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2023-08-15 21:02:31

they put SUDOKU on a RUBIK'S CUBE...

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Some sicko out there .

Decided it was a good idea to put Sudoku on a Rubik's cube and now it is my job to solve it .

Welcome back to another episode of Torture .

This is insane .

It never looks like it gets any more or less solved .

And the only thing that makes this worse is it's not even a good cube .

I have been spoiled by speed cubes .

Sudoku is a puzzle with a nine by nine grid and in each three by three grid , you have to put all the numbers one through nine , but also every row can only have each number once and same for every column .

This makes for a fun deduction puzzle and it can actually be pretty relaxing unless you're speed running it or doing a variation of it .

Wait , that sounds exactly like cubing .

And if we have Sudoku on a cube , I mean , what's next mine ?

Sweeper chess , Fortnite so much like a beginner cuber .

I'm going to see if I can make my first face and just ignore the rest .

I mean , that should be pretty easy , right ?

We have 12 , no , three .

Uh We have two sevens .

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So let's get rid of one of those for a three .

There we go .

And , uh , 12345 .

we need a six .

We take at six .

Wait , these two are both 60 , the nine has a line underneath it .

Ok .

Well , we'll just do this and there we go .

123456789 .

This is my first Sudoku face which looks terribly unsatisfying because they're all facing different directions .

Yeah , once this is solved , aren't they all going to be facing the same direction ?

I mean , I don't actually know that for a fact , I don't know what the solved state looks like , but I think I can safely assume that and that would make this much easier .

I'm going to start by looking at the centerpieces .

We have two ones of 4 to 65 and 72 ones .

What can I do with that information ?

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Normally the beginner method I would go layer by layer and solve the whole thing , but because there are two ones sharing this area right here , then I probably want to solve this two by three by two block right here .

And I think deducing this area would be easier than deducing the rest of the cube .

And if I get this area done , I'm pretty sure the rest would be easy .

Oh , I actually have no idea how to get started .

First of all , I want a piece between the one centers but how am I supposed to know out of all the pieces if it is the correct piece ?

I mean , I know it's not a piece with one on it .

So it's not this one , but it could be this one .

It could be this one flipped .

It could be any of the other ones or any of the other ones flipped .

Ok .

There might be a smarter way , but I am going to do this .

I'm going to look at all of the edge pieces and just to make sure I don't do anything wrong .

I'm going to go in order , I'm going to go in order of the small two numbers of two and four .

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I'm going to put that in between the one and one first like that .

All right .

So this two and four , I don't actually know if it goes in here or if it goes flipped because the thing with the centers is like this doesn't look right , but you can always turn the centers .

So now this , this both looks right .

I'm going to see if I can find the corresponding corner pieces and if I can , I'll see if I can find the pieces that go there that all fit the orientation and fit the restriction of no duplicate numbers on the same side .

I'll run through this example and you guys will see what I mean .

So I need uh this is gonna be so hard to find , I need a piece uh that's like oriented this way and oriented this way .

So annoying as I go around the cube , I have to keep my fingers here or I will absolutely lose which ones I have already checked .

OK .

This 1524 , we have this at the bottom left orients correctly and this one orients this way , put that here .

124 and 521 .

And you know what , I think I got lucky .

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This one right here also works because the orientation of the nearby pieces do match .

OK .

So what have I solved so far ?

I have solved these four pieces and matched it to this center , right ?

And which also means this part because they're shared from these pieces .

But I don't know for sure that this is correct .

No , I , I just lied this four , I forgot to match it to the center next to it .

OK ?

So that means that this piece actually doesn't go here because that will never work and the center cannot move .

OK ?

Time to look at every corner again .

OK ?

I believe I have checked every other corner and none of them satisfy the criteria of this one points up this one points this way .

So my assumption that the two and four is in the correct spot is now proven wrong because there's no possible corner that can go right here .

That means the two four is not solved right here .

And the first thing I will try next is to flip it for the next while I spent a lot of time trying to figure out this two by two by three block .

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And eventually I had one corner left to go in order to solve this block .

Then I ran into a problem .

The only corner that could possibly go there based on the orientation of the numbers .

It had a one on the side with a one center , oh no , 11 , the only corner that can possibly go here has a conflict with the one .

But what I do know now I actually discovered something is that these two corners do belong in this specific orientation next to each other .

Because this 52 requires something like this 31 to match their orientations .

There's only one corner on the entire cube that can do this next to the 52 .

Every other corner cannot be placed here in a way such that the three , the this number matches the five and this number matches the two in terms of which way they're facing .

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I'm just going to have these two as solved and try to solve the rest of the corners and completely ignore the centerpieces because how am I supposed to know ?

But the fact that the centers can rotate means there's no way I can know where these go .

So I just have to solve these relative to all the corners .

And maybe I should have done this from the start .

But this is why you just start by doing something because a lot of the time you gain insight from your adom little experimentation .

So these two corners are solved relative to each other .

