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2023-08-15 21:02:51

4X4 Rubik's Cube Solve Tutorial Pt.4 Last Layer Easy Version Beginner Only 4 basic Algorithms

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764420 , you guys , welcome to the final layer of the four by four and how to solve it .

You guys have already seen that we've done the first three layers in detail in all of my detailed videos as well as my very first four by four video which goes through from beginning to end .

OK .

So we're gonna go ahead and take you through this last layer .

Um There are several possibilities you can get in here just like a three by three .

There's usually just three with the , with the exception of parodies , which I'm gonna hope we don't have to go through too many parodies in this video .

I'm going to make a parody video later .

Don't be afraid of the parody .

It , it's not a big deal .

It's actually a lot of fun .

It makes it a little more exciting and challenging .

So um here are the three possibilities .

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One possibility is you just get this just the center yellow , OK .

Um Which you would do this following algorithm which we're gonna show you in a second .

The other one is you'll get a horizontal line like this across which means these two all yellow .

Um And third possibility is this what you were seeing here , an arrow , it's kind of like an arrow pointing down to the bottom , right is how you have to uh put it , you know .

So if you've got it like this or like this , you have to fix it , pretend this wasn't here and you have to point this arrow this way to the bottom , right ?

Um And that's what you're going to do .

The following algorithm .

I do have a very detailed video on my three by three on how to do this particular algorithm .

So click here if you want to see that .

That is the fur earth uh for Earth , the way you learn it is , I see this dog right here .

That's Jack .

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And if I were to pull his fur , he would go Earth and he'd probably back up like counter clockwise Earth .

Um I don't recommend you guys pulling dogs hairs or their fur because that's an animal .

So it's not uh we don't condone that .

So anyway , uh fur , Earth , here we go .

Uh This is the face is all clockwise .

Fur is clockwise .

F use the up R is the right .

There's your fur .

That's simple .

Earth is clock is counter clockwise .

So you're gonna go counterclockwise U prime R prime F prime and that's your for earth .

And now what do we have , we have the fish .

So you have the fish one head here .

Sometimes you get the double headed fish where you've got it .

Uh This is yellow here and you have two double headed fishes .

This is just your regular fish and that's cool .

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Also um a really good video to watch is my three by three algorithm number two video which goes over um uh every single um possibility um when you get this uh fish , you're supposed to have the head point to the left corner and you're usually going to have a yellow corner facing you or a yellow corner over here .

If you have the yellow corner on this side , you'll just do this algorithm twice .

Um which is the second algorithm .

This is the second algorithm .

You do not do the second algorithm until you have the cross .

We do have a cross here .

See if I , if I cover this fish head , I've got a cross .

OK ?

Once you receive , once you receive the cross , once you uh get the cross , you no longer have to use for earth anymore .

OK ?

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Because now you have , you are saved with the cross .

You're good .

You don't have to worry about uh doing for earth anymore .

So what you have to do at this point is now algorithm number two , which is are you are prime , you are you two times our prime easiest way to learn the um algorithm .

It's basically two people speaking .

One guy says , are you our prime ?

It's a question the other guy goes back .

No way , man , you are you two times our prime ?

So say that to your friends , say that to your family members .

And uh you'll never forget this algorithm .

Are you our prime ?

And let the other person say you are you two times our prime ?

And what does that mean ?

You know , prime means counterclockwise .

Let's go ahead and do this algorithm .

Are you our prime ?

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You are you two times our prime and look what happens .

Boy , this is just too easy .

Um We went ahead and got full yellow .

Now once you receive a full yellow , we go to algorithm number three .

But before we go to algorithm number three , I want to check the corners because algorithm number three resolves the corners .

In this case , I'm gonna look and see if any of the corners are complete .

I I'm looking for two completed corners .

Uh-huh , I've got two completed corners here as well as this edge piece , which is nice .

So let's go ahead and put that on it to its orange .

See it's nice and soft .

Uh Let's pretend this was here , but we have the two corners .

