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2023-08-20 11:25:37

How to use ChatGPT to easily learn any skill you want

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OK .

So over these past couple of years , I have tried to self teach myself all sorts of things you didn't know this about me .

I love to learn .

There are so many things I want to know about like philosophy , psychology , history , business , and so many skills I want to learn like how to code how to create games and how to animate .

But here's the thing .

Despite my love for learning , I , I am actually complete dog shit at this self educating yourself thing .

The process of finding resources , creating a curriculum , knowing what to study when to review and creating a schedule has always been my downfall .

And up until just a couple of months ago , this has been my self learning cycle from hell .

But that all changed .

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Once a tool that you may have heard of called chat to me was sent from God himself who helped me learn literally anything that I want .

In just a couple of months , I have made considerable progress in the things that I want to learn using A I way more than I had ever done before .

So in this video , I am going to show you exactly how I've been leveraging A I on my self education journey to help me finally learn any skill or subject that I want .

So to start off , I want to talk about something that has massively helped me in my self education journey .

And that is by using the Pareto principle .

If you don't know what that is .

The Pareto principle states that 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes .

Make this a little more clear .

Let's say that you wanted to learn a new programming language .

So you identify 10 different topics to study .

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Well , according to the Pareto Principle , two of those topics are likely to be responsible for 80% of the practical applications of of the language .

So it would be worth your time to focus the majority of your attention on those two topics instead of trying to cover all of them at once .

So basically one way that I utilize A I is by telling it to create a focused learning plan for me on whatever topic or skill that I want to learn using the Pareto Principle and booming the A I gives me a focused learning plan that covers 20% of the topic that will result in 80 percent of the effects .

OK .

So after figuring out exactly what to learn , the next step is to actually create a study schedule to dedicate time to learning it .

So instead of getting my lazy ass to sit down and figure all of this out myself .

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I instead hand over this responsibility to chat to t and ask it to create a study schedule to learn all of the above in an appropriate amount of weeks and then tell it on what days I can study and for how many hours and then I ask , get to please include time for revision and testing and just like that in a matter of seconds , the A I will spit out a steady schedule for you that you can start following immediately .

Ok .

So after all of that is said and done , the next step is to ask the A I to provide me with resources to help me learn all of the things it told me to learn .

So one of the prompts that I use is suggest me various learning resources like videos , books , podcasts , interactive exercises for whatever topic that cater to different learning styles .

And then of course chat will link you a bunch of resources that you can go through and follow yourself .

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So not only does this save me hours upon hours of time manually looking online for these resources myself , but I can also be more specific in my props and ask it to give me perhaps only free resources or if I'm willing to invest , I can get it to give me paid courses .

And I can also ask it to be more specific and give me resources that cater to my specific learning style like visual resources , for example .

So it is very , very handy in that way .

All right .

So the next way that I use A I to help me learn is by coming up with project ideas , projects are a great way to speed up the learning process since it involves active learning .

So one way that I utilize A I is by asking it to help me come up with project ideas that's appropriate for my skill level .

As an example , I could say I am a beginner interested in learning how to create games in unity to do this .

I need to know how to code in C# Can you give me some beginner video game projects ?

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I could work on to help strengthen my C# coding skills and then it'll spit out a bunch of projects that I can go through and choose to get started learning .

All right .

So once I start actually working on a project , there are generally a ton of hurdles that I run into where I don't understand how to do something or a concept doesn't make sense .

So sometimes these questions that I have are really dumb or seem very obvious and I'm too afraid to put them online .

So instead I will go to chat two T and ask them since it won't berate me for asking its stupid questions and never gets tired or runs out of patience with this being said , there are a couple different methods that I use to gain clarification using A I , you may have heard of this method already .

It is called the Famen which involves explaining something in an extremely simplified way .

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So basically , you just tell the A I to explain a topic or subject in the simplest terms possible as if explaining it to a beginner .

Additionally , you could say something like explain this as if I were a five year old and you'll get pretty easy to understand explanations .

For the next method we have asking it to create mental models or analogies to help us understand and remember complex topics .

And then lastly , for the next method , I ask it to guide me through visualization exercises to help me internalize a concept and imagine myself applying it to a real life situation .

I recently used this exact prompt to help me understand the term opportunity cost in microeconomics .

It was guided through a visualization exercise of coming across a fork in the road where I had to make a decision about which path to choose the opportunity cost of choosing one option over the other .

This one visual exercise made the concept way more clear to me than if I had read it over and over and over again in my textbook .

OK .

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So for the last way that I use A I to learn , I want to talk about the Socratic method , which is basically a technique used to improve your critical thinking logic .

And reasoning skills by continuously asking you questions to help strengthen any argument or opinion that you have .

So for my prompt , I would say I want you to act as a Sora and use the Socratic method to help me improve my critical thinking , logic and reasoning skills .

Your task is to ask open ended questions to the statement I make .

And after I provide a response , give me constructive feedback to each response before you ask the next question .

And then you can just give it your statement or opinion which will prompt it to ask a question to challenge that statement .

And then once you reply , it will give constructive feedback and then you can just continue that process over and over and over .

And there you have it my secret recipe for using A I to help me learn any skill or subject that I want .

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I'm still figuring out how to utilize A I to help me on my self education journey .

I am no means a master of self education and I am still figuring it out as I go .

So if there are any methods to use A I to help you learn that I did not cover in this video , then definitely consider popping a comment below .

And lastly , I have recently started streaming on Twitch where I practice in real time , the skills that I want to learn that I mentioned in this video such as coding , creating games and animating .

So if you want to chat with me and watch me be absolutely horrendous at these skills , then definitely drop a follow and join me over on Twitch and yeah , I mean , that's basically about it for this video .

So I will see you in the next one .

Adios .


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