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2023-08-15 21:05:39


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What's up everybody .

I'm Cuba and especially for this video , I have two Rubik's cubes .

One of them is my main Rubik's cube , which looks like this .

This is one of the most expensive models available today .

It looks just amazing .

It was created exclusively in order to solve it as quickly as possible today , you will see how I solve it .

And this is really one of the most expensive three by three in my collection .

But I also found the cheapest Rubik's cube , which in general , you probably won't even be able to buy because I bought it in such a hole .

It's just a shame to say this is the cheapest Rubik's cube on the planet .

Its price is miserable .

It's so cheap and just take a look at it .

It's a piece of a rack .

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There are some dents here and that's not all , it doesn't hold tightly , look at it and that's not all white side is just chaos here .

Two parts have fallen off .

The most interesting thing is that most often the Rubik's cube when , but for the first time in your life really looks like this more or less .

Yes , maybe a little better .

But nevertheless , it turns as you can see badly and people don't want to solve this kind of cubes .

So they simply cannot learn because the cube doesn't turn well .

Therefore , please buy good cubes .

A link to them .

By the way is in the description , there are the best puzzles at the cubicle store .

I mean , the best quality you can find .

In addition , there is a huge selection of them .

You can find their old WC puzzles .

Pyramis mega MS cubes of all kinds and much more fast .

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Worldwide shipping is guaranteed .

There are also the ordinary Rubik's cubes and the budget options are pretty good .

They can really be sold in five seconds if you try and a nice bonus for my subscribers , a discount with the Cuba promo code .

While I'm scrambling the cheapest cube .

I want to give a brief overview on it because now is an interesting moment .

Look , I can't turn the edge .

See I don't turn it till the end , maybe a millimeter left and the edge is no longer turning .

It's in general terms badly .

So let's do a expert Cuba review on it .

Here in general , the cube has quite good characteristics .

The material from which it is made of course , doesn't play in favor of its speed and quality , but it saves their budget pretty well and not everything is so simple even with the internal structure of this puzzle because here we have emptiness and here we have emptiness .

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But here there is a solid dance element .

I have no idea what the manufacturer wanted to say with this .

But while I was showing you these elements , this piece began to fall out due to the fact that there is some kind of hole inside .

I would even say that this Rubik's cube is some kind of custom because each side of it doesn't look like the other .

And the point is not that it has different colors , but that there are some scratches dents cracks and the white side is just my favorite day .

So what about the speed characteristics ?

It turns quite well , but only if it turn it with a full hand , it will allow you to pump up your muscles and kill a couple of hours of time and your nerves also a good characteristic is the control of this Rubik's cube .

So you will not need to control it because you simply will not be able to accelerate so much .

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Talking about the corner cotton , as you know , on professional cubes , it reaches 45 degrees and even more as you can see here , more than 45 degrees , much more than 45 here is more than 45 and it works perfectly fine .

Well , let's take the minimum angle such as that will I be able to cut it ?

I would not risk it .

I'm afraid that it will break .

What do you think about this cube ?

Right in the gallons .

Let's take a regular cube .

Let's scramble it .

Let's make a test solvent with an ordinary Rubik's cube .

A professional one expensive one .

And you will find out how long in general it takes me to solve a cube .

But this , we use a special invention of mankind in order to find out the exact solvent time .

So we will find out the exact time of my solvent .

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And now , now I stuck a little of course .

But even with this pass 12 52 here you go .

12 seconds , 52 .

I was not in a hurry .

I just did the usual solvent .

And now let's try to solve this rubric .

I don't even want to scramble it further because I will simply be scared to do it .

Well , well , well , will this timer be useful to me ?

Will I be able to solve it till the end in general ?

But I'll try to really do it good , but as quickly as possible .

So let's start solving the cheapest cube 321 go .

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May the cube lead you to the cross .

Hi guys .

Welcome to the video on how to solve the Rubik's cube .

This is the easiest way to solve it .

You're only gonna have to learn four algorithms .

Don't let that worry you .

It's not a big deal .

Super , super easy .

Let me tell you this video is probably gonna take about four minutes .

You can solve this cube in about two um 2.5 .

I've got a couple of stuffies back here to help me block some of the glare because this isn't that high tech .

But I hope you guys enjoy this video .

Here we go .

We've got the uh Rubik's cube here .

I just kicked the camera .

Sorry about that .

Uh One thing I want to let you know because we're gonna run through this kind of quickly .

So I'm hoping that you know about the cube .

Um So I'm not gonna get into too many details other than the centers don't move .

So we're gonna be working with white and yellow , which are always opposite .

OK .

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This is the second time , the cube almost fell apart completely .

And the third time , Lord , how many times will it fall apart ?

And the solo ?

Well , I'll tell you this .

If it was a speed Rubik's cube , I would have coped really quickly with this solvent because there are pretty simple points .

So on the last stage , listen , but it turned out faster than I thought in general .

Of course , here , I'll better make a solution and two algorithms because slowly I cannot repeat uh the algorithms uh uh that I learned quickly .

Do you understand ?

This is the problem ?

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So , and the last algorithm oh damn .

Come on .

Come on .

Damn .

Falling apart again .

Damn it .

Stop two minutes , 25 seconds .

This is my record and this discipline .

But many of you have noticed that I didn't try hard people .

I tried not to ruin it .

Now , I will try to solve this Rubik's cube .

Turn it as quickly as possible .

This is roughly how I do it with a regular speed cube even though it might fall apart .

Let's see how long it basically can survive .

By the way , guys subscribe to the channel and turn on all notifications .

In one of my following videos , I will try to solve a really difficult endless metal puzzle .

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So let's go ahead and mix this cube up real good and uh get this party started .

All right .

Guys , hopefully , you know how to do one side all by yourself .

Um And you've kind of played with the cube a little bit .

So I don't have to explain how to pick up uh pieces and all of that stuff .

All right .

So now that we've got it mixed up pretty well , what we're gonna do is work with white and yellow .

Uh We're gonna find the yellow and we're gonna create a daisy .

OK .

Now , let's create that daisy and I'll show you what a daisy means .

I've got a pedal here .

A pedal here .

I'm gonna put a pedal here and a pedal here .

So if the center is yellow and then the daisy uh petals are gonna be white .

So let's find some more white ones .

Here's one here , I'll just move this over here .

Move it up .

Now , it's over here and move it over here .

See that .

Now , I've got three daisies .

I only need one more .

Let's find the other side .

This is a side .

These are corners .

You guys should know that by now , here's the side right here .

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So what I'm gonna do is get this side up there .

So watch how I do this .

Move .

Boom .

And here there it is .

And now it's gonna go up and look , there it is .

There's my daisy .

Forget about this piece .

It doesn't matter .

Uh My daisy is done .

That's part one .

Now , let's get to part two .

What do we do with this Daisy .

Let's get these sides to connect with , with their corresponding center , which is blue .

See , so I got Daisy pedal with the blue .

Once I get it there , go 100 80 degrees .

Which to the bottom , let's go to the next red .

Let's find the red .

I like twisting the two at the bottom .

There's the red , I'm gonna take this now and toss it all the way to the bottom there .

Now I'm gonna go here .

I've got green .

OK .

There's the green , let's move the green to it's corresponding color .

There .

It is all the way 100 and 80 degrees to the bottom .

And now orange , the final pedal .

Let's go ahead and turn that till we get to the orange , which is right there .

OK ?


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