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2023-08-17 17:11:34

Megaminx Full Tutorial with all Cases and Algorithms

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All right .

So today I'm gonna teach you how to solve the Megami .

I'm gonna go through every single case and algorithm layer by layer to make it as simple as possible so that you can take it from this to this .

OK ?

So the first thing you're gonna wanna do is of course scramble it .

OK ?

So now that it's all scrambled , we can get this solved going .

OK ?

So the first thing you're gonna wanna do in this puzzle is solve the white star .

So what I mean by that is there's these edge pieces that all need to be around this white center .

I need to correspond with the its corresponding center .

So the edge needs to be between this .

So for instance , I have one here which is white and purple , this is done correctly .

This is more intuitive .

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So again to move around this puzzle , I see for instance , there's a green and there's a white .

Well , I need this to go right here .

So I'm gonna , obviously , I'm gonna bring it down over up so I can have it aligned to the green , then I'm gonna bring it in .

So now that's two sending with the blue here .

I send you the blue right there .

I'm gonna bring the blue down and I'm gonna bring it up .

What this did is it also brought the yellow and the white .

So I'm gonna bring that up .

So now I've got four of the five and now I gotta find the last one which is right here .

So I'm gonna bring this up .

It might not be as , it might not be that easy for you guys .

Uh Given the fact that it's been scrambled , I just got lucky in this case .

And , uh , and now congratulations , you have officially solved the first step .

OK .

So the next step you're gonna want to do in this puzzle is you're gonna wanna solve these corner pieces .

I'm lucky enough to have a corner and it's already in its correct place , but I'm gonna walk you through the other ones .

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So , uh let's go ahead and start with the white , green and red .

So I'm gonna look around the puzzle for a white , green and red .

I see a white , green and red right there .

So I need it to be right over here .

So I'm gonna rotate this all the way around .

So I get it between the white , the green and the red .

So now I'm gonna hold this puzzle with the white right here kind of facing down a bit .

So notice how I did that .

I have the white green and the red .

I have the white green and the red right there .

So I want this piece to go right there .

In some cases , you're gonna have the piece where the white is facing up to the right or to the left .

A little trick I've learned is whatever this color is given .

If it's the white going down , there's a little algorithm for that .

But if it's gonna be , you know anything but the white up , you're gonna go in the direction of the top cube .

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So for instance , this green is right here , you're gonna go in the direction of the green .

So we're gonna go U prime L prime you .

Oh Now it's in place .

So now you have that awesome cube .

So now we have tuna , let's move on to the next one .

So we have green , purple and white .

So we're going to find green , purple and white , which is right there all the way back here .

So we're gonna go ahead and bring this one all the way around .

Uh If I can even get this thing puzzle to work .

So again , this is gonna be very similar .

And again , with my white kind of down here , I want this piece to only travel this distance .

Notice that the purple is here .

Again , it's gonna go to the right .

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So again , it's gonna be U prime L prime you L I noticed that it's L R .

So in this case , when I'm holding the cue with the center bar right there .

This is always gonna be left , this is always going to be right .

There's not gonna be a front face and this is going to be the upper .

OK .

So moving right along .

So we have purple , yellow , white , purple , yellow , white right there .

So let's go ahead and bring that around .

And if you know what I'm gonna go ahead and , and uh and make this tour , the white face is actually gonna be up to show you just a different algorithm .

So we have white right here .

So this is gonna be a very easy um solution but it , you know , it might require doing this algorithm two or three times .

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So you'll take it again , put the cube down .

So and that , you know , the white won't be at the bottom , this red will in this case .

So hold it like that and you don't have to actually do anything with the puzzle , but just this .

So again , with the right right here in the upper right here , you're gonna go rur prime , U prime , rur prime U prime ru notice how aligned our prime and then U prime and now it's in place it right where it needs to be .

Notice how I didn't move it around and do all these crazy tricks .

It's just literally one algorithm holding it with that white face up .

And that's only gonna happen when the , when you're trying to get this white spot and the white face is , is facing up .

If it's to the left or the right , you don't have to worry about that .

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So it looks like the last one we have right here is the yellow , blue and white .

So yellow , blue and white right there .

This one's easy to move .

So now it's gonna go to the left because see the yellow is up top and the yellow is right there .

So let's go ahead and try it .

