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2023-08-16 09:17:38

How to make Shrimp Pasta Salad

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Mhm .

Hi , everybody .

Everybody .

I'm back , everybody .

Jeanie Young is back and I'm back with another amazing recipe .

I am so excited yet another day because today at the Young's house , Jeanie Young just want to share with you all how easy it is to make a delicious shrimp salad .

This recipe right here , it's outrageous .

It's so easy to make .

It doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know , you make it to the Young style .

It's gonna be so tasty .

Y'all never had my shrimp salad before .

You better make yourself .

Here are the lovely ingredients you will need .

The first ingredient that you will need is some nice fresh shrimp .

So right here , I have some beautiful shrimp that I have cleaned off with salt , lime juice and cold water and then I've pat it dry .

You will need some veggies .

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So right here I have a beautiful green bell pepper .

I have some cucumber , a fresh to potato and we have some ranch dip and now this flavor is the fiesta flavor .

You will need some noodles , any kind of noodles you want to use .

We'll do the trick .

I'm gonna use rotini today and you're gonna need a little tiny bit of mustard and you will also need some mayonnaise and a couple of spices so we can spice everything up .

Here's what you'll need this way .

You will need some garlic powder , parsley flakes , black pepper and salt .

Make sure your hands are impo clean .

Let's get started with this really quick and simple yet .

So tasty recipe .

OK .

Everyone .

So the first thing that I wanna do is boil my water .

I have salted my water any time you make noodles , rice or potatoes , you salt the water so that your noodles , your rice or your potatoes have a little bit of flavor .

So now we're gonna use £1 of those gorgeous rotini noodles .

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You can use the kind that have the different colors if you like .

Now let me tell you about how to get the perfect Alden texture to this noodle .

And what al dente means is it means chewy to the tooth but never mushy .

You're gonna cook them for 11 minutes .

11 minutes are gonna be perfect .

OK ?

So while our noodles cook , let's take this time to season up our shrimp .

Now , when you're making this recipe , if you wanted to go ahead and throw some crab meat in there .

Yes , absolutely .

You can , if you have some lobster , you can put that in there .

Possibilities are endless when you're making something like a shrimp salad .

OK ?

Kinda kinda do what you like if you like green peas , put some in there , they'll be delicious .

Now we're gonna go in with some garlic powder .

Don't you dare be afraid to season ?

You need the seasoning , ok ?

You need , need , need the seasoning .

Now , this parsley flakes is really just for color .

I love the color that it's gonna give to my shrimp .

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We're gonna put some salt in just like so and then also we're gonna go in with some cracked black pepper for flavor and a nice amount of it .

So we're gonna let these spices kind of seep down into this beautiful shrimp for , let's just say about 15 minutes .

Ok ?

And while we wait on that to happen , we'll throw this into the refrigerator so that it can stay nice and cold .

When I come back , we'll get started on our beautiful veggies .

Let's cut some veggies .

Wash off your veggies , always , always wash off your veggies .

You know , you wanna wash off the pesticides and then again , you never know who's handled your veggies before you brought them home .

So I like to do a number like this just so I can get somewhat of a even cut .

You know , sometimes that doesn't always work , but we try our best .

I hope that you all are having an amazing day today .

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Let me know in the comment section below .

If you've ever tried shrimp salad and even how you like to make yours or you know what you put into your recipe because there's so many different recipes out there .

You can kind of play with it and have fun when making the recipe .

All right .

What I love about this recipe is that we use the cucumber in there , which is really different .

And then we also use that ranch powder with the Fiesta flavor .

Oh , listen , it really sends it over the top .

Here's what I need to do .

Let me grab a paper towel and we'll go ahead and get started on our cucumber .

Ok .

So what we're gonna do is cut the ends off and what I like to do , I love cucumber but I don't love it skin .

So what I like to do is just cut some of the skin off , leave some of the skin on .

You know , I just feel like the skin is kind of sour to me .

It has a funny taste .

So I leave a little bit on just to keep it nice and beautiful .

But then we take a little bit off .

Ok .

There we go .

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I'm happy with that .

All right .

So here's what we're gonna do .

I'm gonna slice right down the middle of this baby .

