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2024-05-28 10:10:06

The Non-Stress Cause of Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms – Vitamin B1_Thiamine Deficiency – Dr.Berg

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You probably have seen my other videos on stress and adrenal fatigue .

I've done quite a few in this video .

I'm going to talk about the non stress cause of adrenal fatigue .

Now so many people are stressed out and they're burnt out , but some people have adrenal fatigue , and they really haven't been through stress , and they're wondering why did I end up with an adrenal issue with no stress .

So there's another cause of this , but before I get into that , let me just tell you what the adrenal gland does .

The adrenal gland has 2 parts , an outside and an inside .

The inside is all neurological tissue .

It makes neurotransmitters .

It's called the adrenal medulla .

The outside is all glandular and that makes hormones like cortisol and a few others .

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Now the adrenal medulla is primarily part of the autonomic nervous system , specifically the sympathetic nervous system , which is the flight or fight .

You have the opposing system called the parasympathetic and that is located in your brain stem .

It's located in a few other places .

But for this video , we're just gonna focus in on the adrenals and also the brain stem .

So the parasympathetic nervous system , which is located in the brain stem , kind of counteracts the sympathetic flight or fight mode .

So it's all about rest , digest , and recovery .

So if you experience stress , you can activate the adrenals and eventually wear out the adrenals .

But what about if you lose the parasympathetic control ?

What happens then ?

Like you lose your brake pads and from a non stress source .

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Well , that can actually create a sympathetic dominant problem where you're kinda stuck in stress and you have all the symptoms .

And so the brain stem is very sensitive to thiamine b one deficiencies .

So when you're deficient in b one , you can have all sorts of problems with the brain stem , specifically a lack of adaptation to stress because the autonomic nervous system then starts becoming dysfunctional .

So one real simple way that you know that that system is involved is if you stand up too quickly and you get dizzy or you might pass out .

There's a severe condition called POTS which also falls in this category .

But so many people get up from a seated position or they get up too quick and they're like , woah .

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And that could be an electrolyte problem where you're low in salt or potassium , but it can also be a B1 deficiency because the brain stem needs b one to work correctly .

Being b one deficient can create a lack of adaptation to gravity stress and it can affect your ability to tolerate stress in general .

So it's not just about physical stress , it could be about adapting to mental stress as well .

As you may already know , a B1 deficiency can create anxiety and fatigue very similar to having just an adrenal gland that's burnt out and having high levels of cortisol .

So it's very , very similar .

The problem with vitamin b one , it's water soluble and it doesn't store for very long .

I mean , you could be completely depleted within 18 days of not consuming vitamin b one .

However , it's not just about not consuming B1 , it's about certain things that actually directly create a deficiency .

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The biggest thing is refined carbohydrates , whether it's grains or sugar .

That will create a huge problem .

And also the more carbohydrate you consume , the more the demand for b one .

So if you consume a lot of carbs , you're gonna need a lot of b one to be able to metabolize those carbohydrates .

Also , alcohol is a big b one , depleter .

Coffee can create a b one deficiency .

So those jittery feelings that you might feel if you drank too much coffee , if you took b one , boom , goes away .

Tea with its tannic acid can create a B1 deficiency .

Sulfites , which are in wine so we combine the alcohol and the sulfites can deplete your B1 .

Antibiotics , I've done a video on that can create a B1 deficiency .

Diuretics can create a B1 deficiency .

Metformin , the drug for diabetes can also create a B1 deficiency .

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So in summary , the symptoms of adrenal fatigue are very , very , very similar , if not identical to the symptoms of a b one deficiency .

Before you go , if you have a question about a product or you're new to keto and you wanna know how to begin keto , or you're on keto and you need a debug because it's not going as smooth , I have a keto consultant standing by to help you .

This is just for the people in the US .

Hopefully , in the future , we'll be able to answer everyone's call .

But I put the number down below so you can call and get some help .

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