So we're gonna go U ru prime R prime and it's in place and there you have it a completely solved top layer .

OK .

So now that we have the top layer um completely solved and it's all the uh edges are aligned to the centers that it corresponds .

It's time to focus on the edge pieces here .

So I'm gonna , I'm gonna flip this puzzle to where I'm not focus on the top anymore .

I'm gonna rotate it to where I'm only really focusing on this layer right below it or right above it .

I should say in this case , not this layer at all or this top layer now , but again , I'm focusing on these centers .

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So what I'm gonna do is look around and I and I'm trying to do this to get any piece around here that looks that that needs to be in between the purple and yellow or in this case , you know , like the blue and the yellow .

I need to find this edge piece So again , not focusing so much on the bottom or these upper ones , I'm gonna be , you know , I , so I can , obviously I can do anything I want around here because I am not gonna interrupt the puzzle at all .

Only have be solved .

I'm gonna go ahead and look around for the yellow and the blue little edge piece , which is right back here .

So I'm gonna move it around until I see it .

So now I have the blue edge piece and the yellow , I obviously don't have it right here because I need this yellow to be aligned with the center because I'm gonna be rotating it in place .

So holding it like this .

So again , I have the , you know , this little bottom yellow piece or this bottom white piece or white face .

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Um Again , this is gonna be the shared center bar with my left and my right in my upper , I'm gonna be performing this algorithm .

I'm gonna be moving this to the left .

So it's gonna be a you move because I want this to go to the right .

So it's gonna be you R U prime R prime U prime L prime U L .

Now it's in place .

Notice how I didn't have the whole , I don't have to hold the cube .

I can leave it like this because everything I need to do is going to be just the LR and upper .

I'm not focusing on the , on this like bottom piece or any other pieces .

I'm just focusing on this and you can essentially do that throughout most of this cube .

Um Now I'm looking for the blue and the red , so blue and the red is all the way back here .

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So I'm gonna go ahead and rotate this around and now I have it lined up to where I need it to be .

So it's blues right there .

I need it to go to the right .

So I'm gonna do another U move to get it away to the left .

So holding it like this begin with a shared bar .

I'm gonna be doing you R U prime R prime U prime L prime U L and now that's in place .

So now we have one , 23 in place .

Well , in this case , I have four in place because I happen to have that one in there already .

Now it's time to find the green and purple , which is right here .

So I'm gonna bring it down .

In this case , it's gonna go to the uh left .

So I'm going to do a U prime move to get it away to the right .

So again , holding it like this where my whites kind to my white is , you know , right here .

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And I'm only order R the , and the upper move I'm gonna be doing a you prime L prime Ulu ru prime R prime and there you have it .

So now I've got this top layer done as well as the corresponding edge pieces all the way around this puzzle .

Again , we're not worried about these faces at all .

Uh You know , so we're gonna be moving on on from this point .

OK .

So now that we've solved this first layer and uh now we have the edges to go with it .

Now it's starting to kind of take some shape .

Again , we're gonna be focusing now on um solving the edge pieces between this uh lower layer center and the upper layer , I call it bunny ears , someone else can call it whatever they want .

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Um Essentially , I'm focusing on if I'm looking at it like this or I , I'm holding this bar right here .

I have these two centers right here in the bottom .

I want these two edges and this little center .

Um So I focus on the ears and the kind of the corresponding center .

So I guess it doesn't make sense to call bunny ears , but who cares ?

It's what I've always known and I'm sticking to it .

So with that said , let's go ahead and look around .

What I like to do is try to find , you know , anything that has a kind of a starting .

Um So in this case , I'm looking for like an orange and purple or green and yellow and I see green and yellow .

So I'm gonna go ahead and just bring that down .

So for whatever reason , it's just what works for me I always start with the left side of this edge and I work my way to the right .

And I'm only , again , I'm only focusing on these three pieces in that order though , for this little edge , center edge .

So in this case , I'm gonna bring it down to where I have the uh edge pieces .

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So the green and the yellow , so that's incorrect or that's incorrectly , not incorrect .

So now I'm gonna be focusing on finding the green , yellow and blue uh corner piece .

It's gonna go right here .

So I see uh this is right here and I want to now focus on making it to where it's gonna be , be right here because it's , it's gonna be very similar to the earlier moves when I'm bringing pieces in because the only difference is now instead of this being my bottom , this is kind of my bottom .

