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2023-08-16 09:01:40


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Hey , everybody .

It's been a long time since I made a Rubik's cube video .

So I've decided to make one that is solving the Rubik's cube using the absolute original beginner's method .

So step one of the beginner's method is to do what they call the white cross .

Now where you know a side is white because whatever the middle color is , that's what side it is .

So we're gonna do the white cross .

Let's do it in this order , blue , orange , green and red and there is the blue center .

So we know we're gonna put a blue and white piece edge here .

And what we need to do is look around the cube and find the blue white piece .

So here it is there actually , that's .

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So we'll start by putting it there .

That's a simple term .

Now , we want to move and we want the white orange piece right there , that edge piece .

And if we look around , we see that the white orange piece is right here .

It needs to be right here .

So what we do is we turn the cube to put it so that we can turn it up .

We still have our uh blue piece there .

But now we have the blue , the orange piece there .

So we'll move here and do the green .

We need the white green and there it is right there .

This can be done in two moves .

You could turn it down to the center row there , it's there and turn it up .

So now we have that and actually we've actually managed to put that one there .

If you ever have a piece on the bottom row , you just turn it from the bottom to the top .

There you go .

We now have the cross now that you have the cross .

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The next thing we're gonna do is we're going to do the four corners and much like the um uh step one , we have to make sure that we have pieces that match the center .

So we had the blue white one that made that piece there , but for a corner , we need the white , blue orange piece that's gonna go there .

Um So what we're gonna do is there , it is the white , blue orange piece and the way you want to do it is this with , if it's on this side like this , you're gonna turn it down , you're gonna turn it in and you're going to turn it up .

So now we have this next one , we're at white , orange green and we need to put the white piece there .

Well , where is the white , orange green , the white , orange green piece is here in the back .

So this is what we do .

We're gonna turn it .

So it's underneath where it needs to go , white , orange , green needs to come up here at white , orange , green .

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We're going to turn it double , turn on the bottom and then turn it back .

That's a coincidence that that's the , that's the wrong piece .

The piece we actually did is put it there and here's how we do it .

You want to put the piece , this is white or green orange and it's gonna go , you white , green orange , you want to put it right below where it needs to go .

In this case there , it's gonna go there and you wanna turn it to the side , bring it down where you want it to go , see it's still there , bring it over and turn it up and now you've put it into place .

So let's move on to the next one .

We have white green red and we're looking for the white , green , red piece , which is there .

So let's do the same thing .

But on this side , put it below the white below where you want it to go , slide it over , slide it down back and up .

And now that piece is there .

Now there's one more piece to go .

It's this blue one , slide it away , slide it down , slide it back and slide it up .

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And now we've done the next step , which is the top slice of this cube .

If you want more detail on how to do this step , create the first side , I have a video that really breaks that down into detail .

Now it's time to move on the next step .

The middle layer here we are ready to do the second row in the beginner's method .

And the first thing we need to do is we need to take that white face that , that we solved and we're gonna turn it upside down and we're going to do this second row again , knowing the middles that determine this uh color we have to look at .

Here's a blue , here's a red .

The piece that goes here , this edge piece is a blue red piece .

So here it is , there's the blue red piece .

What we're gonna do is we're gonna turn it .

So it's over .

Now , here's how this works .

There's two moves , one that moves a piece from the top to here and one that moves from the a piece from the top to here .

Now , in this case , since this is a blue red , we don't want it to go there .

We want it to go here .

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We are going to perform the following move .

We're gonna go uh the top clockwise .

We're gonna go the right clockwise .

We're gonna go the top counter clockwise .

We're gonna go the right counter clockwise .

We're gonna go the top , counter clockwise .

Now we're going to go the front face , counter clockwise .

We're gonna go the top clockwise and we're going to go the top the face clockwise .

Now we've put it there as you can see and we can now move on to the next 10 magically that's already there .

So let's move on to the next one which is the green and the orange .

So here is the green orange piece .

We put it here so that it makes the line and in this case , we have to do green , orange has to go this way .

So we already did the move that went uh here .

So now we're gonna do this the second move , which is the one that's gonna put it there .

And this is how that goes .

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We're gonna do the top , counter clockwise , the left , counter clockwise , the top clockwise , the left clockwise , the top clockwise , the front clockwise , the top counter clockwise and the front and now we've put that there .

So we've put three of them in and now we just need to put the fourth one into place .

So in this case , there's an orange blue , we are looking for um orange , blue and there it is .

So we're gonna go like this and here it is orange and blue .

We need to put it there .

Now , quick note what if the pieces you're looking for was not on the top but was here in the middle row .

But on the wrong side , you actually would do one of the same moves that uh move would move it from here to here and then you'd be able to put it back again , say here to here .

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So it's the same two moves that basically move all of these middles .

So let's try this again .

We're gonna put this here , orange , blue , orange , blue .

And so we do that same move again clockwise , right clockwise , top , counter clockwise , right , counterclockwise , top , counter clockwise , front face , counter clockwise , upper clockwise and face clockwise .

And now as you see , we've done two rows of this cube , we have just the top to go started with the white side .

Now , what we're gonna do is we're gonna start to work on the opposite side , the yellow side and just like we did a cross on this side , we're gonna start by doing a cross on this side .

There's really four ways you will , when you finally get to this point , find the cube , you'll either find it with zero yellows .

In which case , I'm going to give you a move to do that .

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You may find it with all four yellows .

In which case , this step is already done .

And then you may like we have it here , find it with two yellows .

There can be two patterns .

One would be where you have two yellows on this side or two yellows this way .

