Hey , you too .
Welcome back to beardy cubing 101 .
My name is Joe .
I'm your host , the Bearded Cuber .
In today's video .
I'm gonna show you how to solve a three by three barrel cube .
It's pretty much the exact same thing as a three by three .
Rubik's cube .
The only thing that's changed is the shape .
Um You know , that one's a barrel shape and this one's a square .
Um and it doesn't have a white or an orange side .
Um And that's basically it , uh I guess at the end it does or it could have a parity issue .
Um And I know we haven't discussed parity just yet , but um basically parity means that uh the cube has worked its way into its position where um you're not gonna be able to solve the cube unless you take a drastic step .
Uh We will get into that um because this is not the only cube that has parity issues .
Um But this is a great starter cube man .
It actually , it , it handles just like a three by three of the exact same algorithms .
Um And it does have a parity situation which we're gonna get into .
Um And it also has a shape shifting capability to it um where you're gonna end up with a different um slices , you know , pie slices and squares and wedges and such .
Um But it's basically a great cube for um you know , your beginner cube for shape shifting and stuff .
And uh you know , it's really gonna help you out with your spatial orientation as well .
Um OK .
So if you're ready , go ahead and grab your uh three by three barrel cube and we'll get started .
OK .
Folks .
Welcome back .
Um If you get your cube , go ahead and scramble it up and we'll get started .
Um Now , this cube here has a lot of similarities to the three by three .
We're just gonna have uh edge pieces , corner pieces and a center piece .
Um Well , I'd like to start on red .
Um So let's just go ahead and find the red center and um we'll uh get these pieces in the place so we can get started .
This cube does not turn very well .
It's got um it's pretty poor turning capabilities , but you know , it is what it is .
OK .
So just like the uh center um just like the three by three , we're just gonna go ahead and place these uh corner pieces .
So if it's on top , just bring it down to the bottom , uh the bottom row just like that and then uh place its there , it is uh there's one on the bottom , put it uh right above an empty slot just like the three by three , turn it .
So it's facing , you turn it out of the way , bring the side down , place it , if it's on top , just bring it down to the third layer , just like the three by three .
So it's facing you and uh go ahead and place that and if you haven't seen the three by three video , go ahead and check it out because it's really gonna help you out um solving this one .
OK .
So this yellow piece needs to go here .
So just like the three by three turn away from where you want to go , turn this side down .
So it's directly across from each other .
Turn both layers , middle and bond together .
Take these three , turn it up .
So it matches with this red , turn that red up , turn these two in the direction of this uh red pie slice , turn that into position and turn that back .
Um OK .
So last yellow , this needs to go right here .
So turn it away .
He seems to have to actually be lined up pretty good for it to be able to turn , turn both of them at together .
Uh Take these three reds line it up with these three reds , these two in the same size , the uh protruding red , turn out the way and position that .
OK .
So now we have the first , the top two layers uh complete .
Now comes the bottom layer and now we're gonna see if we have parity or not .
Um We're gonna use the exact same uh uh algorithm which goes F Ururf , OK .
We have something recognizable here .
We have a uh horizontal line here , but remember we want to get the cross .
So this time , we're gonna want to get a gray cross this way and this way .
So let's see if it'll work out .
Furur F .
OK ?
It's not gonna happen .
So no matter how many times I do that Fururf algorithm , this is never gonna lay down correctly .
Um And this is what's called parody .
And it's basically , you can keep doing that same algorithm until you're blue in the face , it will never flip over .
Um So the way that I get around this and I'm sure I'm positive that there's other algorithms out there that can um fix this .
Um But to be honest with you , I'm sure they're long , I'm sure they're complicated .
I'm sure you don't really don't want to bother with them .
I'm gonna show you something that um you're gonna be able to actually use in other cubes as well .
So what I wanna do is I want to get these two pieces here to lay down .
I want that these two to be uh permutated correctly .
Um So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna move this over and now remember this algorithm because you're gonna be using in other cubes down .
So it's gonna be on the right .
Ok .
And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring it down and I'm gonna go left up right down , right or left up .
Ok .
So that one is , is , is correct .
Well , I'm gonna turn this so let's do this again .
It's gonna go 1234 .
Don't skip on the 4123 , four one .
Hm .
Yeah , this thing really locks up a lot 23 for just keep going .
Keep counting 123 , four .
Ok .
So now that , that's all lined up , what I wanna do is I want to bring this one here down to the bottom just like that .