And I just have to do the exact same thing I did last in order to solve the rest of the corners .

So here 54 , right next to it , I need two pieces that when placed at the bottom , right , this one and this one face the same way , just like the five and the four .

And I've noticed this two does work .

So what we're gonna do is rotate it a bit , uh rotate again .

That was wrong .

And here we have the two eights both pointing this way , 54 , both pointing this way .

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So these three corners are now solved relative to each other .

So yeah , I just need this one to be oriented upwards just like the three and just like the five and eight .

And I need this one to be oriented downwards just like the seven over here .

This is now in the correct spot .

I have four corners that are definitely in the correct spot relative to each other .

And now we go on to the last four corners .

All right , I've noticed an issue .

I don't know if later turns mess this up or if I mess it up in the first place .

But these are the four corners on one side that I've solved .

And the numbers on the side for just the corners , they all match up in orientation except for that five .

I figured either this one was wrong or this one was wrong .

And I managed to find a replacement for this one which is gonna be uh the 46 right here .

Ok .

Great , great .

So the four now matches that the six matches this one and then nine matches this one .

So everything has been resolved , actually notice something .

This is , well , that's upside down .

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So this is a nine , this is a six and they're oriented the same way and you're this one and three , you're oriented the same way and the seven ones oriented the same way and the two fours oriented to the same way .

OK .

So that is a very , very convenient .

So for the last layer , let's get them all oriented correctly .

This one needs to be like that , right ?

So that these two that are oriented the same way go along uh this side , which means this one belongs on top .

I'm doing now this one , this one , uh this one and must be this one .

Yep .

So this is the oll I have here is where the yellow corners would be if that was an oll .

Uh let's do it like this .

And now everything on the side should all be oriented downwards just like the other side .

But at the top , as you can see , this is not correct orientation .

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Well , if I move the one and the two swap and if I get the seven and nine to swap , then I think they would all be oriented correctly .

So we can do like we , we can do like a Y perm .

Any diagonal corner swap should work .

Ok .

There we go .

1279 .

So that's how it works on top .

And I just need uh everything on the side to work .

Two nines on the same side that's not gonna work .

So there are four ways I can move the top .

So I'll try this one and see if there are any corner conflicts .

Uh There seems to be none , but that doesn't give me a lot of confidence .

I'm gonna keep moving it and see if there are conflicts .

Six and six .

Here's the last possible way I can have this on the top .

OK .

Four and four .

That's a conflict , which means this , let me just check this again .

So this is uh 46989156 , just looking at the corners 3784 and 1265 .

All right .

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At every point , I basically only had one option of what to do next .

Which means I can pretty confidently say that this uh configuration of corners must be correct .

All right .

I'm so happy with my progress .

Every single corner uh for this cube is solved .

We're just doing a quick check right here .

If I ever mess up , I can use that video right there to put it all back .

And I have had so much help from the orientation of the numbers .

And while you might call that cheating , I call that the designer of this puzzle was not that bad of a person and actually made a mechanic of all the orientations being the same for every single side .

And that makes this thing actually solvable .

Otherwise I would not attempt it .

I kind of want to try something with the centerpieces .

So I noticed earlier there's two ones next to each other and I want to see if there's a unique spot they must be put in .

So this side has a one which means it doesn't have a one centerpiece and this side has a one and uh this site has a one unfortunate , unlucky .

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It looks like there are three sites that do not have one on any of the corners already .

Which means that for these 21 centers , they could either go like this on these two sides or they could go on these two sides .

If they go on these two sides , then we have a six and six conflict .

So if I put them here , then there should be no conflict anywhere .

All right .

So four doesn't conflict with any of the corners .

Remember the edges are not solved and the seven doesn't conflict with corners .

Five doesn't , and this is a six doesn't conflict with the nine That's great .

I've solved all the centers .

Thanks to the double one .

Lastly , I just have to solve all of the edge pieces , which is going to be annoying because I'm rarely in a situation where I have all the corners are solved and the centers are solved , but the edges are not solved .

Wait , no , that's just the three style for blindfolded .

Ok .

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No , no , no , I'm in this situation all the time .

Actually , I , I know exactly how to do this .

So we're starting with the four and the two .

All right .

So I need to move this to a spot where this one points up and this one points , right ?

I know what .

There's no spot for this .

Yeah , there's no spot on the entire cube where I can have something on the left side that's oriented up .

And then this one here is oriented this way except for right here , which means the edge is salt .

But the , the , oh , no , no , I didn't think of this .

Oh , wow .

OK .

Remember how I said you can't have 11 here .

It must be here .

I , I didn't think of what if you swapped the centers .

That must have been what I just did .

Yeah .

Originally the 11 , I tried it like this and then now I move this one here and this one there .

I never do center movements .

So I forgot that that was even possible .

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All right , the ones go here and this two and four was already in the solved spot .

Oh , wow .

Imagine if I just started solving a bunch of things without realizing that first , I'm so lucky that that happened on the very first edge .