And the second pattern is the l shape .

It could be two yellows like this , which is what we have .

So here's the move .

We're going to do , we're gonna hold it with this yellow on the left and this yellow in the back .

And we're going to do the following move .

We're gonna go front face clockwise , top clockwise , right clockwise , the top row , counter clockwise , the right , counter clockwise and the front face counter clockwise .

And now that's put our cross 12 34 here .

Now , here's an example where there is zero yellows to make the yellow cross .

So you want to do this move and all it's gonna do is put you in one of the other positions .

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You're gonna go front clockwise , upper clockwise , right clockwise , upper , counter clockwise , right , counter clockwise , front , counter clockwise .

And all it's gonna do is give you one of the other examples .

In this case , it's given you this one .

So let's solve .

So this is how you solve that .

You put it on the left and right and you do the following .

Move front clockwise , right clockwise , upper clockwise , right , counter clockwise , enter upper counterclockwise and face counter clockwise .

And there we have our cross .

Those were all the moves so far .

So good .

The next thing we're gonna do is the corners .

The beginner's method , there's really is only one move that you do many times to get the four corners .

So we'll have uh the yellow side solved , but there are different states into which tell you how to hold the cube to do it .

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So one of the uh states is that uh you could have zero corners done and I'm gonna show you what to do then in just a second , another one is where you have just one corner and in this case , we have one corner .

So with the yellow on top , we are gonna put this in the lower left corner , holding it like this .

We're gonna do the , this move .

Are you ready ?

Right , clockwise , upper clockwise , right , counter clockwise , upper , clockwise , right clockwise , upper two times and right to counter clockwise .

Now , in that case that I , I uh there you go .

I did that .

I'm gonna show you now the other um ways you have to do it .

So here's an example where there's no corners , 123 , four .

And if that's the case , if there's no corners , you have to have a yellow left corner on the front face here .

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And once you have that , you can do the move right clockwise , upper , clockwise , right to counter clockwise , upper clockwise , right clockwise , upper , twice , right , counter clockwise .

So now that we've done that , we now have the one which is how we had it before .

So we put it on the bottom left and we do the same sequence again .

It's the same sequence that we keep doing again and again and again .

Um So you're going to know it pretty quickly and here it is .

Now we've got that the only thing left to do is finish up that top row , which is coming up , you're getting close .

Now , have the top row done .

Now , what we need to do is we need to put in the corners that match here , there's gonna be two steps to this corners first , then edges and as you can see , I've got some correct already and some not correct .

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And what you wanna do is you want to turn the top row until you can find a situation where you have two , correct .

So that one's correct and that one's correct .

Now , there's two scenarios that will let you do it .

That means this one is not correct and this one's not correct .

So therefore , these two need to be switched .

There's either going to be a diagonal switch that needs to happen or a side by side switch that needs to happen .

So because this is a diagonal switch that needs to happen , this needs to come here and this needs to come here .

This is what you want to do .

You want to put the cube like this and you want to do the following move .

And again , it's only one move .

You're gonna wind up having to do it a couple of times in this beginner's method .

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So let's start right , counterclockwise , front , clockwise , right , counterclockwise back twice , right clockwise , front , counter clockwise , right , counterclockwise back twice , right , twice and top , counter clockwise .

So , you know , we can straighten that up and you can see that what we've done is , we've actually made them so that it's two side by side and now these two need to be switched .

So we now have to do the method again .

What you wanna do is you want to put the two that you wanna switch , I'll put the top and you're gonna do exactly the same move .

Let's try that again .

Right .

Counter clockwise , front , clockwise , right , counter clockwise , back , twice , right , clockwise , front , counter clockwise , right , counter clockwise , back , twice , right , twice and top , counter clockwise .

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And now we have the four corners in place step .

This is gonna solve the cube .

So here's what we need to do .

We need to look around and we need to determine how many of these edge pieces are correct and how many are wrong .

And so this one is wrong .

This one is wrong , this one is wrong and this one is wrong .

So there's actually either two scenarios and how to do this scenario .

One is that there's one correct and scenario two is that there are none correct if all four of them are incorrect .

And what we're gonna do is a sequence to put it so that there's one correct and then we'll have to do the one correct move .

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So let's just start by doing this move , which will put only one correct at this point , face twice , upper clockwise , left clockwise , right , counterclockwise , face clockwise , twice , left , counter clockwise , right clockwise , upper clockwise and face twice .

OK .

So now I moved and I put one in place , there are still three incorrect .

So now what we're gonna do , which is if there's one incorrect and the , if there's one correct and the other are three correct , I want you to move the cube so that the face with the correct edge is in the back and then determine if the other pieces need to move in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction .

In other words , this green needs to come here .

This orange needs to come here .

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This red needs to come here as we're going to go in a counter clockwise direction .

Right .

Now , we're going to do the following move face twice , top , counterclockwise , left clockwise , right , counterclockwise face twice , left counterclockwise , right clockwise , top counterclockwise face twice .

And there you go , the cube is solved .

So here's an example where I need to move it in a clockwise direction .

Green needs to go here , blue needs to go here .

Yellow needs to go there again .

I put the one piece that's working in the back and I do the following move front twice , upper clockwise , left clockwise , right , counterclockwise , front twice , left , counter clockwise , right clockwise , upper and front twice .

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And that solves the cube .

Now , this is the beginner's method .

This is the first , this is the very first method that most people learn when they want to solve the cube .

It's got the fewest moves and the moves are very simple .

Hope this was really helpful .

Please let me know what other videos you want to see .


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