So I'm gonna be bringing this piece in to where it's right here .

So it's only traveling this distance and my green is right there .

My blue is right there and now it's time to bring this piece to it in place .

So I , so again , greens up top and I want this to go down stair down there .

If the yellow was up top , it would be the algorithm like I showed you .

So again , we're gonna be doing green right here .

So it's gonna be traveling to the left .

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So it's gonna be you r you prime our prime .

Now it's in place and this just so happened to solve it doesn't always happen like this , but I happen to have my other piece in place .

So now I have the whole completed piece and now I'm done .

Green is no longer a worry .

So now I'm not going over here , I'm just traveling like this .

I'm rotating the cube .

It's where I have a new bar and I have pink .

So now I'm gonna be looking for the pink and the blue , not pink and red , pink and blue .

So because again , it makes sense to me and I'm sticking with what I know or what I feel comfortable with .

So I'm bringing it in place right there .

So now my , my pink and my uh blue are in place .

Now , I'm looking for the blue , red and pink , which is right here .

I'm bringing it down again towards that short distance .

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And again , now that I have a new , I mean , it's rotated differently now and my reds are here , it's gonna go to the right .

So it's gonna be a U prime move .

So again , it's gonna be U prime L prime U L and now it's in place .

Now it's time to focus on other little uh edge piece here .

So now it's looking for the pink and the red pink's right there in the red .

Let's go ahead and bring it in , bring it down a bit .

So it's kind of like putting an edge in place .

You know , if you can't connect the pink , connect to the red because it's gonna go right there anyways .

And now focusing on where this face is , is up like that , you're gonna be doing it to where you're gonna be moving it away .

So what we did in the prior steps , if the edge needs to go away , it's gonna be again an L prime move .

So it's gonna a U prime move .

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So it's gonna be U prime L prime ul Uru prime R prime and that was a place .

So now we have the green section , the pink section .

Now it's time to move on to the tan section .

I will make note that this step , these steps are pretty repetitive until you get to the last layer .

So , I mean , I'm gonna do to make this as , as you know , this solve or this tutorial as concise as possible .

I'm gonna go through all the steps because again , I feel it's helpful .

But if you want to skip ahead , you can , it's again a very , you know , you know , systematic thing where you're doing the same thing over and over again .

Um Until you get to the last layer , there's a few tricks to uh to worry about .

Uh but let's go ahead and keep moving on .

So we're looking for the tan and the red , which is right there .

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So now I'm gonna move this piece , you know , up a bit over down , over in place .

So now my tan and my red piece are in place .

I'm looking for the tan , red and green , which is right here .

So I'm bringing this down .

So we're now , this is my new section .

So I'm bringing it down to this place , greens right there .

So I'm obviously moving in the direction of green .

So it's gonna be a U prime L prime U L and that's in place super easy .

Now , I'm looking for the tan and the green edge piece , which is right here .

So now I'm gonna be bringing it to where is over the green because I can't put it over the tan .

And I'm gonna be doing again what I've done each time this is going to the left .

So via a U prime move .

So holding it like this .

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So this is my R , this is my L , this is my U , it's going to be U prime L prime U Luru prime R prime and now that's all in place .

So you can notice that everything's intact , still tan pink green .

Now it's time to go to the blue .

So I'm looking for blue and the green .

Well , I have the , I have the uh blue and the green piece right here .

So I'm gonna be rotating it around .

So yeah , so now that I have the blue and the green piece right there , I need to find the uh blue green and purple piece .

It's edge or corner piece , it's gonna go right there , which is right here .

So I'm gonna , I'm gonna bring this up and now focus on this .

Notice when I move this , I have to be mindful of bringing this back down .

So I'm gonna move this up .

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I'm gonna bring it out and I'm moving this piece back in , not to disturb my finished section right there .

So now I can take this and I can move it into the section .

Now , blue is to my left .

So I'm gonna move this .

It's gonna be a you move .

So it's gonna be , again , it's gonna be U ru prime R prime and now it's in place .

So now last but not least for this is gonna be the putting this edge piece right there .

I'm gonna be aligning it with blue for the blue and the purple and I'm gonna be again with the shared center left .

Ru I'm moving this away .

So it's gonna be a U move .

