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2024-06-13 09:21:45

The Worst 'Health' Foods for Kids – Dr. Berg

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There are many so called health foods out there for kids that are total junk .

In fact , they'll create lots of problems .

And so sometimes I'll have a parent that will say , well , you know , my kids are skinny , so , it's okay that they eat the junk .

Or my husband , he's thin , so he said he can eat anything he wants .

Right ?

So I wanna talk about all the other problems that occur in addition to being overweight when eating junk food .

So let's actually do that in the whiteboard over here .

Let's go inside .

So , let's talk about the absolute worst so called health foods for kids , right ?

So , number 1 , the biggest one would be juice .

Parents think that juice is healthy for kids , fruit juice .

Right ?

So they do the Juicies , they do the orange juice , grapefruit juice , and they send it home with their lunch , thinking that it has some kind of vitamins .

That is just pure sugar .

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That is going to raise the sugar so high in their bloodstream because it's even worse than taking a Coke that , or a soda .

They're gonna basically get all the sugar and the setting for a hypoglycemia , low blood sugar , then a high sugar down the road .

It's just gonna mess up the pancreas , and it's gonna deplete a lot of nutrition in their body , and it's gonna probably give them a lot of dental problems too .

So , if you plan on going to the dentist and giving , you know , a lot of cavity replacements , than just keep feeding the kid juice .

I even see little babies drinking juice , bad idea .

Okay , so now , you might say , well , what about orange juice ?

What about vitamin C ?

There is no vitamin C in orange juice .

None whatsoever .

Why ?

Because when you heat , all these juices are pasteurized .

That means they're heated , and it kills everything in it , including all the vitamin c .

The only vitamin c in orange juice is the stuff they add later , but it's synthetic .

It's not even the real thing .

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So you're just drinking sugar water , and you're gonna just create problems with with more sugar with the kids , you know hyper irritability , ADD , all these other issues , so if you just cut that out that would be wonderful and you can have them do other things .

I like the carbonated water and the flavored Stevia .

They have flavored Coke , root beer , lemon , fruit berry .

You can take 10 drops of liquid Stevia , put it in some carbonated water , and they think they're drinking a soda , there's no sugar in it , it's great .

I give it to my kids all the time , my big kids .

They're , like , 21 , 22 , and 19 .

So , so that's important to avoid juice .

Okay ?

So that's number 1 .

Okay .

Now , number 2 , flavored yogurt .

First of all , plain yogurt has 10 grams of sugar .

Flavored yogurt has about 38 grams of sugar per serving size .

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If you get one of those tubs , that's like , what is it , 4 serving sizes ?

So we have 38 times 4 .

There is so much hidden sugar in yogurt .

It's crazy .

So , the , the go , gogurt or whatever you call it , and the different things that parents put in their lunches , that's just pure sugar .

Now , even the vanilla has 38 grams of sugar .

So again , that's hidden sugar .

We want to get the sugar out .

Your children are going to be less irritable , hyperactive if you do that .

It's going to make your life a lot better .

Okay ?

So , that is number 2 .

Let's go to 3 , weight gain shakes .

So , your child needs to gain weight , right ?

So , you give your child Ensure , or maybe Pedisher , or some type of drink which is loaded with vitamins and calories to gain weight .

Well , let me tell you something .

First of all , it's tons of sugar .

The first ingredient is like sugar .

Okay ?

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So , we got hidden sugars , and it's all synthetic vitamins .

So , you're really not getting the real deal .

If you want your child to gain weight , the best food to give your child is potatoes , red potatoes , yams , sweet potatoes , starches , instead of any refined sugars .

Okay ?

So , avoid the weight gain shakes because they're not going to actually gain weight in a healthy way .

Okay , number 4 , whole grain cereal .

Well , first of all , most of that whole grain is made from flour that's been sitting on the shelf for about 6 months and when you grind the grain you lose a lot of nutrition right away .

And anything that is refined grain like breads , pasta , cereal , crackers , biscuits , waffles , pancakes , Those foods , for children should only be consumed in , very small amounts , not in large amounts like you see with the pasta dinners and all that .

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You're just basically creating a situation where the child is raising their insulin , and they're going to create obesity down the road , a lot of problems with sugar , and it's not the best food so in place of that you do proteins proteins are fine a lot of vegetables that maybe they'd like you have to find something .

Fruits are totally okay with for kids .

Nuts , seeds for kids .

There's even , a great book that I have that you can get recipes for your child , and these are This is like the brownie , and the cookies , and the , English muffins , and the bread that you can make without the sugar or the flour .

Pancakes , peanut butter cups , cookies , even ice cream .

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So , this might be something that you want to get some ideas or recipes for your children , so they could so they're not like feeling deprived because I know when they go to their friend's house , they're probably eating all this junk or at school , but you wanna set the standard at least at home to start eating healthy and give them alternatives .

My kids do not know the difference between the junk and this right here .

This is healthy junk .

They don't know the difference .

I don't I don't even perceive the difference .

Actually , this is better because it doesn't leave that aftertaste in your mouth .

So , again , kids , you gotta watch out what you give them .

Don't give them the gummy bear , vitamins .

Those are not real vitamins .

Give them a food based vitamin , but these are the most common , so called health foods that people say , oh , it's healthy , but it's really not healthy .

Okay ?

So apply this information , and I will see you in the next video .

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