All right .

Remember we're just comparing to corners , this one is solved relative to the corners .

At least it seems because uh the numbers are not duplicates and uh the orientation matches and same thing for this one with the surrounding corners .

All right , that's solved .

Let's look at this one .

Oh , that , that looks solved actually .

OK .

Let's look at this one .

This is upside down because that's a six and obviously a six cannot go where there's a six here .

So let's see where this one goes .

Uh This is an 86 pointing in the same direction .

That actually means uh because all the sides are all oriented upwards here .

It must be one of the side , four edges that is where it goes .

So this 86 could go here .

So that would mean s on the left .

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And uh no , that's not possible because the six would go here and that uh conflict with the six if it went here .

Uh That is possible if it went here .

Nope , the eight and the eight and if it went here , uh no , six and six , OK .

So I know that the 86 has to go right here and this 37 , I'll just bump it to another spot .

That I haven't already solved .

So this one will go here and this one will go here .

So that's gonna be like , uh , just do a little commutator action .

Um , let's do it like this .

It's gonna look like magic , but I mean , it worked .

We have a 58 right here that is definitely not solved and they are oriented the same way , which means that it goes in one of these four equator pieces and not the one I've already solved 86 .

So 58 going right here .

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Nope , five conflicts with the center 58 right here .

Uh There's no five on this side .

There's an eight right here though .

So that's not going to work .

And 58 right here should work .

You have no eight here and no five here .

All right .

Nice .

So this 58 is going to go right here .

I have a 12 right here also oriented the same way .

So it goes in one of the last two equator spots .

And uh let me actually explain how I do the algorithm this time because it's like I , I like to explain it once .

But then afterwards you can just put it's magic this 12 .

If it went here , that would be 11 .

So that doesn't work .

And if it goes here , there's no one here and there's no two already here .

So how the algorithm works is I need to get this one here and I need to swap it with any other edge because you can only ever swap three edges at once .

You cannot swap two edges at once .

So I will move this one to here and then move some other edge as well .

Uh I'm going to choose this one .

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So we're gonna go uh this one into here like this in a way that doesn't disturb the equator slice in any part except for that one piece .

Then that means I can turn the equator slice as my next move .

And what that does is it pretty much sets up a commentator and we just undo the first part and then undo the second part .

And if you , if you think really hard about it , you'll understand why it does a three edge swap , but I'm not going to explain why exactly it does that I'm just going to explain that that is how I'm doing the three edge swaps .

It is quite simple once you know how to do it and it lets you set up algorithms anywhere you want .

So there it is no corners or centers were disturbed in the placing of this edge .

All right , I have finished the equator slice .

You can see they're all facing the same way , they're all unique on one side .

And I have finished all of the corner pieces everywhere and I finished the centerpieces everywhere .

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It's very interesting on this cube , but it's hard to tell what you've actually already solved because you , you can't really tell just by looking that I've solved exactly those pieces .

But this is the last piece that I need to solve the first two layers .

So that means I just need something where the two orientations face each other to match the ones .

So that could be something like it doesn't exist .

Oh Thank goodness off camera .

I just went through an existential crisis when I realized you could just take the 98 and rotate it , you can just flip it .

Uh So I'm gonna take this out like it's a cross piece and uh you know , we'll put at the back , we'll do that again .

So that when I put this 98 back in flipped , then the one will still be oriented correctly .

All right .

Oh So we have 123456789 on this side and I finished the first two layers .

So if we ignore that layer , everything here should be good .

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So we're gonna do a quick check on the first two layers , right ?

No duplicates , no duplicates , no duplicates , no duplicates and they were all facing the same way .

No duplicates here .

All right .

Now we're on to the last layer .

Wait a minute , 12 , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no .

What is this ?

OK .

OK .

That's not two nines .

That's a six .

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Hang on , hang on , hang on , hang on 123456789123456789123456789123456789 123456789 123456789 .

Ok , so we're gonna , we're gonna flip that center guys .

If not for the center flip , I just got a last layer skip .

Absolutely .

No way that just happened .

There's gotta be a way where there's like multiple ways you can twist the sentence salt .

No , you can't hear .

OK ?

You can't hear .

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Uh Does that work ?

I is , is this the first solved position ?

OK .

Let's try this one .

No , you can't hear .

No , there's only , there's only one solved state of the last layer .

I just straight up got a one in 15,552 chance of a last layer skip .

There's something I like to joke about which is I have a three by three beginner tutorial , right ?

And if you look at how many people have viewed it , OK ?

Not all these people have solved a cube , but let's say they all have .

So if you think about it , there must be so many people around the world who watched until here and after they solved their first two layers , they thought , hey , thanks .

That was easy .

And they just never knew there was a last layer .

I cannot believe that that person is me .

Uh This is awkward .

So um editor's notes , I definitely solved the corners .

It wasn't a full last layer skip uh but it was still a one in 96 chance of skipping the edges .

I mean , that's still something .


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