swirly Galaxy cake is ready to bake .

I'm using this pineapple for the Galaxy drink .

As you can see , I'm back on another box of cake mix , Alexi using a lot of stuff .

I think it is actually a good because kids loved sweet stuff .

This time .

I'm going to add a little bit less liquid because I'm going to do a hack where you use cake mix to make cookie dough .

This is for the Star cookie .

So I'm now cutting mango .

I love mango .

Do you wanna eat ?

Yeah .

OK .

Remember the good old tasty days we had all the time .

We sat next to each other other .

At first I think you were like , oh God , who is this girl sitting next to me ?

Like can I move ?

And then at some point you just accepted .

That's not how I remember but OK , I have these like neon mix .

They're little stars .

I remember .

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You are always so fast .

I'll be making a lot of mistakes and I need the extra time .

Once there's a story called the Tortoise and the hair .

I just try to work fast because I know there's gonna be a point where I mess something up .

So I wanna leave myself extra time for that to happen .

Now I'm going to make Star Cookie .

I'm gonna be moving on to my ice cream planets .

I have these fun like cookie crunch blue ice cream .

And this one is Mermaid Sparkle ice cream .

I need it like patchier because like the earth , it's like green and blue swirl .

I add it egg into my butter mixture and then I'm gonna sift in , in my mind .

This was an amazing idea .

In reality , it's fine .

My cookie dough is done .

So I'm going to put this in a refrigerator .

Sure .

I'm just gonna start tearing this into pieces .

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I really wanna go larger than life with my dish today .

So I'm thinking some sort of giant cake pop as a planet , go to space or go home .

I go , I am going to make base of flour plant and I have tofu .

I have oh yeah .

And some lemon juice really is pulling out tofu .

If we're supposed to be providing nutritional value to these kids , then I'm going to to lose .

I wanna win .

But I also don't want to give too much sugar .

I have this like space glue vanilla frosting again .

I haven't made a giant cake pop ever .

So this is definitely not going on a stick like a normal cake pop would , but I'm gonna try to like maneuver some sort of stand for it .

So can you still call it cake pop ?

This is kind of more difficult than I imagined it kind of breaks apart because this cake pop is so massive .

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It's weight is kind of crushing on itself .

How about using plastic mop ?

Good idea .

But R gave me a really genius tip to use plastic wrap , which really helps me get that sphere shape .

I'm just needing my doughnut dough until everything gets smooth .

I'm going to rest it in the refrigerator and I'm going to roll out my cookie dough .

Just cut out stir .

Have some dough .

Yeah .

Are you gonna eat , you know , like , I don't , I don't eat cookie dough .

I think it's a marathon thing .

You don't eat cookie dough .

It's so good .

She has this shooting star coming out of her drink .

So I figured it would be cool to do like a sugar one .

I was just , I use a Jolly Rancher and melt it down .

So it would fit in the star .

We only had a very small metal star cookie cutter .

So I realized that my Jolly Rancher wouldn't quite fit inside .

It suggested that I smash it with a rolling pin .

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Those suckers are hard .

I knew that Jolly Ranchers were so dangerous .

OK ?

I'm gonna put some of my jolly rancher shrapnel in here and I just want it to like melt down into its star .

So I'm going to cut out rice paper in a flower shape .

This rice paper flower it I saw on Tik Tok and it look easy enough .

It's very difficult to cut .

It's like breaking R is so talented and I'm not used to seeing her make mistakes , but she's kind of struggling with the rice paper flowers .

I wish I could help you here , but I don't know what you're doing .

I'm gonna use edible flowers for this reason .

Easy enough .

How about that ?

Does it look like flowers ?

OK .

It's like a star flower which is perfect .

Yeah , from here I think I can kind of dreaming to like this is becoming like a craft milk that cooking .

Now I'm moving on finally to my mirror place .

I have my gelatin sheet and they need to bloom .

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And so I'm gonna add in water sugar and sweetened condensed milk .

And I'm gonna grab my gelatin and squeeze out all of the extra water skis like a dead jellyfish .

I pop this into my sugar mixture so it can dissolve .

Now I'm gonna pour my hot mixture over this broken up white chocolate and I want it to be hot enough for it to melt the chocolate along with it , blend up the white chocolate into my mixture .

So the Galaxy Mirror glaze is something that's really finicky and hard to do .

