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2023-08-17 17:27:53

🍝 How To Make The Best Spaghetti With Prego Meat Sauce & Ground Beef!

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Welcome back you guys to spaghetti night .

So we're gonna make a oldie but goody week night class tonight , some spaghetti and garlic bread .

So I'm already gonna go ahead and start showing you guys what we gonna do with this spaghetti .

So I already got my pot here .

OK ?

We got the pot .

I'm gonna go ahead and put the poop .

I'm gonna go ahead and put some water in here and then we got our pot for our meat because we're not gonna make everything in the same pot .

No , we don't do it that way on .

Roll it with the fam .

OK ?

I make my noodles separate and I make my sauce separate and then at the end we're gonna bring it together like it never left each other .

So I got two packs of spaghetti because we gonna eat a lot .

I'm always switching up our spaghetti sauce y'all .

I'm just that type of spaghetti girl where I'm always switching up the sauce .

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We don't have this a one type sauce that we use every time because you may want a different flavor , you know , switch it up a little bit .

It's OK .

So this one is the pray Go fresh mushroom .

And then this one is the Italian sausage and garlic .

This is my favorite one .

Comment down below if you like this one , this one is a cheap one because if you don't like a lot of meat in your spaghetti , this one , the flavor of the spaghetti is gonna taste like it .

Got a bunch of meat in it .

So I love this one .

We're gonna go with the thin spaghetti noodles tonight because no , is it not about the noodles or is it about the noodles ?

Thick or thin or in between ?

Comment down below and let me know y'all know we like the thin noodles .

Now it's a , it's a fine line between the thin noodles though .

All right , I like the thin noodles , which is just a downgrade from the medium bit noodles .

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But daddy likes the angel hair noodles , which is the step down from the thin noodles .

But this one is like a right in between .

Don't want them too thick and then don't want them too small because I can't do no mushy noodles .

No , no , no .

Now in the spaghetti , I have my onion and then I have these little shredded carrots that I have in the refrigerator .

Now , if you've never had curbs in your spaghetti , it's really good .

I don't always do this but I have to use up the vegetables in the refrigerator .

OK .

Use up your vegetables .

So they won't go bad and this is a good way to do it in your spaghetti .

That's a quick tip .

Right .

One way to clean out your refrigerator , your vegetables put , add some spaghetti and some sauce .

You know , you just gonna put the sauce on top of the noodles anyway .

You , you , you're not gonna know .

Right .

Just trust me .

And then we got some garlic bread with the cheese on there .

It was two for $4 at the store so I had to pick up two of these .

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All right first things first go ahead and pull out a pot big enough for you to put your noodles in and I'm gonna salt my water .

I have to salt my water when making spaghetti .

Everything needs some flavor you guys everything .

Alright and you wanna put enough I don't want me to measure it but you can taste the water to see if it's salty enough .

That's all you gotta do .

Alright and y'all see I got the big family size pot .

Yeah you need one of these big boys .

One more thing I'm gonna make is some buttery corn to go on the side with this spaghetti .

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Now if you wanna make some fried chicken to go with this spaghetti , you can make some fried chicken too and then really quick while I'm thinking about it and I got this knife in my hand .

Make sure you guys start to check the description link below because we gonna be starting to put some good things in the description box that we use in our videos when there's cookware or ingredients that we use .

So that way it takes the work out for you .

You don't have to look for it or search for it if you're curious , right ?

So these are knives by tasty .

So you never know , we may put a link below .

So that way you know where to get the knives .

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Just think about it like Instacart , you know , you have someone go out to get your groceries .

This is the same way if you like something in our video , just click the link below .

We already did the work for you .

So I got the corn on back there with some butter .

I'm gonna add some salt and pepper .

You know , there's nothing to really do that .

Let's go ahead and get our onions in here and then y'all be almost at 1000 subscribers .

Yes .

Whoop , whoop .

Give it up to us rolling with the fam .

And then like I said , this is a big bag of shredded cards already in the refrigerator .

I'm just gonna go ahead and use it up , use up your vegetables .

This is such a good way to do it , right ?

And then with the current , it's more so of a tasting .

Ok .

So you really just want to taste it in there versus you know , spin it .

So that's why I'm cooking the currants first to cook them down time before I add the meat and of course , I'm just gonna season everything that I cook .

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So I'm just gonna add a little teeny pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper .

And then once the onions and curd start to cook down , we gonna be ready to add our meat .

So this is what you wanna see .

You wanna see like your onions and your curd starting to get nice and caramelized .

But don't worry , the curse is not gonna get totally .

So yet it's still gonna cook with the hamburger meat and , and your spaghetti sauce .

All right .

So don't worry about it if it's not too , too so , and we're gonna go ahead and add this hamburger meat , this ground beef .

We use ground beef in our spaghetti and I used to season my meat , but now I drain a lot of the grease after the meat , you know , cooked and then I season it because I just feel like you end up wasting a lot of seasoning that way .

So , comment down below .

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If you guys season your meat once you put the meat in here or do you drain it and then season it .

You know , we gotta share everybody's point of view with this .

You know , spaghetti is just one of them things where you can just make during the week and then forget about it .

You don't have to cook nothing else .

And if you wanna add some mushrooms to this meat mixture .

You can do that .

Remember it's your spaghetti , you can add whatever you want to show you how to do it .

So I'm gonna just go ahead and get this all mixed up and then I'm gonna come back once we ready to drain it , it's ready for the seasoning and let's give it a quick stir , you know , just to get that meat moist and back up with the leftover oils on it .

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And what you're gonna do is you're gonna add some garlic and make sure you season your meat .

Well , just like anything else .

Everybody , you know , pretty much just fits the basic seasonings in .

But , you know , with the minor touches of a few other things .