Oh Yeah .

Oh and it smells so good .

There's nothing like the taste of cucumbers dipped in ranch dressing is the best .

A little bit of salt on it .

Or if you all haven't seen my video for how I make the tomato cucumber , an onion salad .

Check that recipe out .

That's actually one of my favorite salad recipes .

So you can see , you know how we're cutting it .

Not too small when I make a salad like this , I , I won't be able to see the veggies , you know .

You know .

All right .

So now that we have that done just like , so when I come back we'll get started on our green pepper and we'll be taking the noodles out of the water .

Our noodles are done .

They cooked for 11 minutes .

And then what I did was I rinsed them off in a colander with cold water .

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And the purpose for doing that is because we don't want our noodles hot when we're mixing everything in , you know , so let them cool down .

If you don't rinse them off , just let them cool down .

OK .

So now we have a pan here and I have about two teaspoons of butter and we've already seasoned our shrimp .

We're gonna get the shrimp into this pan here until these shrimp are nice , beautiful and ope and just really cooked .

OK .

So let's get them into our pan just like , so I , I could dump it all in there .

But what I don't want to do is the liquid that's in this pan .

I don't wanna pour that in my pan because I want a nice sear onto the shrimp .

OK .

So now once that happens , uh give me a second , I'm gonna wash my hands and we need to cut up our bell pepper .

Ok .

So now that we have our shrimp cooking , let's go ahead and finish up our veggies , which is the bell pepper .

I , I don't know about you all .

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But when I have a salad like this , I always feel like I need a little bit of bell pepper .

Uh , because when I make my regular macaroni salad , I put bell pepper in it and I love it .

You know , I , I really do .

I love it .

I put the tomatoes , I believe I put a little bit of onion , but I put that bell pepper in it and it sends it over the top .

I don't wanna cut it in too big of a piece .

You know , no one wants to bite down into a raw piece , a huge raw piece of bell pepper , you know .

So we're gonna do like this .

I might not use all of the bell pepper .

We'll just see how I'm feeling .

Ok , gorgeous right there .

Shrimps cooking up .

I'm happy with that .

And what we're gonna do is that's all the bell pepper that I'm gonna use .

So let's get this nice and cut up .

When I come back , we're gonna mix our salad together .

I'm gonna say an amazing prayer .

You all are gonna get that first bite .

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So our shrimp are done and literally they just cook for , let's just say three minutes , maybe at the most 4.5 minutes .

Ok ?

You can take a peek at them .

You might see some steam .

So I'm just trying to push the steam away .

Come on for the shrimp one time .

Gorgeous .

Ok .

So what we wanna do let the shrimp cool down .

Let's get to mixing , OK , let's get to mixing our noodles .

They're nice and cold and they're free from water .

I'm not going to measure my mayonnaise and mustard .

I just do the mustard just like that .

Ok ?

And we're gonna grab our mayo Duke's mayonnaise .

Hellman's mayonnaise , whatever kind of mayonnaise you love , that's what you're gonna use .

But you always start off with a little bit .

If there's one thing that I hate when someone makes a salad is you don't want to have a salad that has too much dressing on it because it just doesn't taste right .

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So start off with a little bit of dressing and you can always add too .

But if you put in too much , you really can't take away .

So start off with a little bit .

Taste it .

Look and see if you're happy with the consistency and then keep adding more until you're happy .

Ok ?

So now we're going to put in our whole packet of ranch seasoning .

This is the kind that I like to use the Fiesta .

You can use the regular if you like .

Absolutely .

You can .

All right .

Now we're gonna give it a nice fold and we're gonna be kind of gentle with it .

Ok ?

Because we don't wanna break up all our noodles .

All right .

Listen at that sound .

00 , yes , I live for that sound and you can clearly see that I will need some more mayonnaise .

But what I'm aiming to do right now is kind of mix in that fiesta flavored ranch powder .

Gorgeous .

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It smells so good and this is the perfect time to let your shrimp cool down and I know some of you are gonna ask the question .

Well , uh , did you put this shrimp in the refrigerator ?

No , we're just gonna let it cool down .

And if I , if I touch it and I'm ready to throw it in and it's not cooled down enough , then I'll throw it in the refrigerator just for a few minutes .

