These videos are made online , but the problem with those videos is that people are making it look easier than it is .
And in our opinion , with these ideas seems next to impossible .
So let's see .
Cost around 37,000 rupees and with same lights , it's also worth 20 1,000 rupees .
83.455 --> 152.6
Manufacturing .
So the point of telling this whole story is that there are so many products out there in the market which are being sold at 3 to 4 times the original price and there are no profit .
But how do we find such products ?
Honestly , it's simple .
I can adapt it to the wholesale market and I can compare it to offline and online prices .
Example .
You can buy decorative items from , Gurugram's Banjara market .
So here price is price and I was online sell .
Or you can buy non branded sanitary items like taps , shower caps , and you can sell them online .
Now our second example here earning from a community .
Yeah .
Personally , my favorite here .
Interesting .
YouTube , Reddit , Chora , pese communities ke example jo time peh bhut buddy ho gay hai and bolo bhut zada pese d kamal rahe .
A few years ago , we have more than 1,000,000 subscribers right now .
Which is why we have a lot of subscribers with similar effort and earnings .
The point of the story is that we have a lot of late communities but we have to join the opportunity that we join the growing communities .
Finance specific community , kol ye jus kanam hai , bkifyiti.co .
You can become a free member of that community and in the next few months , you can actually earn significant amount of money from that .
And trust me when we say this , authority around these topics .
Have a good day .
Experts are not clear .
So , for example , if you have a home loan , you have authority and , expert .
So doubt home loan questions for 500 rupees or 1,000 rupees and get their doubts cleared .
This is how experts can start making money from each call .
You can definitely give it a try .
Our last idea is also very unique .
But that is becoming a ghostwriter .
CEOs , investors , etcetera .
Around 20 to 25,000 rupees per month .
But obviously , So obviously quality expect by clicking on the link .
Till then .