Hey , welcome back to Cool guitar and let's try the awesome playstation five controller .
So here's my full pencil sketch shown in two speed .
And then right after this , I'll show you guys how to draw this line by line with a sharpie .
All right .
So let's draw this .
And here's my sketch underneath .
And to begin , we can draw in the touch pad uh area first , which is gonna be right on the center .
So we're just gonna draw one slight curve on the top and then now we're gonna slam in .
So just come down on this part right here , we'll just round it out and then just close it off flat .
All right .
So once we have this shape , we're gonna come down and draw in the uh the two little joysticks here first .
So we're gonna draw one big circle right on the corner of this .
So just come down from this .
OK .
So this part is a little bit tricky .
So whatever circle you draw on here , try to draw the same size in this one on this side .
OK ?
And then now for the joystick itself , we're gonna draw another circle inside .
So this one's a little bit easier , just follow the shape on the outside , same thing here .
And then for some extra detail , I'm gonna just gonna draw one more circle inside .
OK .
So now let's continue on .
So we got , now we gonna draw in the uh the bottom right here .
So just come down from this circle right in the middle , you make two little points and we just close it off flat .
All right .
So that's gonna be the middle and now we're gonna continue on and drawing the handles , we'll continue with this curve , just go out .
So the same thing on this side .
OK .
And then come back to the bottom right here to a slight curve to right above the circle right here , just go past the circle .
And then now for the really tricky part , we're gonna draw in the side .
So this side is gonna be slanting toward this way , but there's gonna be a slight curve to it .
So when it come down and then we're just gonna stop , we can stop right around there for now .
All right .
And then from this curve , we're gonna continue with this one .
So on this one , we'll draw a slant coming down .
This is gonna be all the way to the bottom .
And now whatever space you have here , just smooth it out , just one smooth curve and it was a very tricky shape to draw .
OK .
So now that we draw on this side um this side is gonna be a little bit easier .
We can actually draw this line first because we can use this for reference .
So we just went down and then now we'll come down on the side .
So , same thing here , we're gonna flare out .
Now we're gonna tuck it back in .
All right .
So it's very difficult to draw something symmetrical and this one looks like I've drawn it a little bit skinnier than this one , but that's OK .
So let's just uh continue on .
So now let's add in some details right here .
There's some really cool lines on this controller .
So right here , I'm just gonna follow this line here on the side .
So just come down slide curb , going over right over the circle and then I'm gonna come down here all the way down to the bottom right here .
So this one smooth curve .
OK ?
So right over the circle .
All right .
So that's definitely the trickiest part is just to get the overall shape .
So now the rest is a lot easier .
Let's go ahead and draw on the uh the little buttons right here .
So I'm gonna start in this corner , just one circle come across .
So another circle .
OK .
So come to the middle of this and go up and then one on the bottom and we can put in the markings .
This one's gonna be a square , this one's X circle and triangle on top .
OK ?
So now let's draw in the , the arrow keys .
So right around here , same corner , just gonna try a little bracket like this first .
So it's almost like a square .
And then for this side just close it with an angle .
OK .
So let's come over here , I'm gonna draw the reverse of this shape angle .
OK ?
And then now for the top and bottom right in between angle and then just go up .
So once you join one , the rest is a lot easier , right ?
OK .
And just to finish up right here , the same here , just draw two lines round out the top and bottom .
So that's gonna give us another button , same thing on this side .
And then now for the buns on top , so this one's easy , we'll just continue with this curve .
Just go up this side seem to follow the of this and then just close it off , same curvature as this .
OK ?
So we're gonna continue this right in the middle here .
Go up .
OK ?
And then lastly , uh for some details in here , uh let's see .
So there's some uh little holes right here just gonna put in or I'll put in four .
I know there's more and then on the bottom just got put in three .
And then now for the playstation logo just come down , you can draw a line like this .
First , you're gonna draw A P to pack it back up halfway .
I hope you guys can see this .
I know it's really small and then whatever space you have here , just one big curve that's gonna give us the P and then for the other one , it's uh it's kind of small .
So I'm just gonna curve up and then it's kind of like a straight line going into the P right here , just like Curb .
And that is it for this playstation five controller .
Hope you guys liked the way it turned out and if you do , please do , give me a thumbs up , subscribe if you haven't and I will see you next time .