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2023-08-16 09:17:50

How to Make PASTA with BREADCRUMBS Like an Italian (Pasta Ca' Muddica)

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Ladies and gentlemen , this is the bread crumbs pasta from Sicily pasta , which means toasted bread crumbs on the pasta .

It's sensational and I did add my little twist .

So let's watch this video to learn how to make this classic Italian pasta .

Hm How did you come up with this idea ?

This is such an incredible recipe .

Such an incredible idea .

Hi and welcome to the jane Sas plate .

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This is the dish that will take you to sly , a beautiful classic dish created during the difficult times when there was no much around just made with pasta and bread and some other special things .

And I did use my ingredient which is the pecorino to make it a little bit creamier .

That's my touch .

Ok .

I did put my twist but what's important is to have super crunchy bread crumbs .

Mm .

And I'm gonna show you how to do it .

Let's do it .

Mm .

Ingredients for pasta .

300 g of spaghetti .

Two people .

I'm using 300 g .

We need stale bread like bread from the day before two or three days before one clove of garlic , three tablespoons of pecorino cheese .

So every 100 g of spaghetti .

We use one tablespoon .

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We need a little bit of parsley , chopped parsley , one teaspoon of chili flakes .

It's optional .

You can use fresh chili if you want one tablespoon of rock salt for the pasta .

Water , extra virgin olive oil , salt and pepper .

Let's make this wonderful pasta simplicity at its best .

First thing we wanna do now is to make the bread crumbs with a beautiful bread , put bread in there and we blend it until it becomes nothing and fine .

OK .

Here we go .

Bread crumbs are done .

Mm .

It smells so good .

Look at that beautiful , beautiful bread crumbs .

OK .

Let's cook them .

And we start by putting about three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil .

Then we crush one clove of garlic .

I like to crush my garlic because it's got lots of flavors when it's crushed .

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And I don't like to eat chunks of garlic .

So want the garlic to give flavors to this through that .

And now we cook the garlic for about 30 seconds .

No more .

Before we add the bread crumbs .

After 30 seconds , we're going to put the bread crumbs or beautiful bread crumbs which we are going to toast .

This is the sauce of our pasta .

The bread crumbs .

We wanna toast them until they become nice and crunchy .

Oh Yeah .

So the bread will absorb the oil , the garlic will disappear in the bread and we give you the right kick .

Gonna add a teaspoon of chili Now , if you don't wanna use chili , don't use it .

If you want less chili , use less .

You want more .

You use more with the chili .

I like it when it's spicy .

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Now we wanna add a nice generous amount of parsley and we keep stirring and toss this beautiful bread .

Oh yeah .

Don't forget we want the bread to be nice and crunchy .

See guys , when is it ready ?

It's ready when we get to this point .

See , look at this .

Look , look at that .

Look how beautiful this color is .

It's like golden brown .

It's nice .

Some pieces are very well toasted .

Let's try .

Hm .

Can you have the crunch ?

It's crunchy .

So the bread crumb is ready and we're gonna put the breadcrumb in a plate to let it rest .

And then we're gonna put this on top of the pasta .

This is , this is like a par .

This is the parmigiano for our pasta .

Mm Now it's time to cook the spaghetti spaghetti .

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You get a large pot of water , large pot full of water and we're gonna put one tablespoon of rock salt .

Now the water is boiling and this is how you put the spaghetti inside .

OK ?

Just very simple .

Spread it .

The reason why we cook pasta in a large pot of water is because the pasta needs to dance .

The pasta needs to move and cook evenly .

If we don't do that .

If you cook the pasta in a small pot , the pasta will suffer .

The pasta has no space , no room , it feels too tight .

You don't want that , you don't want to feel uncomfortable .

You want space and this is what we're giving the pasta .

OK , guys , we have one minute to go .

So we get a mug and we wanna get half mug of pasta water .

OK ?

We get a little bit of pasta water because it's full of starch and it will help us to combine the pasta with the ingredients .

OK ?

We don't need to use much but just get off mug guys .

It's very important .

You don't throw the pasta on the wall .

You just get it and taste it .

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Hm .

Perfectly .

Just the way we like it .

Hm .

Ok .

The pasta is now ready .

So let's get a pasta .

Beautiful , beautiful pasta .

Oh , look at that .

I love spaghetti so much .

What's your favorite pasta guys ?

Please let me know .

I think my favorite shape could be G or spaghetti or rigatoni .

Mm .

Very hard choice .

OK , guys .

Now , very quickly .

Let's put two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in here .

Let's put a pasta in the pan .

Let's put half mug of pasta water in there .

And what we do is we stir , stir a little bit , put a little bit of parsley if you want stir .

Like if you're making an , you know , like if you're making a garlic pasta stir until the water gets absorbed , which will take no time .

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Oh Yeah , beautiful .

Look at that .

Look at that .

So we got the base .

Now the pasta is nice .

It's creamy , it's smooth , you know .

Look at that perfection .

See , now the water is here , it's all gone .

The pasta is ready to be served .

So what we do now is we switch off the pan , we switch off the pen .

Now this is something I do .

OK , you don't do this with this dish .

I'm putting some pecorino cheese or Parmesan .

OK ?

The pen is which to , I'm putting some pecorino on top because I like the flavor .

You know , I'm not , I don't wanna do a catch of .

So I'm not putting too much , but I do want the flavor of pecorino in there and then we toss OK .

Now let's look at this beautiful pasta .

Look at that .

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We got a little bit of cream in there created by the pecorino .

Again , it's not the paper .

The pecorino is just to add extra flavor to the pasta .

Let's put the pasta in here .

Oh Yeah , because I want a nice silky smooth pasta .

You know , that's my touch to this recipe .

Put a little bit more on top .

Beautiful .

And now last but not least we are putting the bread crumbs on top , bread crumbs .

It's like the par for this dish .

OK ?

Toasted bread crumbs .

And this is that you make Pastor means toasted and here we have it .

Oh my God .

Oh my God .

Sensational dish .

Made just for you here .

We have it .

Enjoy it .

Oh Guys .

Look at this pasta .

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It looks like the volcano is easily the volcano .

The bread crumbs look like lava .

Let's eat this volcano .

Come on .

So by adding the pecorino , OK ?

I didn't do the classic way because in they didn't do that .

But what we achieved by doing that is that we have a creamier , a big cheesier pasta which I like it more .

I don't want my pasta to be too dry .

And then we got this beautiful bread crumb on top that I will really take you to you .

Uh Let's have it .

Hm .

The bread crumb goes so well .

Hm .

How did you come up with this idea ?

This is such an incredible recipe .

Such an incredible idea .

I don't know why they don't serve this at the restaurant .

This is such a beautiful dish that everyone should try .

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If you never tried this in your life , please .

This is the time for you to do yourself a favor and do it .

Mm hm .

Yeah .

Mm mm mm .

Thank you guys .

Thank you so much for watching this episode .

We will see you in the next Vincenzo play video recipe .

The play .

Let's go to it through food .

Thank you .


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