Last week , I talked about cold intolerance .
This week , we're gonna talk about heat intolerance .
What is it ?
What can you do about it ?
Well , it's a situation where you get overheated easily in warmer weather .
You can either have a situation where you're sweating successfully when you really shouldn't be sweating or you're not sweating at all in hot weather .
And when your body is in warmer weather , you may feel a little bit weak or dizzy .
So heat intolerance is a symptom of various conditions .
1 , MS .
Number 2 , something called POTS , postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome .
What is that ?
That's a a situation where your autonomic nervous system is not adapting that well .
So when you're standing up you get really dizzy and lightheaded so you have to sit down .
Number 3 , dysautonomia .
This is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system which this is one condition of this , but you can have a lot of other problems related to this right here .
But in general , the autonomic nervous system helps you adapt to certain things like stress , temperature .
So let's say for example , you just get out of the shower and you get dressed and you break out in sweat .
That would be one example .
Another example is heat intolerance , failure to adapt to warmer environments .
And number 4 , hyperthyroid conditions .
So that can create a situation where you're intolerant to heat .
What's interesting is all 4 of these conditions have a common thread , low vitamin b 1 .
When you increase vitamin b 1 , you can improve the symptoms of MS , not just heat intolerance , but fatigue .
Also , you can improve symptoms of POTS , dysautonomia , and symptoms of hyperthyroidism .
I would recommend taking a good amount of this .
Try to find a b complex that's natural .
Nutritional yeast is a really good source , but you're gonna have to take quite a bit .
The other nutrient that is beneficial , especially for MS , is vitamin d 3 .
So that could be another thing that can help you .
But realize that if you take too much vitamin d , you may have lower blood pressure .
And many times with POTS , the person has very low blood pressure , so taking more vitamin d can drop your blood pressure even lower .
But vitamin d is great for people with high blood pressure .
So in summary , b one is very very important .
The other point I wanna mention is the more carbohydrate that you consume , the more b one that you're gonna need .
So it could be that when you also consume more carbohydrates , you have more of a symptom because it's gonna aggravate and worsen the b one deficiency .
Alright .
Thanks for watching .
Before you go , if you have a question about a product or you're new to keto and you wanna know how to begin keto or you're on keto and you need a debug because it's not going as smooth , I have a keto consultant standing by to help you .
This is just for the people in the US .
Hopefully , in the future , we'll be able to answer everyone's call .
But I put the number down below so you can call and get some help .