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2023-08-16 09:23:28

10 Things to Draw When You're Stuck Inside

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Hello , everyone .

My name is Comic Maker .

And in today's video , we are going to pick 10 things to draw while we're all stuck inside .

Let's get drawing oftentimes in my Discord server or during live streams when we're all drawing together , I hear a lot of people ask me as Comic Maker .

What do I draw ?

I have no clue .

Especially right now during this indoor life that we're all living , I thought that it would be helpful to make a list .

So here are 10 prompts that I thought that you could all do within the comfort of your own home .

Number one , open your window and draw something outside .

So when I started this list , I wrote them all down first before I really went exploring .

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So after I thought of this one , I realized that besides my mailbox and some bushes , I didn't have much that was interesting outside my window .

But then I remembered the tree or what was once a tree .

My husband and I used to have this super tall tree in the side of our yard .

And after a big scare of it falling over during a hurricane , we had that sucker removed .

So now we have a big old stump in our backyard .

So I drew that r ip tree .

You were a tall and dangerous fellow , but a cute little stump .

But it's starting to get super hot in Florida .

In fact , today I think it was like in the nineties .

So I didn't want to like sit outside and draw .

So I actually took this terrible photo from inside my house .

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So I guess it really does fit the theme of drawing from inside because I took the picture from inside and I can play it off as being on purpose even though I just told you all .

So there's that , well , the stump is done .

Check number two , draw something you're bad at now .

You may want to move this one to number 10 and put it off for the very last because boy drawing stuff you're bad at can be super demotivating and frustrating , but it can also be really good practice and the more you do , the better you get .

Hence why it's on this list .

So one of the things said I'm not very good at drawing is really technical stuff , little details or intricate machinery , things like that .

So I tried to pick something like that and ended up with a bike .

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Now , the thing that you might be bad at drawing you might not have in your house , but there are no rules in this series of prompts .

So Google is absolutely in acceptable source .

Plus this particular prompt is all about practicing and improving .

So , whatever method you can make it happen , works .

So I drew a bike with weird lumpy tires .

I really tried on this one , but I'm still missing details on it .

The proportions in the bike are pretty off .

But all things considering , I don't think it came out too bad and I wouldn't have drawn it if it weren't for .

So that's a win for me .

Check number three , draw from a picture or photograph .

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This one I thought would be fun and easy until I sat staring at my phone at the thousands of photos I've taken , I was super indecisive about which picture I wanted to work from until I landed on this glorious gem and , and got to work .

I always need a good excuse to draw my dogs anyway or I will want to draw them all the time .

In the end .

I decided to draw my sweet boy Arthur who has a wonderful ability to see through dimensions and into your soul .

I didn't feel like I had taken any interesting photos recently .

So doing something fun and silly .

Felt , right .

Crazy soul searching puppy .

Check number four .

All reliable .

Something that you love drawing .

I think you know where I'll end up with this one .

Guys .

I love drawing O CS and cute girl .

So I knew I was going to draw one of my own monster girls .

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I decided to go with my Dohan Tabitha for this one .

And for those of you who don't know Tabitha , her cute little head is not attached to that body .

She often wears scarves to cover up the place where her head floats .

But when I , I draw her in cute clothes , I usually use like an ascot or a small bit of fabric , like a bandana .

I just wanted to draw her in something that looked like spring and have her enjoying the outdoors since I can't right now .

But for you , this might be something totally different if you like drawing animals or you like drawing buildings or you like drawing realism , whatever you enjoy drawing most , that's what this prompt is for .

But for me it's usually cute girls or monster kind of stuff and put those together .

Cute monster girls .

Check number five already halfway through , find an object and draw it .

Now , this isn't limited to one object .

You can set up a little still life at home , some fruit or vegetables or maybe a lawn gnome or something .

I don't know .

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Born at home .

Don't know what to draw .

I'm Darlene and here are some fun ideas that you can use over and over again .

Number one , draw a bunch of oval shapes with some space in between .

Then pick your favorite cartoon characters , animals or people and make them peek through or jump through each hole in the ground .

You can decorate the ground around your character to match their natural environment like grass or seaweed .

For example , I pretty much spent a whole hour on this page because it was so much fun to draw and just nostalgic .

I'm a nineties kid and I watched a lot of Pokemon .

Hey Arnold and spongebob .

Comment down below and let me know which cartoons are your favorite , add as many ovals or holes in the ground as you want and try to fill the page .

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So I went over to character dash generator dot org dot UK backslash quick , which I shall leave in the description and got this crazy amazing character .

I'll read him for you Boyd Griffiths 23 .

Fashionable zombie .

Boyd is a fashionable zombie who is addicted to running physically .

