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2023-08-16 09:34:03

How to Draw the P90 SMG _ Fortnite

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Hey , welcome back to art and let's draw the awesome looking p 90 submachine gun .

So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .

All right .

So let's draw this and this one's a little bit tricky .

So we're gonna start out with the front part .

So we're gonna start just draw in just kind of rough in a really big L shape and we'll just basically draw one rectangle except we're gonna have a little bit of a corner here .

It's gotta be chiseled in .

All right .

So it's basically a long rectangle with this angle right here .

And then once we have that , we're gonna come in here and just divide this up , gonna make this into one rectangle here .

And then now we're gonna come in and draw in a little bit of an outline here in the front .

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We're gonna come up and then just turn it , give it a nice , smooth .

Uh Well , actually , not this , I didn't enjoy that smooth , but just kind of round off the corners and then just go all the way back .

All right .

And then from here , we gonna draw in , let's see .

Let's go back here .

So from this part here , we're gonna extend it almost doubling this distance .

So it's gonna be quite long all the way back .

OK ?

And then we got from here in the middle , we're gonna slap down slightly .

We just gonna go all the way back here .

So just a little bit of slant there .

OK ?

And then once we have this , we're gonna continue this line .

So it's gonna be same slant just kinda come all the way across .

OK ?

And then from here , let's add in some details .

So we can finish this part out .

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And right here , we can add in just one section on the back here , one section as well .

And then now we're just gonna draw two lines .

So this one's gonna be horizontal , OK ?

All the way through .

Then this one is going to follow the slant and then now we're gonna draw in some circles in this bar here .

So I'm just gonna start out in the center here .

I'm just gonna draw 12 , just gonna keep it simple , just draw three .

And then on this side here , I'm just gonna try to keep the same kind of spacing .

It look a little , a little bit neater if it is .

So I just got four and three on this side .

OK ?

And then let's see some details here .

This one is easy .

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We just draw a triangle right in here and let's add in one little rectangle here and I got a little bit screwed here and then it's got some railing on the top .

So , all right , let's just finish that off since , since it's gonna be really easy .

So , just come in and draw like a bunch of little rectangles on the top here .

All right .

So let's finish up the bottom section here as well .

So , from here on the middle here , we're gonna come back to the middle and we're gonna draw in just one little rectangle there .

We got .

So we're extending it and then right here , we're gonna come down slightly .

OK ?

And then we're gonna come all the way across right about here and then we're gonna come back up and then we just kind of go all the way back a little bit strange .

We have this rectangle floating in the air .

OK ?

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So once you have that , now we're gonna come to the front here , come down , pass this , come in and then just connect that with a slant .

OK ?

So this is the , the front grip area .

So we're gonna add in a little bit detail , just drawing a rectangle here .

And let's add in a little screw here as well .

And then we can finish up the muzzle now .

So the , the muzzle here just draw one almost like a square and then we're gonna extend it and it's gonna be a little bit slap on the , on the tip there and then to finish off some details , we can add two sections there and then it's gonna be some little lines here for the gap .

All right .

So now it's a little bit , yeah , it's a very tricky gun to draw .

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So now let's move back on the top here and we're gonna save the , uh , the grip and the trigger area last .

So from here , we're going to extend this line all the way back .

So it's gonna come out , come back pretty far , all the way to the stock here .

OK ?

And then from here , we can draw from this line here , which is gonna slant until we meet up with this line .

So we can close it with a vertical line , ok ?

And then we can add in one section here and then let's , there's some details here , but now let's finish up the uh the bottom here , which is gonna be a little bit trickier .

OK ?

So then for the bottom here , um right around this area , you can come down here and you can make like a little park here like this .

OK ?

So right , right underneath that come down here and then we're gonna come in .

So it's gonna be like an angle here .

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It's a very tricky shape .

Now , close that off .

So this is gonna be the front , the , the grip area , OK ?

And then from the grip area here , you can come down here , just kind of draw almost like an outline of this , this little L shape here .

All right .

And then we gonna go all the way back until we meet up to the end here .

And again , we just connect that with a vertical line .

So we're gonna continue that line as well .

OK .

So once we have the grip here , now we're gonna draw this , the trigger area , which is a little bit trickier too .

So we're gonna come out here like little bracket and then I'm gonna extend this line here .

And then from here , we're gonna draw like a circle arc all the way back to the top .

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And then for the trigger itself , which is gonna be one line here .

And then now we're gonna have to go around this shape .

So it's gets a little bit weird .

So we're gonna extend this line here and they come down and then we just gonna curve this all the way around and it's kind of flatted out and it just curve it out this way .

So it's a very uh difficult curve to draw off .

OK .

So once you have all that , then the rest is pretty easy .

And now we're just gonna add in some of the details .

So here this is gonna be a strap here .

So up here , the straw line come straight down and then on this part , I'm just gonna curve it because it's , the strap is actually wrapping around here .

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And then for some detail here we can add in just one line here and then just connect it all the way to the side and then here we can add in couple more screws and then there's gonna be a strap on the back as well .

So let's just draw two lines like this , adding a little bit of detail .

And then for the really small details , it's gonna be , I don't know what that is , spell rectangle and put a couple of lines in there .

And then there's gonna be some kind of decal here and some extra details .

You can add that and then it's gonna be one little bar here and that is it for this very cool looking and very powerful gun in Fortnite the P 90 .

So hope you guys enjoyed this .

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And if you do , please do , give me a thumbs up and I will see you next time .


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