But I feel like it'll cool down just enough and be ready .

By the time we mix in these veggies , it'll be just fine .

Now when you put in your shrimp , you can put your shrimp in whole , you can dice it , you can chop it up .

I'll show you what I'm gonna do .

Ok , let's go ahead .

I'm gonna put in these gorgeous veggies .

Tomatoes .

Yes .

Nice and fresh .

This is the perfect recipe for summer time for a barbecue birthday party or just because , you know .

All right , just like this .

I don't suggest putting eggs in with this recipe .

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I do love eggs and a lot of cold salads , you know , boiled eggs , but not for the salad .

Not when you have that gorgeous shrimp .

Now , those of you that you don't want to saute up because I know the question is gonna come about Gina , did I , did ?

I really have to saute up the shrimp .

You don't have to .

What you can do is you can throw it in some hot boiling water and as soon as it turns nice bright , no picks , season it with some salt and pepper when it comes out and your shrimp is fine .

Ok .

So you have those different options , right ?

So now that our salad is nice , look at that .

Oh , you can eat it just like that and be happy .

Here's what we're gonna do .

We're gonna feel the shrimp .

Oh , yeah , it's cooling down a whole lot .

What we're gonna do when I come back , we're gonna dice up our shrimp .

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And the reason why I like to dice up the shrimp is because I want a bite of that shrimp and every bite that I take and all of my loved ones I wanna have enough be right back and we'll cut up our shrimp .

We couldn't help ourselves .

We had to taste the salad .

It's amazing .

Simply amazing .

And what I love about it is that it's so easy .

I know .

I say this in almost every video how everything is so easy and it tastes good , but it's true .

It's true .

All right .

See that , I love to do that with the shrimp .

It stretches your shrimp and it really , you know , is able to go a long way .

But like I said , you can put yours in whole heck , you could buy the colossal shrimp and put it in there if you want , do what you like .

Ok , so I'm gonna continue cut all this beautiful shrimp up just like .

So when I come back , I'm gonna say an amazing prayer .

You all are gonna get that first bite .

Oh Yeah , I'm so excited .

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So now that we have all of our shrimp nice and cut up .

Let's go ahead and mix it in .

Beautiful .

Look at that .

My goodness girl .

Listen .

Here .

You really something in that kitchen .

Did you know that ?

Oh girl , you gonna have some mouths watering tonight .

All right , here's what we're gonna do .

Let me wipe off my cutting board .

OK .

Let's get that shrimp juice off of there .

All right .

Let's give it a nice mixy mix .

Gentle .

Don't break your noodles all up .

You know , you could put , listen so many different things you could do .

Experiment sometimes put some fresh avocado in here .

00 You talk about would be good .

Listen here .

Mm mm mm .

And then what I'm gonna do , we're gonna pour it in here .

Be right back .

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Take a look at it .

Everybody .

Gina Young style shrimp salad .

Make you some .

If you all enjoyed this here video , give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed , make sure you subscribe , make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time Jena Young uploads one of these awesome recipes .

Tell your family and friends and everyone you know , tell the whole world about Jeanie Young , what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis .

Heavenly Father , Lord Jesus .

We want to thank you for another beautiful day today .

Lord , we thank you for your love .

Time , your mercy and your understanding , please forgive us for our sins .

Come into our hearts .

We make you our Lord and Savior .

Send your angels down to surround us day and night and your holy spirit to help us make good decisions .

Give us peace of our minds and an of Jesus , we pray that no weapon formed against us shall prosper .

We buy the devil away from us devil .

You have no authority over this household .

Heavenly father .

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We thank you for the roof over our head , the food , the love , peace and the joy you bring us every day .

Amen .

Amen .

Once again to my beautiful prayer .

I know you wanna bite .

I know you wanna bite .

Oh yes , I know you do .

And we got the lemon on the side .

You got the lemon in case you wanna , you know , Sprinkle a little bit of lemon juice .

Oh my word .

Look at the shrimp hanging from the bottom .

Oh Let's go in again .

Look at this .

It's gorgeous and it is flavorful and as always , God bless you .

Thank you .

So bye .


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