I know that from experience , but I just want to go for it today .

I think this might work .

I'm gonna make small doughnuts and I'm gonna make two big doughnuts .

So I have uh some safety net .

I'm going to make for my ice cream plant .

I add and the sugar and I'm lightly mixing , add water .

Now I'm going to microwave this until it becomes sticky and stretching .

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So I've separated my miracle into five different poles and I'm just gonna be coloring them different variations from black to blue to purple to pink .

My cookie its a little softer and I'm cutting inside with another star shape .

My cookie eats out from the oven and I'm going to , to stuff with gummy bear .

My mochi came up from the microwave .

I'm gonna add color .

Hope this was a good idea .

Doesn't look cute and be very careful when you're making mochi sticky .

It's so sticky and it's very , very hot .

You have to be very careful roll this .

You have to use a bunch of corn starch , potato starch and you also have to do it while it's hot .

Wow .

Look , that is beautiful .

Ya .

Thank you .

I have ice cream and I'm going to just wrap this .

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I have my cake plant out good as it's gonna get .

My glaze is at temperature .

I'm gonna pour each of these into the other .

This is chaotic .

I'm gonna pour this on .

Wish me luck choosing to do the Galaxy mirror glaze was a big risk I took in this competition .

I think that's the quietest I've ever been .

Now , I'm just gonna pour a bunch of white food coloring and I'm just gonna take a paint brush and kind of flick it .

So I'm just trying to wrap my mochi around the ice cream about it .

Stop melting .

So I have to move very quickly and kind of twist on the bottom .

So clothes the bottom and put it on ice cream and I'm gonna freeze this again .

I hope it doesn't fall off .

Maybe I should transfer it to like a plate .

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Oh gosh .

Ok .

It's going in the fridge .

Now I'm going to fry this rice paper , hoppy walks .

Oh , no .

When I was trying to fry the rice paper it was curling up and it doesn't look like flour at all .

The second one .

I was also hoping it's gonna keep the shape but it doesn't .

So I think hopefully this is gonna work using two spiders and I'm going to place lightly it working , I think .

Oh , yes .

Nice .

I was able to make flour shape .

I'm happy with my star cookies .

They came out cute .

So I'm just gonna take the inside of the cookie and carefully just put this marshmallow fluff right in the middle and clean up the star shape .

Next thing I made my Star Jolly Rancher and I'm not exactly sure how I'm gonna get this out of the cookie cutter .

Unfortunately , I forgot to put any like cooking spray or oil on the cookie cutter .

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We had a heat gun that I was able to use .

I've never used one of these before .

It's always a great thing to say .

Ok , well , this heat gun works really great .

I also sprayed it with cooking spray to hopefully get it easier to remove .

It actually ended up burning the oil .

It's not looking great in there .

So that didn't work .

I think what I'm gonna do is heat up my Jolly Ranchers in a sauce pan and loosen them up until they're like liquid .

I have to move really quickly .

I'm gonna pour it into the lined cookie cutter and then also just streak it on the baking sheet to create like the shooting effect like a and this actually ended up working .

Oddly enough , the green Jolly Rancher turned this brown color , but it kind of looks like a gold star .

So I'm gonna go with it .

Now , I'm gonna fry Donna .

It looks pretty good .

I'm just coloring this white flower .

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It's a color Sprinkle apple sugar have a taste .

Mm .

Doesn't have any flavor .

I melted white chocolate and coconut oil added very little food color and these seeds are great for my donut .

My cookie is stuck so I put it back in open .

Is that the gummy brand ?

Yeah .

Flu like a trampoline that works become yellow but it's kinda cool .

It just became very gooey .

Go in a cookie .

Oh wow .

It's cool .

Yeah , it's like a plus .

Yeah , I'm not happy with it .

I'm going to use doughnuts on the plate .

Um under my ice cream plant as kind of like Saturn rings .

We have this cool like luster spray .

So I was gonna kind of spray them silver and gold gold leaf just to be you know , fancy .

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The last thing I have to make it the Galaxy juice .

I have pineapple mango and strawberry some sugar like Margarita .

Margarita .

They wanna have a drink .

Makes you crazy crazy .

I'm giving them what they want .

I'm making milkshake .

My idea for the drink is to make a sort of like slushy vibe .