We bring it so that it faces me .
OK ?
So all I did right there was I it was just like this .
I I brought it down to the bottom and I brought it so that it faces me .
Thanks .
Yeah , I wanna turn this , bring it up basically I'm forcing it in .
OK .
All that's all I did was I forced it in there .
Um And now I want to make this one lay down .
So I'm gonna use the same algorithm .
1234 .
This is the one we're looking for .
12341234 .
Perfect .
Flip the cube over or uh I'm sorry , I'll flip it over but you , you're gonna wanna replace this one .
So take this and just like you did before turn it off to the side down , turn both bring these together place that just like that time .
And now we're looking at this again .
So this time we're gonna go one or fururf .
Now we have a cross .
OK ?
And this is easily solved .
Um Just bring this right here and go .
Uh oh We have a , we have actually another pie slice down there which needs to go there .
So no , no big deal .
Just go .
Uh Just the same algorithm I showed you before .
Make sure it's all lined up .
123 , 4123 four .
Next up is this 11 , 23 four .
All right .
Now , now that we have everything lined up correctly , we could just do the same algorithm one more time and then it'll , it'll get these two solved .
So 12341234 .
Next again , it's 1234 , 12341234 and again , 123 and it's solved .
So that was a nasty little pa uh parody situation that doesn't always happen .
Um You know , I mean , it might happen .
Uh I don't know , maybe half the time that you do it .
Um But that's , you know , kind of the fun of being able to do the these cubes is , you know , that it's not always gonna be cut and dry .
You know , you sometimes you're gonna have to take other steps to get these cubes done .
And uh that was just uh one of the parody algorithms that I know that I do .
Um And I wouldn't even really call that an algorithm .
I just call that just a little procedure that you have to go through to get that uh squared away .
But I guess if you do want to learn an algorithm for it , I guess they are out there .
I don't really know them .
Um And I don't really care to know them because I , you know , this one works just fine for me .
And you know , this is what these , these are the procedures I use in basically all my uh cube solving .
Um OK .
So let's do another one .
And this time it'll , I'll show you how it solves without having to do it with the parody .
OK .
So I just resolved the cube and just these two layers here and now we're left with those last layer to deal with .
And hopefully we don't end up with another al uh parity algorithm here .
But let's just go ahead and put our little L shape um right here in the upper left and uh do our algorithm f uh Ururf .
OK .
Great .
Uh Hopefully , this looks familiar to you .
Um It's basically a fish .
Here's the head , here's the body and here's the tail .
See that .
Um And now you can use uh the same algorithms .
Um you know , we , we used before the ru uh Well , let's just do that um uh R Urur 12 down and that'll solve it .
OK .
So here's another interesting um situation that you can run into where you have a fish pattern on this side and a fish pattern on this side .
Um You just go ahead and use the um counting algorithm .
The 12341234 .
Don't skimp on the four and then just bring the next one over and just do the same thing .
123412341234 and again , 123 for one more time .
12341234 .
Um And then you can just go ahead and fix this and then you're uh then you ended up with a uh well a cross and uh basically you have like um a fish pattern .
Here's the head , here's the body , here's the tail and you also have a cross and remember if you have a , a piece on this side um Just go ahead and keep it there .
Uh That would be on the , on the cross .
So you go Rurur 12 , do it again .
Uh Rurur 12 .
OK .
Do again , Rurur 12 .
Now , if that doesn't work out and you keep doing it and it doesn't work out .
Um Then just go ahead and go to plan B man , just go uh start with this one , I guess .
Um And then just go 1234 and just keep doing that 1234 , 12341234 .
Remember , don't skimp on the floor .
1234123 and that'll solve the cube as well .
So uh if Plan A doesn't go um as planned , just go ahead and use Plan B , uh there's always one more way to get this cube done than you think .
OK .
So next one up um is going to be this one right here .
Um And this one's real basic , this one's a lot easier than this one .
But this one's pretty basic too , you know , there are none of them are terribly difficult .
Um It just takes a lot of time , practice patience and uh some effort , memorization and all that stuff , everything that's worthwhile , you know , in doing something worthwhile , takes patience and effort and all that stuff .
Um OK .
So next one up will be this one and this is a real nice uh pyramid .
Uh It's pretty basic .
Uh You may remember this from when you were a kid .
Uh But we're gonna go ahead and show you how this one is solved in the next uh video .
OK .
Thank you very much for watching .
Uh This is Cuber Barry Cubing 101 .
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Bye .