He is built like a collection of sticks , which I thought was funny because of the whole zombie thing .

His top quality is that he is particularly interesting .

He is striving to redeem himself after pushing a homeless person under a bus , I had a good laugh after reading that and got to work .

I decided that the story would be that this homeless guy always asks Boyd for money when he stops at his local coffee shop on the way to work .

Boyd works as an intern at a high end fashion company and is let go after working so hard to get a full time position .

After more unfortunate bad day circumstances , he heads home and is once again asked for change by the homeless man .

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This final act is the straw that broke the camel's back and Boyd then pushed is the homeless man causing an accident .

Then something happens that I haven't driven far enough into the plot to figure out where those who are dead turn into zombies .

Boyd is one of them and guess who turns into a zombie too and judges him for all eternity .

I drew Boyd in what would be designer Jim clothes , I guess as he tries to live as normal a life as possible as a zombie .

This one was one of my favorites to do out of these prompts .

Check number seven , draw your workspace .

Now , I knew this one would take me forever since I have so many markers .

But I've always wanted to do this and this was a great opportunity to finally make me go through with it .

But by this point , I had been drawing for many hours and you can probably tell by the footage changing .

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But I worked from day until night and then some more night the next day if that makes sense .

But as tedious as it was , it was also really fun to do .

I always like drawings with tiny details .

But as you heard from me talking about drawing stuff that I'm bad at .

I'm not that great at it .

I always tend to get impatient and kind of rush through it .

So , although it's not perfect , I think it came out .

Ok .

I honestly got to a point where after I tried inking it , I did not want to color this at all , but I ended up working on these prompts over two days .

So I came back refreshed the next day and tackled it in color .

Lots of work and time but lots of fun .

Check number eight draw fan art from the last show you binged or a video game that you played .

I wrote this one because I thought it would be a fun idea .

But then laughed about what I would end up drawing and that my friends is Tiger King from Netflix .

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You can even flip the character upside down showing just their legs .

Idea number two mash different animals together to create something truly unique .

I looked for pictures of insects and bugs chose three very different ones and smashed them together .

It looks pretty terrifying and my skin is actually crawling just looking at the exoskeleton but I loved drawing it weird .

I know I'm not a fan of drawing butterflies and flowers , but a butterfly centipede ant way cool .

You can even mash characteristics of the same species .

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So I thought it would be fun to do a prompt like this Casey Golden makes videos all the time where she turns snacks into characters and I've always wanted to try it .

So I figured it would be a great indoor drawing prompt .

I looked at my little snack corner and spied my bag of pistachios and knew it would be the perfect snack to personify the shape of the shell and colors of the pistachio are also really nice , but I kind of gave her like a battle outfit in the end , almost like a magical girl , which kind of made me laugh , but I wanted to try and replicate the shape of her shell throughout the design .

And this is just what I ended up with .

I probably would adjust a couple of things in the rest of the design , but this was still fun to play with snack size prompt .

Check number 10 .

Draw your indoor outfit slash comfy quarantine clothes .

I know some people have been getting up every day and putting their pants on one leg at a time .

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For example , fish just look up a chart of the different types of fish and interchange their heads , eyes bodies , fins and tails or completely make up something of your own .

Number three , play with size , pick something that's really small and make it extremely big or vice versa .

Draw a background that highlights just how big or small the subject is .

Maybe you have a giant grasshopper , terrorizing New York City .

Number four , divide your page into small sections by creating a grid or drawing boxy shapes , then fill each box with tiny sketches .

It almost looks like a comic page , but the images don't have to relate to each other .

I'm just drawing whatever pops into my head .

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I think adding some color , makes the drawings look more fun .

I decided to go with an overall red theme .

If the box looks bland , try adding some patterns in the background , you can draw any random thing like a USB cable .

The cool thing is no matter how boring you think the subject is , it will actually look good when you stand back and look at the whole page .

The randomness of each box makes the page fun to explore .

If you draw something that you're not proud of , don't immediately erase it , think of ways that you can transform it or work with it .

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Number seven , if you ever feel frustrated , go ahead and scribble all over the page .

Once you're done hulking out , fill in the spaces using patterns made of lines , dots , zigzags , circles , triangles , waves , whatever you like .

Oh , and you actually don't need to be angry to do this exercise .

It's called a Zen Tale and it's actually extremely fun and relaxing .

And the most important thing is it helps to keep your pencil moving and the creative gears in your head spinning .

So it's a great one to do when you first open your sketchbook .

I know what it's like to sit there for 30 minutes .

Just wondering what to draw and then completely losing my motivation .

So this exercise makes it really easy to start drawing and almost impossible to stop .

I worked on this page until four in the morning and my hand almost fell off .


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