Hello again .
Let's keep on with this new lesson , which is gigabit ethernet and then gigabit ethernet .
Okay ?
So after having reviewed the coaxial cable , we are going to , take a look about the or to remind what are the , twisted pair cable .
So we have 2 major types of twisted pair , the unshielded twisted pair and the shielded twisted pair .
Okay ?
So you have for the unsheathed twisted pair , there is no aluminum foil .
It means there is no aluminum thin sheet .
What is the function or what is the goal , when using this type of protection is to prevent a perfect protection against magnetic field and it is impermeable and resistance for high temperature so and it remains flexible within the foil aluminum foil the cable remains flexible okay So , we have 4 types of TP cables .
We have UTP , STP , FUTP , and SFTP .
I'm going to send you within this document some pics about these types of cable because here the images are not very clear .
Okay .
So what is UTP ?
UTP has UTP unshielded twisted pair .
So it has 1 handed ohm of typical impedance .
The most used connector is a RG 45 .
This kind of or this type of cables are easy to install , accessible cost .
They have they have accessible cost .
We can buy them .
But , at the high speed , I speed means binary binary grades .
At high speed , it can be vulnerable to electromagnetic field .
4 cables for for in the Internet connection , we have 4 cables .
We group group it in one cable if you if you can see .
So , binary rate , to the loggad , just don't add the DB dinner lv , living near up or show electromagnetic .
Okay .
Should pass in this video .