So it's gonna be ur U prime R prime U prime L prime U L and that's all done .

And now we have the last section .

OK ?

So in this last section , it's a little bit tricky .

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Um It's very similar though to the sections that you just did .

But the biggest problem here is that you don't want to disrupt what you , the progress you've made .

So the first things first is you want to find again , in my case , I always go for the left of it first .

So I'm looking for the purple and the orange piece , I'm gonna bring it down might be somewhere else .

But either way , focus on getting this one edge in place .

Now , we're gonna focus on getting this corner piece in .

Let's find it first .

So we're looking for the blue or the orange purple and , and yellow , which is gonna be right here .

So we're gonna move this kind of in place .

It's gonna be moved in a second .

But I want this to go right here .

But if you move it , if you do the same thing where you bring it down and you bring it over , you're gonna mis align that and it's all gonna be screwed up and you're gonna continually mess the puzzle up .

So what you're gonna wanna do is again , bring this out of place .

So , so it's not in that rotation , put it like that .

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So it's out of the way and take this and just move it to where it's over this piece .

So if you're , this is where it's correct , now you're gonna move it into an incorrect placement and they're gonna focus on solving this .

So now the puzzles , you're just rotating it slightly differently .

So when you're finished , you're gonna rotate it back in place .

So again , I'm mis aligning it , I'm bringing this piece .

So it needs to drop in here and now I can do the algorithm that I always do .

So orange is up top and orange is here .

So I'm gonna move it to the left which is gonna be a U move .

So focusing on the U move is gonna be Uru prime R prime .

So now it's in place .

Notice how I didn't mess up anything else and if I were to stop right here , I could just move it back in place .

So now I have this is all done and now looking for orange and yellow .

So you'll notice here is that this yellow piece and this orange piece are right here and it needs to be right there .

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So this is a little bit tricky but focusing on not disrupting this solve section .

You've already done , you're gonna move this piece simply up over to bring this back down because you're gonna want to get this piece out and this piece back in place .

Now there's , I'm sure there's algorithms to do this again .

This is going to be something that just works for me , but I like to do is take it to where I'm gonna be bringing it back in place or bringing it over a little bit .

I'm gonna rotate this around to where I get it to where I can align the sink back in .

I'm gonna align it up , bring it over and I bring this back down again .

I didn't disrupt any of these solve sections .

I just did and now I have it to where this is uh relatively in place .

But now I'm gonna be focusing on again bringing it to a misalignment .

So this is already solved and I need this to be right there .

I'm gonna be bringing it up one notch .

I'm gonna be focusing on getting this piece right there .

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So if I were to look at it like this , I need it to be right here anyway .

So I know that it's gonna go to the left because it's already on the solve section .

And I'm gonna treat this even though it doesn't look , it doesn't look right .

I have to mis align it .

So I'm gonna be focusing on going left and not right .

So it's gonna be a you move and because of that , it's gonna be you ru prime R prime U prime L prime U L .

So it doesn't look right , but it's all solved and then you go ahead and bring it down and now it's in place .

Notice that it's , this is done , this is done , this is done , this is done and this is done from this point , it's all about the corners .

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So now that we've again solved this little uh section right here , now we're focusing on taking it to the next level , the next level and um solving these pieces right here , just these corners for now .

So what we're gonna do is just pick one to see if there's any that's already solved .

So this one's already solved .

So , green , purple and blue , this is in place to move on from there .

So let's go ahead and look for the pink red and , and kind of this cream color , which is right back here .

So I'm gonna go ahead and , well , actually I'm gonna start somewhere else because I'm gonna be putting a piece in here anyways .

Um , let's go ahead and , and find one .

Let's just go up top here .

So let's go ahead and do the cream , blue and green .

All right .

So cream , blue and green right there .

Well , blue is to the top .

So you know it's gonna go right , which is gonna be a U prime move .

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So it's gonna be U prime L prime U L not really too difficult .

Is it its own place ?

So let's go ahead and , and focus on the green , orange and yellow piece .

So now we have this greens at top right here .

So it's gonna be a U prime move again because it's going to the top .

So it's gonna be U prime L prime ul how it's in place , what else we have ?

It looks like they're all gray .

So I have to start moving things out of here .

So I need this piece out .

So I'm just gonna pick anyone and I'm gonna just treat it like it's , I'm gonna treat this piece as if it needs to go right there .

