Now in many other videos , I've talked about the importance of vitamin b 1 , because if you're deficient , this is what's gonna happen .
The first symptom you're gonna get is a type of anxiety or a nervous like restless feeling , which is really going to affect your ability to tolerate stress .
So you're going to be a bit edgy .
So restlessness , even restless leg syndrome is a B1 deficiency .
If it becomes very severe , you start developing panic attacks .
The fastest way to get rid of a panic attack is to take some B1 .
Also , you have lack of stamina and fatigue and even an excess amount of sweating .
I don't know if you've ever seen someone that just breaks out in a sweat for no reason , or they're always sweating .
That's a B1 deficiency .
Now what is the best source of B1 ?
That's what I want to talk about in this video .
Right here , nutritional yeast , because it's a natural source , especially if you get it unfortified without the synthetic vitamins they usually add in there .
Now if you're doing short term synthetic vitamins , it should be okay , but a long term maintenance dose of synthetic B1 , not a good idea .
But these are the foods that have the most b one .
Number 1 is pork .
Now , of course , a lot of people don't eat pork .
It's totally fine .
You can get b one from many other sources , but I'm just gonna mention the foods that have the most b one .
So 6 ounces of pork will give you 1.1 milligrams of b one , which will give you 96% of your RDAs .
Now normally , an adult needs between 1.01.2 milligrams of b one .
Okay .
Number 2 .
Salmon has a good amount of B1 .
In 6 ounces , you're getting 0.6 milligrams , which will give you 48% of your RDAs .
Flaxseeds .
Okay , 1 ounce will give you a half of a milligram , 0.5 milligrams , which is 39% of your RDAs .
Then we get the sunflower seeds .
One ounce is 0.4 milligrams , will give you 35% of the RDAs .
Green peas , 1 cup will give you 0.4 milligrams , 35% .
Macadamia nuts , 1 ounce , 0.3 milligrams , will give you 30% .
Acorn squash , 1 cup , will give you 0.3 milligrams , which is 30% of your requirements for b one .
It's not just the consumption of foods that have b one .
It's certain foods that you're eating or certain things that are depleting B1 .
Consuming refined sugars and carbohydrates severely deplete B1 .
Chronic stress will deplete B1 .
Taking diuretics depletes b 1 .
Metformin , if you're taking that medication for diabetes , that depletes b 1 .
If you're diabetic or a pre diabetic and you have high blood sugars , that alone can create a b one deficiency .
If you haven't seen my other videos on B1 , I put them up right here .
Check them out .