I kind of wanted like a color changing Galaxy Vibe .

So I'm gonna flavor lemonade with Kool Aid package .

I'm putting pineapple and I put a little bit of food color mango .

I have UBE ice cream and we blended up some ice spoon into glass paint .

This oh my drink is done .

God , maybe I'm gonna shake in my not sure this cookie it's a good idea .

So I'm gonna just hide with other cookie for the flower of my flower plant .

I got these edible flowers that are , they really cut .

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I have a and I have extra flowers .

I'm going to put this on top and then I'm going to put my mochi ice .

I think I'm gonna plate them both just so they both have a cookie feeling the blank space with some sprinkled .

My shooting star has set .

I'm gonna try to peel this off .

Oh , shoot .

The shooting star is giving me a lot of trouble , which is a little bit surprising .

I thought it'd be one of the easier elements for my plate , but I'm just gonna set it on top of the drink , dust off my ice cream .

I'm done .

How about you ?

I'm done .

May the best astronaut win .

I'm actually really surprised that I was able to pull all of my components off because I was winging this total thing .

I think the Galaxy juice will taste good .

But I'm a little worried that it's kind of just melded into one color flower plant I think is the star of the show .

The mirror glaze set perfectly on the cake pop ice cream plant is looking pretty good .

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I really love how I chose to spray paint those doughnuts gold .

I also really like how the Star Cookie turned out .

I think it looks a lot like the picture and I really hope that they like the filling inside .

I really hope I win this one and I think it's some of my best work on the shelf .

Overall .

I'm so happy how it turns out .

I love my galaxy much ice cream .

It just look like a little planet Flava Planet .

It look like blossom a flowers .

The Galaxy drink it , it's perfectly swirled .

It looked like a milky way .

The yellow star cookie even .

I hide it underneath .

The little cookie with white chocolate looks really pretty .

I hope I win .

We're ready to .

We dream .

Yeah .

Oh my God .

What I recognize the planet .

That's the ice cream planet .

Auntie .

What does that look like a picture ?

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Wait , what the oils , what flavor is this ?

A doughnut ?

A goat ?

Doughnut ?

Ok .

I wanna use this all day .

Ok .

Let's try to store cookie .

I really like it .

What is it really ?

That good ?

I was gonna say the amazing , it tastes really , really good .

I do know like the , the link is that .

Oh , it's cake .

It's so soft .

Audrey has picked a couple of things that she doesn't like on my plate .

So I'm getting a little bit worried .

I just ate a flower .

I like the space color auntie .

It feels like we should go crazy right now .

Um This is already like lemonade .

I'm scared .

You're gonna go crazy .

Ja , ja .

It just tastes like a lemonade and I bought that picture .

I did not draw this damn .

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There are some harsh critics .

I really like the Flower Planet .

They did the Flower Planet .

Really ?

Well , yes , it's little girl .

Oh my God .

I bitch , I'm gonna skip dinner like I'm skipping dinner .

I hate to say it but I really think I got this one .

Oh my goodness .

It's just plastic and this I do not plastic .

Audrey said my flour tastes like plastic .

I should have heavily seasoned it .

I this , that's the cricket , the ice cream and it's not , but I really like it .

It's time to go crazy .

It's ice cream , right ?

My mission completed .

She wanted crazy drink and I made her crazy dance .

Yeah .

The flavor .

Um I really like it .

Yes , I love the ice cream .

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Except the part .

This is the best day .

The bread is a little bit too harsh .

It does not look like my picture is climbing .

I don't , we're going too harsh on here .

Um They were good finding like a whip cream .

I only like the cooking .

Wait , what he has honey on it .

Just sticky .

This is really hard to decide .

So they seems like they enjoyed Alex dish more .

So I'm losing my confidence .

Did you guys ?

Yay .

Someone said , are you crazy ?

Yeah .

Did you like the space dish from chef one or chef two ?

We're gonna say it on 321 .

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Oh , that was mine .

I won .

Listen , I'm always so happy for r I love her and I am so happy that she won .

But damn it , congratulations .

Hey , it up .

We have a President Alex .

Oh my God .

This is so new .

You wrote a little letter .

Honestly , this letter , it feels like a consolation prize .

It makes it all worth it .

So , wow , how beautiful you guys are artists .

All right .

You have to do one more thing .

Three , two else .


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