I'm gonna replace it for now .

So I'm gonna go , I'm gonna go you ru prime R prime .

So now I have that piece out which means I can move it to where it needs to go .

So I'm looking for the red cream and , and pink .

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Well , the pink is right here .

So I'm gonna go to the left which is gonna be a U move .

So it's gonna be Uru prime R prime and now it's in place and it looks like last but not least is gonna be this bad boy right here .

So purple is up top .

I finally got one that I can actually do a slight different variation of .

So it's gonna be again focusing on the RL and U .

Well , in this case , all I have to worry about is just R and U .

But knowing this piece seems to go right there , you're gonna perform this algorithm algorithm with again , the this bar it needs to travel from here to here as soon as it needs to flip upside down .

So we're gonna be doing the Rur prime , U prime , Rur prime U prime , Rur prime and it's in place .

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So now we have the white bottom here and most of this is taking shape , got the corner piece .

And now what's next is to solve the edge piece that links these pieces together .

OK .

So very similar on the puzzle just again , just how you hold the QE differently .

Now that we're not worried about the bottom layer or this kind of this bottom middle layer , we're gonna focus on just these layers right here .

It's just this upper middle layer and the pieces are connected to the center and the center .

So we're gonna look around for a center that uh see , I'm gonna start with this one which is orange and green and I see orange and green right there .

So I'm gonna bring it around and it's again , very similar to what you've already done .

Nothing's changed except for the orientation of the cube .

So again , this is gonna go since the greens right there , I need it to go to the left .

I'm taking it to the right , which is again , gonna be a U prime move .

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So it's gonna be U prime L prime Uluru prime R prime and now that's in place .

So let's go ahead and , and , and move on from here .

So I see the green and pink , green and pink , I'm gonna move it to where it's aligned with the pink .

And since it's gonna go to the right , because it needs to go to the left , it needs to fall to the left .

It's gonna be another U prime move .

So it's gonna be U prime L prime Ulur U prime R prime and it's in place .

So now we're moving right along .

Let's go ahead and , and see what else we can solve here .

So I see a since I don't wanna move pieces out , but I don't have to , I see a blue and a cream right here .

So I'm gonna move this place , move this in place because I want this piece out .

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So I might as well double up on a move again .

It's gonna go to the left because it needs to fall to the left .

I mean , let's go to the right .

So it'll be a U prime move .

So it'll be U prime L prime Ulur prime or R I can't even speak today U prime R prime .

And again , all these algorithms are obviously down here below .

So if you need to see them , um sometimes just disregard what I say because um I may fumble over my words .

So in this case , I have it over here , I need this edge piece to go right there , which is to the right .

So I need to go to the left which is a U move .

So it'll be U ru prime R prime , U prime L prime U L and now it's a place .

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So it looks like all of the edge pieces are solved leaving it just this last layer .

So if you follow it along this point and you're already at this point where you have just this last layer to solve .

Congratulations .

Let's keep cracking .

OK .

So , contrary to what you've been doing um before in the mega minks and focusing on the R and the L and the upper , when you're solving this top layer , it's all about keeping the front face .

So having a true left , a true right , a true upper and a true front .

So let's go ahead and focus on just that .

Ok .

So there's gonna be in this , you know , orienting the , you know , all the edges here , meaning that you're not really worried about these uh edge pieces being in the correct , you know , alignment to their centers .

You just want them all to be there because we can , or , you know , we can permeate that later .

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So you're gonna have , you know , I think four different cases , you're gonna have , you know , one where it's either gonna be just one , you know , three um cases where it's gonna be .

Um You're gonna have like all three up here .

You can have this other case where it's like this where you have like kind of an arrow where you have like this piece right there and it's arrowed out where you have all five solved .

You shouldn't have any other , other situations like that .

Well , since we have the arrow piece like this , um I'm gonna teach you how to solve that one first , then I'll go ahead and wrap it around and I'll make sure I , I solve all of the cases for you .

So you , you can fully understand uh the algorithms associated with those different cases .

So in this case , I have the arrow now focusing on the , on the uh on having a face , I want this arrow to face basically like it's gonna be pointing like to the right .

So this is the front face .

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Now this is my top left and right with the arrow facing to the right over here to this right facing cube .

Our right facing face , I came in cube .