So this is some onion powder .

We're gonna use this crushed red pepper .

A little bit of spice is good in the spaghetti , you know , give it an extra little kick .

Now , the only thing I'm not gonna add in here is some Italian seasoning because daddy don't like nothing .

Her .

So , you know , Italian seasonings , what's the other one ?

Um , oregano which is supposed to go in spaghetti .

He don't , he doesn't like it .

So we're gonna add some salt , you know , just a little bit and then we gonna let this cook down with the sauce for a while .

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I used to buy like three of those .

But instead I buy one of these and then one of those because we like sauce and , you know , with spaghetti .

You don't want a dry spaghetti .

So you want it to be nice and saucy .

So make sure you add enough sauce and then daddy gonna go ahead and add the other one .

You know , you gotta take the pain too .

Shake it up good .

I love that sound .

Comment down below .

If y'all love the sound that jars make before you open them .

I love that sound .

There we go .

Oh yeah , then make sure you get all that uh sauce out that jar .

Oh Yeah , you gotta put a little bit of water in one and then you shake it up and then whatever is in this one you put in this one and then you shake it up .

I ain't say all that .

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You put it in the own and more water to that one and you make up .

That's a little mess .

You know .

Shout out to all the dads that come in and make a mess .

What's up ?

Y'all kick him out .

It's OK .

Get out the kitchen .

Y'all know we dance .

We allowed to come in and make a little mess .

Just a little mess .

We don't want mom shouting at us too much .

Another thing is I do leave my ground beef chunky so I don't break it down too much .

So that way , you know when you're eating your spaghetti , you've got a little bit of bite to bite into .

Now if you want mint or meat up , then that's fine .

But you know , I just like to leave my , just chunky a little bit y'all , you know , so it kind of like you got spaghetti and meatballs but you don't really have the meatball effect .

Now , hold on like this spaghetti , cheesy or sugary .

Now y'all know y'all wrong .

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Now , if you think I'm wrong then go ahead and calm me down below and be like , nah mm mm We're not doing all of that .

Savory is best , but sweet is better .

So before I taste it and season it again , I'm gonna just go ahead and put the top on this and let it simmer and then I'm gonna turn it up a little bit so it can come back up to a boil and then um I'm gonna put it back on simmer because because you don't want to do is over salt it or oversea it before everything come together .

So let everything come back up to a boil and then put it on summer for a minute and then taste it again and then you'll know for sure what else you need to add .

And then we're gonna go ahead and drop out thin spaghetti noodles .

And then I'm gonna cut these in half .

Y'all know they got a box already .

You can buy with it , cut in half .

So you don't even have to worry about cutting it yourself .

Now , what I like to do is just break them in hand .

So that way you know , it's easier to pick up the noodles .

You know , once you finish it now , I don't like to put the top back on my noodles .

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Once it comes to a boil , I don't know what it is .

I just don't do it , but it's not to say that it doesn't work .

Just make sure you stir your noodles .

Because if it's not , one thing I cannot stand is when the noodles be stuck together .

Oh my God .

I think that's my biggest pet peeve about noodles .

Period is when they cook and then they get stuck together .

Mm mm I cannot stand that like this .

You just wanna make sure everything is just separated y'all but I just let the noodles come back up to a board on its own and then check it because I'm gonna eat my noodles .

Auden no mushy noodles .

Do y'all hear me ?

No mushy noodles ?

You gonna mesh a whole pot of spaghetti up if you make mushy noodles .

Which is another reason why I don't put the top on it because I don't want it to cook more faster than it has to making sure I'm not burning myself .

Lord Jesus .

That ST right ?

So I just joined the noodles .

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They are done enough for me and this is one box of noodles .

So rule of thumb if you end out and you got a big family and you're not sure about how much noodles to use to start out with one box .

This is what one box of noodles looks like and then just go from there .

Alright , so the spaghetti is coming together .

I'm gonna go ahead and taste it now and see what we need to add a hot .

So that's good .

Now what I'm gonna do is just add a tiny pinch of sugar cause that's gonna cut down the acidic .

It's not gonna be too sweet at all , you know , cause I didn't add that much , but this is gonna help balance everything out .

And one more thing that I did not add before was some beef boon .

So I'm just gonna add a touch of beef boon , you know , just to have some depth of flavor in the background and just give that one more stir .

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I just like to have everything already mixed up and then my pot is still on low to keep everything nice and warm .

And then from here you just gonna toss it around some garlic butter .

All right .

Just to give it a little bit more flavor .

All right .

And you know to make sure everything is nice and moisturized as well .

So just toast that around and then I got some Parmesan cheese that we wanna top on top of this at the end .

So make sure you guys keep watching because we are not done yet .

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So we got some right .

You oh y'all look who they showed that .

I know .

So I know you can't look daddy didn't came in here .

He stole the plate .

Look , he love corn .

So you know that's his recommended steal it .

It's hot and ready .

So cake is beating me up .

Oh Wait one quick thing .

And y'all gonna find this funny as y'all can hear my youngest daughter now to the dudes that's around my age , right ?

Y'all remember that show ?

Um What's the dude from Jackass ?

Uh bam or something like that ?

I don't know .

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But the one of them that uh had he had a spin off and um in the show he used to beat the the crap out his dad for no reason , right ?

Like catch him on the toilet just running and just smack them all up .

Yeah , my youngest daughter just does that for fun .

Like she just runs up on me and just get there beating me up like stop little girl .

I just felt that so funny .

So to any dance out there that's around my age and y'all remember that show like give me a thumbs up in the comment if y'all got a kid that just runs in the room and just beats you up for no reason , but I just stole her plate .

I'm still eating it .

No , that's your , you said I can have this bread .

I'm out y'all .

It's real good .

Thanks for watching .


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