Hey .
I'm back with a video on b one deficiency .
Now I've done all the videos talking about b one , thiamine , related to a lot of different things .
This one is about b one deficiency after you take antibiotics .
Now before we begin , I'm filming on Zoom with a mic that makes me sound like I have a cold , which I don't .
The camera makes my nose look bigger and my head bigger and my body smaller .
So , no , I didn't lose weight .
It's just a new camera and a new mic for the location that I'm in .
Okay ?
So let's talk about b one deficiency after antibiotics .
Now there's quite a few different antibiotics that can create a B1 deficiency .
Cipro , I listed a bunch of other ones .
The penicillins , the sulfa antibiotics , and there's quite a few others .
In fact , there's over 60 generic versions also in this list .
Now Now what you have to realize is vitamin B1 comes from your diet , but it also comes from your microbes .
And as you kill them off with taking an antibiotic , you can end up with a b one deficiency and other deficiencies as well .
Here are some of the symptoms .
ADD , anxiety , agitation , nervousness , lack of memory , in some cases , severe hypoglycemia even to the point where you can actually go into a coma .
Tendonitis , and check this out , tendon rupture .
Now , why in the heck would someone get a tendon rupture after taking an antibiotic ?
And what's the relationship to vitamin B 1 ?
Well , vitamin b 1 doesn't just deal with carbohydrate metabolism .
It deals with amino acid metabolism as well .
And if you're deficient in B1 , you're not gonna be able to transport certain branch amino acids to make your collagen .
So it can set you up with all sorts of weaknesses within the collagen formation .
There's also an enhanced warning , disabling and potentially permanent side effects involving tendons , muscles , joints , and nerves .
And this is displayed on the paperwork when they give you this antibiotic .
Also , it can create irreversible peripheral neuropathy .
So if you're in a situation where you have to take an antibiotic , I would highly recommend you not only take a probiotic at the same time , but also take your B vitamins in the form of nutritional yeast .
So this video is just about increasing your awareness on another reason why you might end up with a b one deficiency .
Before you go , if you have a question about a product or you're new to keto and you wanna know how to begin keto , or you're on keto and you need a debug because it's not going as smooth , I have a keto consultant standing by to help you .
This is just for the people in the US .
Hopefully , in the future , we'll be able to answer everyone's call .
But I put the number down below so you can call and get some help .