Give me a break , Brandon .

Um I'm gonna go ahead and perform this algorithm right here .

So it's gonna be F ru R prime U prime F prime and they're all solved .

At least not all solved .

All the stars are there .

All right .

So another case you might see is uh having three , you know , right , like this , having 123 in a row and they might , they might be down here .

But you're , what you're gonna wanna do is rotate them to where these pieces , if I can even rotate it are in the upper left hand corner here .

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So the centerpiece seems to be facing upper left and they're all just kind of in that cluster up here .

So again , with this front face like that .

So we got the front right left and upper .

You're gonna perform this algorithm , Fr Uru prime Rur prime U prime F prime and now they're all , all the stars are aligned .

OK .

So in some cases , you're gonna have uh a single um just edge piece here .

Um In this case , you're gonna wanna perform just this algorithm .

Um I don't like to keep it in the bottom here .

I move it just towards a skewed slightly to the left .

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Having this be the front , left , right and upper , I go ahead and perform this Frur prime U prime F prime .

What that did is put it in the place or I have the three up right here .

I'm gonna rotate it to where I have it all facing the upper left hand corner as four .

And I'll go ahead and show you all of this again .

So it's gonna be , again , focusing on the FRL and upper , it's gonna be Frur prime U prime , Rur prime U prime F prime .

All the stars are in place .

All right .

So now that we've solved the top , you know , star right here , now it's time to permeate the edges .

So they're all in the correct , you know , location .

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ऍम तो क्या आप ॅ सीखना चाहते हैं ?

जस्ट ॅ इसमें कोई लॉजिक वाली बात नहीं है ।

कोई माॅक नहीं ।

आप इसमें सिर्फ तीन कलर को फेस कर रहे हैं ।

ये मैंने बनाया है ।

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So again , focusing on R moves L moves and U moves , you're gonna be performing this algorithm .

So it's gonna be RU two R prime Uru two R prime and now they're all and they were correct orientation or basically been permeated .

So now they're aligned with the centers .

The second case I have here .

Um I'm gonna be focusing on where I have like , you know , the two edge pieces that are basically aligned next to each other .

None of these other ones are aligned .

So how you're gonna wanna hold this is you're gonna wanna have one solved one facing you and one to the left right here .

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So in this case , you're gonna be holding it to where again , you're focusing on the , this is the front right left and this is the upper and you're gonna do rur prime Uru two prime our prime .

And that didn't really change it .

So we'll do it again .

So do Rur prime Uru two prime R prime and in that case , it did solve it .

So in some cases , you have to do these twice , who knows ?

Um It's the mystery of the mega Minks .

So the last case you're gonna have here is where you have one edge that's aligned .

All these other ones are not aligned and you just have the one .

So again , you're gonna wanna have that one facing right there in front of you and holding it with it in the front , focusing on the front right here .

RL .

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कोई ऍम ये नहीं बताएगा कि पूरा रिव्यू स्क्रिप्ट बॉल है क्योंकि पीछे साइड देखोगे आप तीन जो कलर है फॅमिली स्त्री डॅाल में आप देख रहे हैं कि ये त्रि कलर सॉल्व ।

इसलिए आपको लग रहा है कि पूरा सॉल्व तो आप भी ऍम सीखना चाहते है तो विडियो को पूरा ॅ तक की देखिएगा लाइक बनता है ।

सबसे पहले आपको क्या करना होगा ऍम आपको ये अप्लाई करने पडेंगे ।

एक सॉल्व क्यूब पे तो सबसे पहले ये बीवी को हम सॉल्व कर लेते हैं ।

तो आप सबसे पहले सॉल्व क्यूब लेना है ।

आपको सबसे पहले इसमें पता होना चाहिए की यू डी ऍम ये सब जो कोडवर्ड होते ही क्या होता है ।

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112.92 --> 246.49

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So now that I'm focusing on this , now that I'm getting , now that I've set this piece up to words like that , I'm gonna now perform the algorithm at hand .

It's gonna be L prime U R U prime , L you R prime U prime and now I'm gonna be moving it back in place our prime .

Now , all of these corner pieces are in place correctly and they're not , you know , they're in the correct spots but not always in the correct placement .

All right .

So the second case we have here is where you have one solved corner here and another one right here .

So notice how it's in the right spot , but it's not flip correctly .

