Hi , guys .
I'm back .
In this video we're gonna talk about the 13 insulin triggers .
Okay ?
Now as you may or may not know , insulin is behind so many health problems .
And if you could just understand all the triggers and avoid these things , you can be very , very healthy .
So what I did is I , out of this book , I summarized all of the triggers to increasing insulin .
And just realized that we need normal insulin , but we don't need excessive amounts of insulin .
So when you have high levels of insulin it causes the receptor that it's supposed to be received in to downgrade , and become resistive and blocked .
So that's called insulin resistance , and then it sends a signal back to the pancreas increasing your insulin .
So you have a situation where you have too much insulin , yet it's ineffective .
It's not working .
Okay ?
Okay .
So let's start with number 1 , sugar , and I'm talking about all the sugars .
Okay ?
Like dextrose , high fructose corn syrup , table sugar , brown sugar , raw sugar , honey , all the sugars .
Number 2 , refined grains in the form of breads , pasta , cereal , crackers , biscuits , things like that .
Number 3 , frequency of eating .
Every time you eat , you trigger insulin .
So the more times you eat , the worse it is .
That's why we do intermittent fasting .
Number 4 .
There's an insulin scale that , measures all the non carbohydrate things that can trigger insulin , and lean proteins will trigger insulin more than fattier proteins .
So you don't want to focus on lean low fat protein .
You want to get the whole fat in there as nature has provided .
Number 5 , excessive protein .
Too much protein can trigger insulin , so the optimum amount is between 3 and 6 ounces .
If you're a real big guy or you're doing intermittent fasting , you're having less frequent meals , then consume a little bit more , but try not to go too much .
Number 6 , soy oil , which most definitely is genetically modified , and even corn soil and other oils as well , but it's sprayed with glyphosate .
Okay .
This is an herbicide Roundup Ready , part of the GMO thing .
So we want to avoid soy oil because that can trigger insulin resistance and then spike insulin .
Trans fats , that's all the hydrogenated oils .
You wanna avoid all that .
That can actually cause insulin resistance and increase insulin .
Cortisol , that's the adrenal stress hormone , and that includes all the medication that has cortisol , in a synthetic version , like prednisone shots , cortisol creams , things like that , steroids .
Number 9 , diuretics .
So many people are on high blood pressure medication , and this is they use a diuretic which gets rid of fluid , but one of the side effects it causes insulin resistance , which then increases your insulin causing more blood pressure .
K ?
Number 10 , statins .
It's a cholesterol medication , Causes insulin resistance , increasing insulin , thereby increasing cholesterol .
It's crazy .
Number 11 , MSG , monosodium glutamate .
Another name for that would be modified food starch .
It's in so many foods .
It's in fast food restaurants .
It's in a lot of other restaurants .
So if the food tastes a bit too good , suspect MSG and avoid it because it can increase insulin .
This is probably why you go to a Chinese restaurant and you eat , and an hour later , you're starving .
Why ?
Because the blood sugar go down , and now you're hungry again .
K .
You're not satisfied .
Number 12 and 13 are mineral deficiencies and vitamin deficiencies can set you up for insulin resistance and thereby increase insulin .
So low potassium , potassium deficiencies , magnesium deficiencies , low sodium or low salt diets can increase the risk of getting insulin resistance .
So this is one of the things that , doctors recommend , go on a low salt diet , thereby creating higher insulin , which then causes the retention of sodium .
It's crazy .
Okay .
Zinc deficiency .
You need zinc to make insulin .
Zinc is necessary to support the cells that make insulin , the beta cells .
In fact , the number one cell in the body that absorbs the most zinc is the cells that make insulin , the beta cells .
So if you're low on zinc , it can set you up for diabetes .
Okay .
Low chromium can do it .
High levels of calcium can cause insulin resistance .
Low b one , thiamine .
Low vitamin d , and low vitamin a .
Alright .
So here you have it .
These are the things that can set you up for insulin resistance and increase insulin .
Hey , guys .
A lot of you already have my book .
Some of you don't .
But this new edition called the new body type guide is an upgrade from my last edition called the 7 Principles of Fat Burning .
It has a 156 images , 378 pages , full glossary .
I talk about keto , intermittent fasting , the body types in detail .
I have a new stress chapter .
I'm gonna show you exactly what to eat and a comprehensive FAQ .
I I put a link down below .
Check it out .