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2023-08-16 09:20:58


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Let's make together spinach pasta , pasta with spinach recipe .

So delicious , so wonderful , so colorful .

Hi and welcome to bean chain sauce plate .

So to make spinach or ricotta pasta , we need nice fresh spinach and I'm gonna show you now how we are going to cook the fresh spinach .

So you can use as much spinach as you like because we going to create a cream with spinach and you can use it for anything else .

You can use it in sandwiches on chicken , on seafood or anything that you like .

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So for this recipe , I'm using 100 and 50 g of fresh spinach baby spinach , but you can use more , much more than that .

So at this point , we turn the stove horn on a medium high heat and all we do .

All we add is uh some salt , just a pinch of salt and these will cook in no time .

The spinach will create a little bit of water .

It's gonna help us to create the cream that we want and what we need for the pasta today , it's only one spoon , one tablespoon of spinach cream no more than that .

There's no need for you .

To waste any extra virgin olive oil .

No butter , nothing .

You just want pure spinach .

At this point , as you can see , the spinach are cooked .

OK .

So at this point , we can switch off the stove and what we do , we don't want to wait for them to cool down straight away in the food processor .

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We are going to blend it .

So we , we get the cream that we want in order to create a spinach pasta .

This is what it is .

This is what makes your spinach pasta green .

After you blend it , this is what you get .

You get this cream in there .

Look how dark it is .

You know , this is pure , pure spinach cream .

Basically you can use any flavor that you like to create your pasta .

Be creative in the kitchen .

So this is how simple it is to make a spinach cream for spinach pasta .

Now we start adding fun .

What I'm using here is 250 g of flour , plain flour , all purpose flour or you can use 00 flour , which is what I'm using today .

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And this flour would be enough for about 2 to 3 people , 250 g OK ?

With 250 g , I'm going to use two eggs and I'm going to use one spoon of spinach spinach cream .

OK ?

If you wanna make pasta for six people , then double the amount .

So always make a well and we break the eggs .

Now , I always like to break my eggs separately .

I like to break it separately .

So I don't risk to have the crack the shell in the mix .

You don't want shell in your pasta .

And I like to use organic .

I like to use top quality ingredient .

Guys , you can use anything you want , but I'll go for organic .

Always put the egg in there at this point .

I'm going to add the spinach together right now .

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So one spoon and that's what one teaspoon , one tablespoon is OK , one full generous amount of tablespoon .

Now you have the option of using your hands , your fingers to break this , mix the ingredients together or you can just use a fork .

I'm just gonna use a fork because I think the forks breaks everything better .

See , as you can see here , what I created is a marvelous beautiful green cream using two ingredients .

I'm not using any salt because I do put the salt later in the pasta water when I boil the pasta now , right ?

So at this point , let's start adding the flour inside and slow it slowly mix .

So the reason why we're gonna do it slowly is because you don't want the mix to go outside the well because otherwise it would be messy and then you have to clean up the best thing to do with this pasta is to make it by hand .

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You know , you really want to feel your pasta always have some extra flour on the side .

You know , you might need more or less .

See , I like to follow one movement .

So I push forward , then I fall back , push forward , then I fall back , then I rotate it like this .

I don't believe you're gonna have any problem with this dough and it's not gonna be dry and that's the moment .

So it's becoming sticky now .

So I do need more flour .

Make sure you put the flour in there .

And this is the moment I like to follow .

You can do your movement .

Find your way .

It's always important .

It's very important .

You keep folding the pasta this way .

Not only we spread the proteins in the dog , we're creating the gluten and honestly , this a child can do it .

My grandmother is 82 and she can do it .

Anybody can do it .

Well , you need to do this for about 15 , 20 minutes , even 10 minutes .

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But you know , the more you do it , the better you can tell when it's ready when you don't see any flour left on the door .

OK ?

So you want the , the flour to disappear .

You want the dough to become green .

If you have any excess flower on the board , just do this .

Look , we have a play dough here .

Easy to manage and easy to roll .

Look at that here is your pasta .

OK ?

It is very important that we wrap this pasta now in a film and we rest it in the fridge for half an hour .

We want the moisture to get out and we want the dough to relax and set before we start making the do the pasta guys .

After half an hour , this is the dough that we have , but this dough is now ready to be transformed into a pasta .

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Don't forget that flour is your best friend .

So make sure you have flour around .

You want flour everywhere and what we do here , I'm gonna show you how to make it with a rolling pin and with the pasta machine .

But I'm gonna use half the dough to do with the rolling pain .

And after the dough , I'm gonna use it for the pasta machine .

Look at the inside , as you can see on the inside , see , we create the gluten .

We have the perfect pasta in there .

That's all we want to create even moist pasta .

OK ?

So now this pasta will go on the side and make sure you always cover your pasta .

OK ?

Cover it on the side .

OK ?