This is still correct for the salt for this , for this move .

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जस्टिस को इस तरीके से बता दिए कि यार ये तो बन गया तो आप रुमाल ले लो सबसे पहले अपने हिसाब से इसको ऍम बाल कर लो मैंने ज्यादा क्रम्बल किया था ऍम हिसाब से आप इस तरीके ऍम कर लीजियेगा यहाँ पे लेके आइए रूमाल तो मान ले के आ गए ऍम यहाँ से इस तरीके से उसको ऐसे पलटा लेना है पालता देना रुमाला हटा देना लाइक नौं बोले बात खत्म बस ज्यादा कुछ नहीं था आपको और ऍम सीखना है और विडियो देखना ॅ तो इंस्टाग्राम पे फॉलो कर लो और टिक टॉक पे फॉलो कर लो ।

फॉर भी यदि ऍफ कीजिये सब्स्क्राइब की जितनी ज्यादा लाइक होगी उतना ज्यादा विडियो ऍम डालूंगा ।

जस्ट लाइक वन सेकंड में आप सॉल्व कर सकते हो

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So the last case you're gonna see is we're gonna have one single corner piece in place .

Everything else is not in the correct placement and you're gonna want to go ahead and do is just pick any of the two algorithms , I would say the easiest one that doesn't require you to like miss line a piece .

So let's just go ahead and hold it to where this piece is here in the front .

And we're gonna go um L prime Uru prime , lur prime U prime .

So in that case , now I've got a cell phone here and here .

So I'm gonna go ahead and hold it to our , this piece is here in the bottom .

This is to the right and I'm gonna do it all over again .

So I'm gonna go L prime Uru prime , lur prime U prime and now it's all in the correct spots .

OK ?

So now we're on the last step .

Congratulations for getting this far .

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Um This one's a little bit tricky .

Um But it's not at the same time , very basic move .

You've done plenty of times only it's just being , it's being held differently .

So instead of focusing on the last layer like this , I like to go ahead and do it like this .

So now you're focusing on picking like an , you know , an edge piece here like I'll pick this face right here .

So green and blue , since this is the first one I can see it's not aligned .

So now I'm gonna be holding it to where this is my right .

This is my left , this is my , my , you know , kind of my little uh upper piece and this is my down and understanding that is gonna make things a lot simpler .

So , again , down upper right left and it's always where you're looking at this unsolved edge piece .

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Now , I'm gonna be performing this algorithm over and over again until these pieces are aligned .

I'm gonna finish the algorithm and then move it and I'll show you what I mean .

So we're gonna go ahead and hold it like this and we're gonna go R ur prime U prime Rur prime U prime .

So I finished the algorithm .

Now , this one has been solved .

So I'm gonna hold it like this and I'm gonna be rotating this piece over .

See it's , it's still that unsolved , it's in the correct place .

So I'm gonna move it over again .

In some cases , you might have them all unsolved .

In this case , I only had two .

Now this is in place here .

I'm gonna perform the algorithm again until this one's all solved .

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It's gonna be R ur prime U prime , rur prime U prime , Rur prime U prime , Rur prime U prime .

In this case , it solved it .

I bring these pieces down and now you have it solved mega mix .

I really want to stress though the end was , was quicker for me .

Just make a note though that if you had more pieces to solve , essentially , you keep doing the algorithm until it's solved .

Finish the algorithm itself .

So if it's ru let's say you get the Rur prime , it's done still do U prime .

It's important you do that and then rotate .

And if you , if you come to a piece that's already finished , just rotate it again .

If it's finished , rotate it again .

If it's unsolved , do it again .

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Rur prime U prime R until it's done and the puzzle will solve itself .

So with that said , hopefully that um hopefully this tutorial was helpful .

Um I know this puzzle can be a bit overwhelming because it's just so big .

But once you understand like the functionality , it's , it's again , it's more like a three by three , a lot of the algorithms are the same .

And uh it's also much better to get a cube that's easier to solve .

Like this cube rotates pretty well .

I have some ones that are very poor rotating .

Um So yeah , so hopefully um this , this puzzle does or the solve makes sense .

If you have any questions or comments , please put it in the link .

Also .

If you're new to this channel or this is the first video you watched or whatever , please hit , subscribe .

And um with that said , happy keeping .


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