I would put that there and we face it towards the back .

OK ?

This is messed up .

This is messed up and this is messed up .

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So we put the uh completed corners facing the back or the completed side in this case , facing the back um in the event that you do not have any corners or completed side .

Um You can do this algorithm with any uh it faced in any direction whatsoever .

Um But if you do have two completed corners like you do here um face it towards the back and do this next algorithm which is algorithm number three .

And um it's like two buddies , one guy saying R prime fr prime and uh the other guy is like no , no , no , no back two times .

RF prime R prime .

And then the other guy is like , no , no back two times .

And then they both say R two times .

So how , what does that look like ?

It looks like this R prime Fr prime ?

No , back two times .

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RF prime R prime back to times R two times .

OK .

And what that does it solves the corners .

Um Usually you can do a U prime like that and there you go , you , the , these corners are done .

These corners are done and these corners are done .

Now , we're almost completed with this four by four .

We didn't run into any parodies , which is great , but we do need to deal with the parody situation because it does come up often .

Uh My next video will deal specifically with the OLL parody , also called the Yellow Parody and the PLL parody , which is when you're swapping two uh edges that are messed up and you gotta swap them like that .

Um Usually uh the L the OLL parody also referred to as a yellow parody .

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It's just one like this that's flipped the yellows here and the oranges up here .

And um anyway , we'll get to that in the next video .

All right .

So let's go and complete this just like a three by three .

I showed you guys how to do the clockwise algorithm .

Um There is a counter wise algorithm but for the sake of my videos , I'm trying to do these with the least amount of algorithms possible .

There are no videos on youtube that do it with only six algorithms um for AAA four by four .

OK , guys , I'm kind of sweating out here .

It's really hot .

So anyway , uh so what are we gonna do here ?

Um Orange needs to go here .

That's clockwise , right ?

Clockwise goes like this .

So that's cool face this towards you .

And we're gonna put this piece here by doing this said algorithm OK .

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Very easy algorithm to memorize .

It's our wait , what is it ?

Um R two times you ru So it's like someone saying R two times you are you and then you just do R prime U prime R , prime U prime our prime , you are prime .

OK ?

Check that out .

That's almost like uh picking a Daisy , right ?

Uh She loves me , she loves me , she loves me , she loves me .

Nice , she loves me , right ?

Um Kind of like that .

All right .

So what happened ?

We had the piece here ?

We did that algorithm and it now is here .

See how cool that works .

Face it towards the back , the completed section .

Oh Shoot .

Look what happens .

This one's done .

Oh Wow .

Look what we have , we talked about this .

We did have a parody and I didn't notice it .

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This is the PLL parody , which I will show you on my next video how to do the PLL parody .

Um I can definitely show it to you now , but basically the cube at this point is complete .

If you didn't have the PLL parody , which is called the permute , uh permute last layer , I don't know what that means , but that's what it's called .

Anyway , it basically means that this belongs here and this belongs here and there's no way to get this to here without doing this particular algorithm .

I mean , I'm sure there isn't some other way , but this is the easiest way .

Um So guys check on my next video right here .

How to do the PLL parody .

Guys .

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Thanks for watching this completes the um how to do the four by four without the parodies .

If you don't get into parody situations , unfortunately , we did get into a parody situation .

So you will have to go to my next video to see how to solve the final PLL parody .

And of course , the uh don't forget the yellow parody , which is the OLL parody .

Uh We're gonna show you how to do that as well and then you will be complete .

You will have everything , all the tools in order to complete the four by four with no problem .

OK .

And it's a lot of fun .

It's my favorite cube to do .

Um And you could probably do it in about uh 7 to 8 minutes once you're pretty decent at it using this easy method with only six algorithms .

All right guys , please like and subscribe , check out my other videos .

You always get something good out of watching all my videos , even the two by two , the three by three .

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They all have very similar things and , and it just emphasizes um some of the things that you need to know .

Thanks a lot .

Please subscribe and like , and I love all you guys have a great day and God bless you guys .


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