So what we're gonna do , we're gonna stretch it with the rolling pain .

So we go forward , turn it around , we go forward , turn it around .

You can roll out the pasta with a rolling pain or you can use a bottle of wine .

You don't want the pasta to be very thick .

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The pasta should be nice and thin .

So what we want to do at this point , we want to try and create a square dough .

The reason is because we are going to cut the pasta by hand .

Look , it is more difficult to stretch the pasta with the rolling pain .

Um I personally prefer the pasta machine simply because it's more fun and at the same time , it's more precise .

OK .

So what happens here when you have the dough , you can fold the dough just like this .

Always add flour and then follow the game .

Put more flour on the reason why we add the flour is because we don't want the pasta to be stuck , Sprinkle a little bit more flour here .

And then what we can do , we can cut a pasta .

So let me clean up this .

You can still use this , right ?

This is still pasta that you can use , but let's make .

Now let's make and this is what you do .

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You just cut it as you want .

Look how much pasta are you able to make with a little bit of down .

Look strictly handmade , nice and thick , strongly recommended with a vegetable sauce , tomato sauce you can use .

If you like , look at that , that's , that's an artisan pasta guys .

This is an artisan pasta that you wanna make for your family .

Look how beautiful it is .

Try to make it the same size .

OK ?

Look at the simplicity of this .

Look at the beauty of this .

Imagine you inviting your partner , your your child your friend , your family member , you make this for them .

How proud are you gonna be ?

Look at this .

Look how stunning .

Now , when I like pasta , I always like to divide my pasta .

Now I put them together .

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But normally what I like to do is I get a little bit of pasta and I like to make little pockets of pasta and then we let it desert .

That's for example , half , half portion for me .

But now let's make it with the pasta machine because I'm gonna show you how more precise and how nice this pasta can be right now .

My favorite way of making pasta .

So we get the pasta dough and as it is , and I'm going to cut this enough and cover the other half .

Always , always cover your pasta dough .

Now I like to flatten my dough as much as I can because it needs to fit in the pasta machine before we put the pasta through the pasta machine , put flour on the pasta machine , some flour on the pasta .

Now we start from the wide setting on this machine is number one and some machine can be nine or it can be one .

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It really depends , it can be five .

Please create a square shape .

So I put the pasta there and I start , I start doing this , need some oil .

The machine see it's very stretching at this point .

This is the first round .

You do want to do this three times simply because we need to let the air out and we want the door to become smooth .

Now , I want the dough to become more square .

So I'm going to put it in like this .

I'm trying to get a square long pasta here .

OK .

So from one , number one , we go to number two , put it in .

See how much he's stretching .

See how beautiful it is .

Only add the flour when you feel like the pasta is too sticky .

You need to add flour .

Go , let's go to number three .

OK , let's go there .

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Look how beautiful this is from number five , I go to number six .

We don't want this pasta to be too thin .

It depends what you're making .

You can make par , you can make , you can make ravioli , you can make any pasta that you really , that you want .

I can already see my fingers through the pasta but I wanna go one more .

I wanna go to number seven just because I don't want my pasta to be too thick .

Um and I want my pasta to be smooth to my tooth and I wanna cook it in less than five minutes .

So I don't wanna have a thick pasta .

Look how beautiful this pasta turn now look how stunning .

Look how beautiful this pasta turned out .

Now before we put the pasta through spaghetti or the let's put flour on , let's put some flour , holds on the pasta because the last thing we want , he used to have a pasta that gets stuck to the pasta machine and let's make .

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So you make the beautiful pasta comes out so beautifully .

And that's how you make your guys look how beautiful look , look at this , just need to separate them and put them on the tray .

Now , what I like to do as always , you add a little bit of flour .

So I like to get my two fingers here and get two fingers .

Um , wrap it around the two fingers , one , two and ready to go .

And that's how we make spinach pasta .

Ladies and gentlemen .

Now how do we cook it ?

Very simple .

All we need to do is to boil a large bottle of water , put one tablespoon of rock salt and you let it cook for about 4 to 5 minutes , always taste it .

You know , it can take a bit longer if you made it thick , just like this one .

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And when it is ready , you mix it with your sauce and enjoy it .

If you wanna freeze it , freeze it on the tray first .

When the pasta is frozen , you can put it in plastic containers .

You can put it in a Ziplock bag .

But when you cook it from frozen , you cook it straight from frozen into the pasta water and you cook it for an extra minute or two .

And then here you have it beautiful fresh spinach pasta .

So my question is do you guys prefer fresh pasta just with eggs ?

Do you prefer fresh pasta with spinach and eggs or do you prefer morning a pasta ?

Let write , comment below and let me know and please subscribe all I need from you right now is your comment and your subscription and your like looks so nice .

So I hope you enjoyed this video recipe .

I'm going to cook , so I will see you in the next Vincenzo plate video recipe .

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Vincenzo plate , Mia .


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